Chapter Fifty Three

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Two months later

"Arabella." She turns to look at him. He holds out a bunch of letters in his hand, his brows drawn together, his nose crinkled and his eyes sad. He extends them to her and with hesitation she takes them from him. It only takes her a moment to recognise her own handwriting and she audibly gasps. She rises and stretches her hands out to him, the letters falling to the floor.


"I need an explanation that my father will stomach. His spies, his men, discovered these hidden behind a picture frame within the rebels' hideout. Even if your handwriting could be forged it holds your name and your seal." He calmly recites, clearly holding the majority of his feelings back. "He wanted you sent to him. I refused. I told him that you are my wife and you would tell me the truth and there would be a simple explanation."

"I wrote these to my sister. I did not know until after your men returned that it was her. I saw her body and I knew..."

"Your sister was behind all the attempts on my life. She ordered the deaths of my men. She was intending to kill the whole Royal family once we were married. She may have burned some of the evidence but not what was hidden away. Are you telling me you knew nothing of it?"

"I did not know that she was one of them. I would never have written to her if I did. I promise."

"You should have told me as soon as you knew. I could have stood up for you immediately once those letters were discovered. But now there are doubts about you and my father wishes me to find a new wife." Theodore bites out.

"You are going to divorce me?" Arabella asks, her voice shaking.

"Royals do not get divorced." Theodore replies. "Either way you are going to look bad in my father's eyes, a traitor or a naive weakling." He shakes his head and stalks away from her trying to find peace in the view outside her windows. "You continue to lie to me."

"Forgive me." Arabella falls to her knees.

"Stand." He orders and she does so. "Did you fear for your life? You are after all responsible for the lives that have been lost. You wrote where I was going to be and when."

"I did not know what she was capable of. I was only writing to my sister. No harm should come of assuring a loved one that I am safe and happy."

"But it did." Theodore tiredly says. "I will protect you Arabella. You are my wife. But there can be no more secrets."

"I promise."

Theodore nods. "And in that spirit: I ordered Hunter North's death. Unless you have anything more to share I must go and clear up your mess and persuade my father of your innocence and loyalty."

Arabella stares after him in shock as he strides from the room. The news has shaken her to the core. Her hand rests on her stomach for a moment as she considers running and never looking back. But how can she when she carries the Prince's baby?

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"I have received a letter from Philippe."

Hunter lays down the body brush and leans against his horse. It snorts its disapproval at its daily groom being so rudely interrupted. However his owner is now thoroughly distracted watching the woman striding towards him. She does not notice this undivided attention though as her eyes are scanning through the letter to make sure she has her facts correct. Her dress is simple, a muted green against her fair skin. It is nothing like the dresses she once donned for court. Yet she does not miss those ones. These fit so much better to her personality. It has a large split up the front of it. As the dress sways it opens and he sees riding breeches underneath.

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