Chapter Fifty

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The next morning Hunter wakes and eases himself up. He notices his brother's limbs sprawled in different directions on the small chair by his bedside. "Orion." He hoarsely calls out. His brother's reaction is immediate, eyes springing open all sleep long forgotten. Hunter fights the chuckle begging to come from his chest. "Have you written to my brother?"

Orion stretches his arms above his head and clicks his neck side to side. "I sent Wolfe a letter when you were announced dead. I have not yet sent him any updates on the matter. I trusted you would wish to make that decision when you woke."

"Good." Hunter confirms. "He would want me to return home and I cannot put him in that position. He has a family and a large number of people to look after. He cannot risk all of that for me. I cannot allow him to. Promise me that I will remain dead to everyone who does not already know."

"If that is what you wish. But Wolfe was willing to do anything for Logan. I do not doubt he would do anything for you."

"He would and that is why he cannot ever know. He would come and get me himself. One day I will go and I will tell them but for now, they must be kept in the dark. They will recover and they will not worry about me this way."

"Jasper and I are going to accompany you out of these lands. My father is going to take you in while you recover completely. Jasper will not leave your side. When you are able then you may go wherever you wish as long as you are discreet." Hunter listens to his brother's words with no argument. "Oh and your name is no longer Hunter. We decided on your new one for you. Welcome to the family Archer!" Hunter coughs and cringes as his skin pulls on the stitches.

"Archer?! You are stripping me of my name?"

"Hunter is dead. Archer has been born. Accept it." The tone allows no room for argument of any kind.

"Fine." Hunter grumbles under his breath for a little while. "We must go soon. Can we make arrangements to leave tonight?"

"Yes. Jasper will arrange for a cart that we can lay you in. Riding will only open your wound again. Your horse will be attached, do not worry we do not plan to leave him behind." Orion mocks his love for his horse. Hunter weakly smiles. He pushes off the bed and stands. He breathes out as his vision clears. Orion does not move to interfere. "Is there anyone you wish to say goodbye to before you leave?"

Hunter reaches for a black shirt and slips into it with a grunt. He looks pointedly at his brother for asking such a question. "Our family will all be downstairs will they not?"

"I was referring to those outside of family. Perhaps you wished to say goodbye to a pretty young woman that up till today did not leave your side. Or perhaps you do not wish to say goodbye, perhaps you want that woman to come with us. My father will not mind an extra person. He may even appreciate the help around the house for the duration of your stay."

"Orion." He warns him.

"I know that you have made up your mind that you will not chase after Lady Arisxandre. You do not want to drag her any further into the future that you have before you." Orion acknowledges. Hunter limps to the window and gazes out, not giving his brother the satisfaction of a response. "But you should say goodbye and then she can get back to her fiancée." Hunter blinks, surely he heard incorrectly. His narrowed eyes flick back to his brother.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, she did not tell you?" Orion grimaces. "I did not mean to put my foot in it." He stops speaking. Hunter again looks out of the window, his jaw ticking. "She has been by your side almost every hour apart from today. Did you not stop to consider the reason why?"

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