1. Where the Dogs sleep

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What a big city... She thought, looking out of the taxi window.

It was big.

Chicago was a crowded city. Polluted air, traffic, noise... Just when you think your life is going smoothly, everything collapses and you're forced to go to places you've never thought of.

And there she was, in a strange city, different from all the cities she's been to.

Yes, different.

There was a strange feeling about it, like it's holding a lot of mysteries waiting to be unraveled by someone brave enough to.

Thoughts were crossing her mind as she glared at the tall buildings, not even excited about the opportunities the city could offer her. All she wanted for the moment was a cozy bed and a good amount of sleep.

"Stop here, please."

The taxi driver stopped the car, and she got out, got her bags, payed the driver and thanked him.

She went in a building and rented an apartment. Upstairs, she opened the door and turned on the lights.

It's a new place, she thought.
And a new place meant a new sequel in life. She was tired of starting over for so many times, but she had to.
"This is the last time... I'll make this city my home. At least let's hope so."
She thought as she opened up her bags and started unpacking.
She put everything in place and cleaned the whole flat in less than an hour or so.

At last, relaxation was needed. She turned on the TV to check the local news, as she always does, wherever she goes.

Breaking news:
The Vigilante was spotted today near a devastating car crash.
Is the Vigilante behind it after all?
If spotted, please call the nearest police department.

"Oh wow. How great. First day in the city and look at this. Superheroes in coats." She turned off the TV and went to bed.

Nothing particular was on her mind, but she couldn't sleep. It might have been because of the frequent insomnia hits she often had. She kept staring at the ceiling for something that lasted like an eternity, but eventually, she got up.

She grabbed her backpack and searched for the sandwich she got while she was at the airport. She found it and took a bite.

"What's wrong with me?" The girl got up and walked towards the window. The streets were empty, and the silence was uncomfortable. She decided she'd go for a walk. She put on her clothes, grabbed her backpack and her smartphone and went outside.

The streets were cold. She kept her eyes fixed on the ground during the whole walk.

She looked up for once and found herself in a dark corner of some building.
"A dead end. Great, I guess I'm lost." She thought to herself.


"Woahhh???" She turned around and saw some creepy looking masked men running towards her, all holding handguns, shooting at some man running after them.
She had nowhere to run so she froze right there. One of the men grabbed her wrist firmly and aimed the gun at her head.

"Give it up or we'll shoot her." The man said to the guy who was following them.
She closed her eyes out of fear but then opened them again and saw a tall figure standing a few meters in front of her.
He was wearing a brown trench-coat, and a black hat, with some strange symbol on it.
She looked closely and noticed that he was familiar somehow.

Of course! That's the man she saw on the news!! The Vigilante... Wait, the Vigilante? He's a wanted criminal and that means she's in big trouble right now.

"Don't involve innocent civilians in business." The guy in the trench-coat said, calmly. But the big guys deemed to refuse to listen.
"Alright, you leave me no other choice." He grabbed his smartphone and swiped his finger up its screen as something behind the big guys exploded.
The girl was thrown on the ground with brutality and she passed out.

What seemed like moments later, she opened her eyes, and saw the guy in the trench-coat holding her.

"You're bleeding." He said as he pulled down his mask and used it to wrap the wound and stop the blood loss.

"Wh..." She couldn't talk, she had lost too much blood and her vision was fading.

He pulled her up and carried her in his arms.

He pulled her smartphone from her bag and checked where her home internet connection was and traced it. That's where they went.

They arrived at her apartment and he searched her pockets for keys.
"Found them." He opened the door and put her on the couch.

After a while she opened her eyes again. She could see her apartment and the guy in the trench coat working something out on her laptop.

"H...hey... Wh-what are y..you..." She held her shoulder in pain.

"Shh. Get back to your sleeping position." He said, without even looking at her. But she didn't listen. She sat on the couch.

"Th-thank you... For saving me..." She said, looking at the guy who was constantly typing something on the keyboard.

"What's your name?" He asked, as completely ignoring her words.

"Eva... Eva K-,uh, Thompson... Why?"

"Now Eva, explain to me what you were doing in the middle of the night, all alone in the streets?" He shut down the laptop and put it aside.

"I was out because I couldn't sleep."

"Ok now Eva, promise me, you're never going to go out alone, in the middle of the night."

"Err, I already learned my lesson." She looked at him, annoyed.


"You're the vigilante... Aren't you..." She stood up, still holding her shoulder.
The man didn't say a word. He just walked towards the door as he wanted to leave.

"Wait." She grabbed the tip of his coat. "Hold on."

He stood there for a few seconds and turned around. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to thank you, for saving me."

"Excuse me, I need to go."

As he rushed through the door, something fell out of his pockets. It was his phone.

"Wait, you-" but he was gone. She closed the door and picked the guy's phone.
She put it aside for the moment and went to bed, exhausted.

It's been a hard first day...

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