Chapter Twelve

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Ross opens the door before Orion even has the chance to knock. "I am guessing that all did not go smoothly with the family reunion. He is in his room." Orion nods and moves to go past him but Ross catches his arm and stops him. "As much as I hate the lack of privacy that comes with sharing a house, that room is his for as long as he needs it." Ross releases him arm, having said his piece.

"Getting soft are we Ross?" Orion teases with humour. Ross laughs and grabs his jacket from a nearby chair. He whisks out of the door, closing it behind him.

Orion heads through to Hunter's room where he finds his brother pacing up and down. His footsteps halt and he turns to look at Orion, eyes devoid of any colour other than inky blackness. "If you are going to..."

"I am well aware that that meeting went badly. However I have decided that it has nothing to do with me. We will not speak of it again." Orion offers. The surprise of such a statement colours Hunter's eyes blue. "Our siblings are another matter. When you are ready I will introduce you to our sisters, my mother will not be present."

"Thank you." Hunter says with a tinge of hollowness.

"The Crown Prince has given me a new assignment. I have been given the role to watch his betrothed. I managed to persuade his highness that you would be a worthy man to follow my lead and protect her by my side. Do not make me regret my choice."

Hunter frowns and watches his brother for a moment. Orion scowls at him, very much aware of the intense gaze taking in all the small movements and micro expressions he makes. "You managed to persuade a member of the royal family that I am a worthy man to follow you around?" He speaks slowly, showing just how much he disbelieves such a statement. Orion nods slowly. "So you did not decide that you would rather not have me out of sight for my duration here? You did not think that you wanted to keep an eye on me just as you have been ordered to do for his betrothed?"

"The thought never crossed my mind." Orion easily replies. Hunter smirks.

"Then you shall not be offended if I refuse the kind offer. Please apologise to his highness for me." Hunter speaks calmly.

Orion grinds his teeth. "It would be a huge insult to reject such a position."

"Then tell me the truth." Hunter snaps. Orion looks away as a muscle jumps in his neck. A battle of wills commences. Neither speaks. Hunter is not willing to give in and agree to follow his brother around. Orion is certainly not wanting to tell the truth when he is being backed into a corner. He thinks that his brother should just accept the honour and does not understand why Hunter needs to hear that he is not yet trusted.

"It is a massive honour that he is allowing you to watch over his fiancé." Orion says, avoiding giving Hunter what he wishes.

"He has no reason to trust me or give me such an honour. He is doing it for you, whatever reason he does so I do not care. His royal highness could give me an honour in another position, a less dangerous one if I turned out to be untrustworthy."

Orion sighs loudly. "Fine, I want to keep an eye on you. Not because I do not trust you despite the blood I saw on your lip this morning." Hunter's eyes flicker away. "There are people who hate me here and I would rather you face them by my side than separate."

"The whole truth Orion."

"The truth is we are going to be late and I will make sure you take the punishment for that." With a roll of the eyes Hunter gestures for Orion to lead the way.

"Admit it, you would miss my presence." Hunter suddenly teases and Orion replies with a quick cuff to the back of his head. Hunter ducks and laughs. "The great legend Orion cannot bear to be separated from his long lost brother." Hunter continues, his voice rising with amusement. Orion fights down a grin and shakes his head.

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