Chapter Twelve

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Oh crud.
I was petrified.
Nate's eyes scanned the restaurant.
They were nearing the table I was sitting at. I shrunk into my seat and tried to make myself look small, but it didn't work. He had spotted me.
Nate began walking towards me. I quickly stood up. "I'll be right back," I said, and darted away from the table. I had to find the ladies' room, the one place Nate couldn't go.
I walked as quickly as I could around the restaurant, avoiding my brother. When I looked over my shoulder, Nate was always there, getting closer and closer.
Finally, I found the bathroom. Right when I was about to push open the door, somebody grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me back.
"Where did you go, girl?" He snarled in my ear. "Why did you run away? Who was that boy you were with? This calls for an extra punishment, girl."
Nate never called me 'Tessa' or 'Theresa.' Only 'girl' or 'you thing' or worse.
He let go of my hair and grabbed my arm harshly. It would leave a mark. With his free hand, Nate took a swig of his flask. I could smell the whiskey on his breath. That's what our house smelled like, anyways. Whiskey and tobacco and, occasionally, the perfume of a woman he had brought home. I honesty preferred the smell of Will's house, which smelt of candles.
Nate started dragging me towards the door. I looked frantically at our table.
Will, Clary, and Jace were gone.
Were they looking for me?
All of the sudden, Will himself stepped in front of Nate, his eyes aflame. "Touch her one more time," he growled. "and I will call the cops." Clary and Jace were suddenly next to him. Clary had her phone out and had dialed 911, her finger over the 'call' button.
Nate laughed drunkenly at Will. "She belongs to me, kid."
Will lost it. "She does not belong to you! She is not your property! The fact that you have the NERVE to say that she belongs to you DISGUSTS ME!" He yelled.
Nate's smirk turned into a frown, then it morphed into a snarl. "Don't speak to me like that, boy," He grunted.
Nate slapped me across the face with all his might. I stumbled backwards, but Will's speech had stirred something inside me. I kneed Nate in a place where the sun does not shine.
He fell to the ground and Will tackled him.
"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT!!" The boys began punching each other, and Jace joined the fight. Clary was on the phone with the cops. A couple of people came over to try to break up the fight. They pulled Will and Jace off of Nate, but kept my brother secured. I could hear sirens wailing outside. "Look what you've done!" Nate roared. He broke free of the people's grip and lunged towards me, shoving me into a table. I heard the shattering sound of dishes breaking. Nate hit my face, there was a sickening crack, and everything went dark.

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