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  Eva raced to Defalt's HQ. She knew exactly where it was, since she used to meet up with him. Suddenly her phone started to buzz.
"Hello, Evie. Just thought I'd call you instead of your boyfriend to... you know. Spice the situation."
"Damien. Fuck off." Eva spoke up, nervous.
"What's with your voice sweetheart? Has Aiden-boy broken up with you again?"
"Agh. Fuck. Damien, what the fuck do you want? We know you made a deal with Blume. We know everything." Eva said as she suddenly heard a noise in the background and went silent.
"Uhm. Yeah. I don't care, really. Just wanted to say that if you guys don't bring me my data anytime soon, Nicky is dead." Damien hung up.
Eva looked at her phone and dialed the number of a Dedsec affiliate.
"Hey. Connect me to the Council of Daves." Eva spoke firmly.
"Will be done." The phone line switched to another. "Hello Eva."
"I've recorded a call. There was a noise in the background, I need you guys to decrypt it and send it to me, clarified. And as soon as possible."
"But we don't do that. You could have called your colleagues for tha-"
Eva cut the man's sentence off. "I'm speaking English. I think you DO understand this language. That's an order."
"A-alright. We'll send it as soon as possible." The man ended the call.
Eva bit on her bottom lip in anger.  This wasn't the first time she handled such things. The only difference was that it had something to do with a close person. It made her nervous.
She arrived to Defalt's HQ and hacked into the door's electronic system. It set off an alarm, but she didn't care.
She walked through the corridors leading to Defalt's room. She plugged her phone into his computer and transferred all the stolen data back to the bunker. The moment she was done with the job, she heard fixers walking in.
She ran to the nearest closet and hid inside. Her heart was beating fast. She didn't have enough bullets to take them all out. Aside the combat skills, she had nothing. Her body was still recovering from the damage she had before, yet she couldn't just sit there and do nothing. She was doing it for Aiden, and she can't turn him down. Not now, not ever.
Eva took a deep breath, closed her eyes. "It's now or never." She mumbled to herself and typed a few lines of code on her phone, resulting in a total blackout. She opened the closet and dashed through the exit door. Having started the car's engine, she set off to "Dot Connexion", a modern club which was seemingly known to be Defalt's local hunt.
Her phone started going off.
"Eva. What are you doing? You transferred all the data back." Aiden spoke over the phone.
"Yeah. Uh... uh..." she was running out of breath.
"Eva? I'm coming your way."
"No no no. Aiden. No. Decrypt all the data I sent back to you. This is between Defalt and I." She coughed.
"No. I can hear that you're not okay."
"Aiden for fuck's sake." Eva shouted over the phone.
"Don't overdo it." Aiden hung up.
As soon as she ended the call, another line swiped in. "Eva. We decrypted the voice. We're sending it right back to you."
Eva didn't want to hear anything of it and sent it directly to Aiden. "Aiden. Here. Get your sister back." She spoke over the phone, faintly. 
"Brent Ulster?" Aiden figured that the voice recording came from the same place his sister was. "Thank you."
"It's my pleasure Aiden." Eva turned off her car engine and rested her head on the steering wheel.
"I love you."
"Wow. It's been a while since you said that." Eva laughed weakly.
"Return it if you don't like it." Aiden chuckled.
"It doesn't even work like that. Eh, I love you too." She hung up. 
A tear fell from her right eye. For no reason she felt upset about all of this. After a few moments of silence, she regained her confidence and walked out of the car.

Eva stood there, her hands in her pockets. She looked at the boy who wore a blue rat-like mask, his body dancing to the rhythm of his own remixed music. She didn't know how to approach him, her feet were glued to the ground. It's been a while.
"I know you're there." Defalt said without turning around, his hands and fingers harmoniously shifting from one turntable to another. He made a sign for his assistant to turn his phonogram on. "Follow me." He told Eva as he walked into his server room. Plenty of computers, routers... a typical hacker's cozy place. Eva closed the door behind herself.
Defalt smirked behind his mask. His hoodie proudly displayed his name as he sat on a chair and looked up at Eva who was standing inches before him.
"Not even a hello? What has gotten into you?" He started laughing.
Eva's look manifested disbelief and disgust.
Defalt erected from his chair and ambulated towards the girl standing in front of him. "Eva Eva Eva. Dear Eva." He dusted off the invisible dirt from her shoulders. "Has foxy bit your tongue?"
Eva smashed her fist on his mask, causing him to abate, holding his half cracked mask.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Defalt blurted furiously.
Eva kneeled down. "JB. Stop acting like a kid." She slowly removed the mask off his face, revealing his black sparkling eyes and the tears that wet his face.
"Why Eva? Why did you leave me like that? Why did you come back again? I tried to get to you through Dedsec, but you never accepted me. Just... why?" Defalt sobbed.
"You can say I just got bored." Eva lend him a hand to help him stand up. She looked at him and wiped his tears with the palm of her hand. "I'm sorry, JB."
"Fuck you, Eva. I hate you." He looked at her.
"I know." She pulled him in and hugged him tightly.
He was shocked at first but hugged her back. "We were best friends... but you just decided to leave." Defalt latched onto her coat. "Fuck. I never thought I'd see you again."
"You are now." Eva let go of him.
"Ev... I'm sorry too." He looked away.
"But there's a thing... you fucked with us." She coughed.
"Yeah, I did. But only to warn you about Clara. I was keeping an eye on you." Defalt smiled.
"I see." Eva coughed again.
"Are you okay?" He held her by the shoulders.
"I'm sorry, JB." She pushed him on his desk and punched him a few times. He passed out.
"Fuck." Blood dropped from her mouth. She grabbed Defalt and pulled his arms, wrapping them around her neck. She carried him on her back to her car, with his mask under her coat. She carefully laid him down on the back seats and closed the door.
She stared at him from behind the car window for a few moments and got into the driver's seat. After wiping off the blood from her chin, she started the engine.

Eva carried him up to an apartment she rented for him. Having put him on the bed, she sat beside him and ran her fingers softly on his forehead, removing his hair off it. "I should've killed you, but I didn't." She knew he couldn't hear her but she spoke anyway. "Defalt... nice name." She stood up and looked out of the window. Suddenly, Aiden called.
"Eva. I got my sister back, she's someplace safe now. Where are you? Ray and I are worried sick."
"I'll be there." She said.
"Are you done with Defalt?"
"Good. We'll be waiting back at the bunker." He ended the call.

"I know I made mistakes in the past... I know I shouldn't have. This isn't the way friends should treat each other but... I had no other choice." She walked over to his side and landed a kiss on his forehead. She put his mask beside him with a note on top and left.

"I know I might have done you wrong over the past few years. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. You weren't such a good boy yourself though, you got me through a bunch of trouble. But it's fine, you've always done that to get my attention.
The only reason why I didn't kill you is because I still love you, because you were once my friend.
I just wanted to say that even though we might never see each other again, I need you to know this: no matter what you do from now on, I'll always love you, JB. I have one request though... stop fucking with people. It's not worth it.

Sincerely yours.

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