15. Untraceable

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The next day, Aiden went back to the bunker.
"Clara, I need to know where this comes from." He handed her the IP address Damien gave him.
"Let me see. What's special about it?" She asked.
"It's just a lead, that's all."
"How did Damien find this? It's pretty well hidden. Doesn't leave any doors open... Looks like it's coming from the Rossi-Fremont district." Clara pointed at the location shown on the city map.
"There. Surveillance. I can use those to get a peek inside. Can you connect from here?"
"No. She can't." Eva stepped out of the dark, her hands in her pockets.
"Why not?" Aiden asked.
"Because Rossi-Fremont is completely off the bunker grid, that's why. You'll have to connect at the source." Eva looked at the large monitor screen.
"This is bizarre. Haven't seen much places like this." said Clara.
"Alright then, we'll connect at the source." He said, preparing to leave.
"And who said you're going somewhere?" Eva looked back.
"The place is well guarded. Nobody would want an intruder in the hood. You'll get yourself killed in no time."
"I can handle myself. You're not going to stop me."
"Yeah, I won't." She turned away and let him leave.
"Did something happen between you two last night? You were all love buzzers here yesterday." Clara looked at her.
"Nothing happened. I presume you're not supposed to ask people questions about their personal life."
"Yeah uh... Right."
"Get him up and running before he's back." Eva left the Bunker.
Clara was annoyed. "How does he deal with her..." She called Aiden. "Just so you know, you're off my grid and in the dark."
"Rossi-Fremont. They had such big hopes for this place. All that did was bring the gangs together under one roof. Loyalty to your neighborhood just became loyalty to the housing block." Aiden looked around the place.
"What about everybody else?"
"They got in line or they got out. I'm getting a meat look around here. Try to figure out what they're up to." He ended the call.
"Damien's IP points somewhere here. These guys are running the place like a fortress. I'll never break in alone." Aiden said to himself and then dialed a number.
"Hey, sorry I'm bothering you in the middle of the night."
"Hey Aiden. It's fine, I wasn't sleeping anyway." Eva said.
"I need you to help me out."
"Right now?"
"Yeah. I figured I can't break in alone without causing damage."
"I'm not going anywhere. I'll call some guys and they can put you through."
"Okay then, bye."
"Hold on."
"Are we cool?"
"Oh, I don't know. Good night Aiden." Eva ended the call.
The people Eva called managed to clear the way for Aiden to slip through.
"Who are these people?" Aiden asked himself.
He managed to get past some guards, then he called Clara. "That should do it."
"Yeah, we are connected. You'll be able to peeks to Rossi-Fremont now." She said.
"Thank you, for all of this. You really came through."
"Hey, I can't resist a good adventure. So I guess we're done?" she asked.
"No. I'm just getting started. I need to get in there, find some answers and get my sister back."
"And once you find your answers, what then?"
"Then I find out who did this and I make sure they answer for it. Every single person involved in Lena's death... You still there?"
"Yeah, I'm here. Okay, I'll see you soon." she ended.

Aiden returned to the bunker later that night, only to see Clara preparing to leave.
"You're done here?" he asked.
"You have what you need." she answered, turning towards him.
"So far... Yeah. Look, I understand if you're scared."
"I'm not scared. No one asked me to stay."
"Well then, no one asked you to leave."
Clara looked at him and said firmly "you'll have to do better than that."
Aiden smiled and stopped for a moment. "I could use some help, I could use your help."
"Like a team?"
"Sure, like a team."
"Not use to being a team?"
"No, I'm not."
"Let's go then." She said, walking down to the main room of the bunker.
"Sure." He followed her.
They had to remotely connect into Rossi-Fremont.
"Alright, let's dive in and see what we can find." Aiden said, walking towards the computers.

Meanwhile, Eva was doing exactly the same from her apartment.
"Let's see what I can find." She said as she hacked into a camera inside the building. She typed in the IP address that Damien gave to Aiden and found out it was coming from a specific room. "Hmm there's a card reader on it. I'll better get down there and see what they're up to." She got dressed and went down straight to Rossi-Fremont. She walked in on an interrogation.
A tall strong black man called Iraq was walking towards three men standing in the hall. They key to the room was hidden in his neck chains.
"Listen, ain't nobody stole from you, boy. Get your boss on the phone." Iraq said to one of the men.
"It will take a few." Said the other guy.
"Then fuckin' take a few!" Iraq said, nervously.
"Hey Iraq, homie." Eva called out to him.
"Who's-" Iraq turned back and pointed the gun at her.
"It's me." she said.
"What's the Dedsec leader doing in my fortress?" He kept the gun pointed at her.

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