12. Too reckless, too dangerous

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"I need to make this quick." Aiden thought to himself. "Damien's pride is his weak spot. Just play up. Convince him to say what he knows. Then drop him. He's too reckless, too dangerous." Aiden waited for Damien at the plaza.
Suddenly, he called.
"Where are you?" Aiden asked.
"I don't think you're going to like my answer."
"You know what? Forget it. I don't need whatever you've got. You've brought me nothing but trouble. We're done talking."
"Oh, too late, Aiden. You won't believe where I am. Never mind, I'll send you the feed. Find a TV and have a look."
Aiden looked up to check the huge tv screen locked on a building. Damien was in a kitchen.
"That's Nicky's house! What are you doing?"
"You should hurry, my boy. Your pretty sister needs you."
He ended the phone call. Aiden drove as fast as he could to Nicky's house. "He played me. That son of a bitch played me and I let him. What's he doing at Nicky's? No, he won't hurt them. I'll kill him if he touches them. He has to know that. No, he's trying to draw me there. He wants me to work with him. Find the guys who attacked us? Fuck that. I need to get him down." He thought to himself as he approached Nicky's house.

Aiden entered the house and saw Damien in the kitchen. He was holding one of Lena's teddy bears.
"Six years old. It's tragic." He said.
"Where are they?" Aiden asked furiously.
"Such a waste. All of this, it's such a waste. You know, the real tragedy is that somebody like you was surrounded by so many fragile things. It makes you fragile." Damien laughed.
Aiden ran towards Damien and immobilized him with his telescopic baton.
"Where?!" Aiden yelled.
"That's not how it works." Damien said, in pain.
All of a sudden, Nicky called.
"You're going to answer that."
"Yeah?" Aiden answered.
"Aiden!" Nicky yelled.
"Nicky! Where are you?"
Nicky screamed and the line was cut.
Aiden pushed Damien and hit him again.
"Stop and think. You fuck around and she's dead."
Aiden set him free as he stumbled on his feet and fell on the ground.
"You kidnapped them. You sent your brother after my girlfriend. What are you trying to do?"
"What? I haven't sent anybody after your precious girlfriend. I didn't even know anyone would date somebody like you."

"Damien? Damien where are... You." Eva stood there, at the kitchen's entrance and stared at the two men.
"There you are, Eva, my girl. Tell him not to fuck with me." Damien smiled.
"What..." Eva was still processing what was going on.
"Eva? You know him?" Aiden walked towards her.
"What the hell? How do you know her?" Damien asked, furiously.
"So Aiden's your old friend. That's why you sent me to set up that apartment in the loop... Because of you..." Eva roughly pushed Aiden aside and walked in Damien's direction.
"Eva, this is a misunderstanding." Damien said.
She lifted him up with one hand and landed a punch on his face.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you standing up for him?"
Aiden was shocked.
"He'll tell you the story. What have you done this time?"
Damien looked at Aiden. "This isn't how I wanted it. But this is where we are. If you'd listened to me, things would be different." He said as he got up.
"Just tell me where they are."
"They? It's only Nicky. The little boy... I don't know where he is."
"Jackson probably has his tablet. I'll track it and get him. You stay with this moron." Eva told Aiden as she ran out of the house.
"I've never seen Eva so furious. Anyway, this is what's going to happen." Damien said, giving Aiden a smartphone. "That points to a hard drive. I told you there was another hacker? 'That' will lead you to his computer. Get it and you'll find out who ordered the hit on us."
"What do you really want?" Aiden asked.
"You lost your right to question me. I want that hard drive, that's all. And that's the price for Nicky. Stop overthinking, Aiden! I'll need regular updates. In exchange, you get to talk to your sis."
"This won't end well for you."
"Probably, but don't get clever. I really have no problem killing that girl. Aside that, what's your business with Eva?l
"She's my... Was my girlfriend."
Damien started to laugh as he heard those words come out of Aiden's mouth.
"You, and her? Hahahahaha. So much difference. No wonder she broke up with you."
"Damien you better shut your mouth or else..."
"Or else what? You're gonna kill me? Your sister's on the line."
"What do you have to do with Eva anyway?"
"Well she helped me out, I taught her some things. She also gave me some caring sessions, to get the stress of my back."
"Caring sessions?"
"Yeah, she's good."
Aiden pushed Damien. "Don't fucking say a word."
"Hey hey! Chill. I was saying she gives nice lectures that's all."
"Whatever." Aiden said as he left.

Eva went back to her house after she found Jackson and gave him to his therapist Yolanda, so she would take care of him while Nicky's gone.
Aiden was waiting there. She opened the door as he stood up.
"What are you doing here?"
"Is Jackson alright?" Aiden walked up to her.
"He's fine. Yolanda will be taking good care of him."
"Did he say anything?"
"He mentioned Racine."
"Yeah." Eva sent him what Jackson drew on his tablet.
"I see so, Racine. Alright."
"Alright. You can go now?"
"Wait. I need to ask you some things."
"I don't have anything to tell you." Eva went to her kitchen and Aiden followed.
"What was that, with Damien?"
"He's a friend of mine. He helped me with stuff. Unlike you, who can't even tell me where he's going."
"Eva, you know I'm doing this for your own safety."
"Aiden stop! I don't want to hear any of this empty talk. I've seen and heard enough. Get out of my house."
"Fine. If that's how it is." Aiden left without saying any other words.
Eva sat behind the kitchen table and wept. It was hard on her, because she loved Aiden too much to let go. But eventually, she had to. It would be better for both of hem.

Aiden tried to hold back his tears but failed. He wiped them off with a tissue and tried to focus on what he had to do.
He arrived at Racine Boat Restoration, Racine's workplace. It was late at night already.
"Someone here was hired by Damien. Start with the owner, Robert Racine, and just work your way down. Stay cool, just keep your head." He said to himself while he hacked into cameras around and inside the building, only to see Robert in a garage, calling someone.
"Are you double-crossing me? I got you the Pearce woman." Robert said.
"The woman, yes. I told you not to go for the kid and follow him. Did you actually think I'll pay you more? Now you've complicated things." Said the voice on the other end of the phone call.
"Who's this guy that's after me? Did you send him?"
"I didn't send him. But I probably should've warned you about Aiden."
"You've gotta help me, or I'll tell him everything I know!" Said Racine, nervously.
"That's exactly why you don't know anything. He's not gonna be happy when he finds that out."
"Fuck man. What am I going to do now?"
"Whatever you can, good luck."
Once he ended his call, he got into his car and started driving fast.
"You son of a bitch, you're not getting away from me." Aiden said to himself, as he ran down to his car and chases after him. He killed all the reinforcements on his way.
Damien called.
"Don't fuck with me, Aiden. Wasn't I clear?" He asked.
"You stay away from Jackson."
"Yeah, about that. One of my employees got a little overzealous. Your nephew is not on my radar, but you go off the rails again-"
"Put my sister on the phone." Aiden interrupted him.
"Listen to you. You think you have any control here? You get to talk to Nicky once you have something useful to give me. Follow that IP address then we'll talk. Right now you're just wasting my time." Damien ended the phone call.
"Damien knows me too well. He knows exactly how I'll react. He must have been planning all of this for a while. That man always goes too far. He'll hurt Nicky if he doesn't get what he wants. For now, I'll play his damn game. I'll follow his IP address. But I'm going to find a way around him. There's gotta be a way thorough this. And Damien's all ego... He needs his victory. I'll give it to him. I'll find that second hacker and he'll let Nicky go. Do I believe that? Doesn't matter. Right now, I've got no other options."
Aiden said to himself as he approached the Motel.

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