10. Curiosity Killed The Cat

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  Eva tracked Aiden's location.
No she can't let him go alone this time.
Not this time.

She took a cab to take her near where Aiden was supposed to stop.
She watched from a distance, observing every move on the street, every little peck of dust that was sifting through the air.
She watched as the brown haired, green eyed Vigilante entered a building that seemed pretty much under construction. She did not want to interfere yet.
After a bit of waiting, Eva took her gun out and walked into the building. She looked around and examined her surroundings. Not a soul was heard. She opened her phone tracking app and noticed that Aiden has stopped. She approached his location carefully. Suddenly, she heard a shot. "What's going on..." She asked herself as she peeked from behind the corner and saw Aiden standing before a man whom he had shot in the knee.
"What... Ugh... Do you want..." The man rolled over on the ground.
"Where are they?" Aiden kneeled down.
"Where are... What" the man obviously had no clue about what was he talking.
"The documents." Aiden kicked the man.
"I don't know... I'm just a guard..." The man held his knee in pain.

Eva was eavesdropping on the conversation, as she felt two rough hands grab her body and hold her still. She tried to resist, but the unknown person pressed a chloroform tissue against her mouth and nose. She fell unconscious almost as fast as it all happened.
"Aiden Pearce, you find people really fast. That's impressive." A familiar voice spoke up from the corridor.
"Who's there?" Aiden pointed the gun at where the voice was coming from. He heard loud claps. Moments later, the unknown man walked out with few of his men, one of which was carrying Eva in his arms.
"Eva?!" Aiden held firmly on his gun. "Let her go."
"One wrong move and she'll be dead." The aggressor pointed his gun at her.
"Elijah Brenks, let her go. She has nothing to do with this." Aiden spoke up.
"Oh you remember my name? That's quite a thing, no?" Elijah laughed.
"What's with your family, why are you following me? First Damien showed up, and then you."
"My brother Damien? Really? I thought he's dead."
"I'm not here for jokes."
"I thought so. But the girl is going to stay with us, for now. When we'll get bored, things will be over."
"I swear to God."
"She's an intruder. So are you."
Suddenly, the whole building's electricity cut off. Aiden felt a few men grab him. He thought about shooting, but then he remembered that Eva was there, and he could shoot her by mistake, so he didn't. He closed his eyes, thinking it was an awful nightmare.
When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in some sort of garage, with Jordi in sight, leaning against a car.
"Thank me later." He said, walking towards Aiden.
"It's not time for your wild fantasies now, Aiden." Jordi seemed annoyed.
"Eva, Eva was there!" He grabbed Jordi by his collar and pulled him down.
"What? I ordered my men to grab you. They did not see anyone else."
"She was there Jordi."
"You're probably hallucinating."
"They got her Jordi! What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Aiden's voice tone seemed troubled.
"Hey. Chill. We'll figure this out."
"Agh!" Aiden grabbed a wrench and threw it at a wall.
Jordi checked his phone. "Hey Aiden."
"What?!" Aiden yelled at him.
"You got a problem. A survivor from the stadium. If that guy talks, he'll point a finger at you."
"A survivor? How did that happen?" Aiden asked, surprised.
"I'm guessing he didn't die. Relax. I got a plan. I'll meet you at Gorman Heights, on the rooftop. I'll leave you here for now. Be there in two hours." Jordi put his phone back in his pocket and left.
Aiden sat there for a few moments, thinking about Eva, the whole mess he's in. He had no clue where to start to find Eva, so he thought about dealing with the stadium survivor first, and then plan with Jordi what to do about Eva. He knew they'll do nothing to her because they want him, and she's the main bait.
He felt bad, really bad, but he tried not to loosen up.

2 hours later

"Where is he?" Aiden thought to himself. "Jordi can be a pain to work with, but he's the devil I know. If things were different, I might be hunting him down, or vice-versa. But if he says we've got a problem, I need to take it as a massive understatement. I can't let this survivor ID me or everything is going to spiral out of control."
Aiden climbed up to the roof of that building. He opened the door and saw Jordi. Behind him , in that room, were a few hostages, with plastic bags over their faces.
"Hi." Jordi smiled.
"Ahh fuck-" Aiden said. "Jordi, who are they?"
"Well, they live here."
"What happened?" Aiden was pretty confused.
"Well, security in these buildings is pretty tight, so people like this feel nice and secure living way up here. I mean, these people just had a simple chain lock on their door. I guess they wanna have a good look at the pizza guy before they open it all the way."
"Alright, fine, sure. So about the problem-" Aiden said.
"That's why I brought the bolt cutters. He opens the door this much, there's a chain right there, I slip in and snip. And guess what? It's not the pizza guy!" Jordi started to laugh.
"Jordi! The problem! Let's deal with it!" Aiden said, nervously.
"We are dealing with it. We're in the midst of solutions here, Pearce. You don't appreciate what I do for you. You don't realize how much I take care of you, do you?" asked Jordi.
"Really? Well do me a favor, let's get on with it. How much time do we have?"
Jordi took a look at his clock. "Nah, not as much as we need. Oh, remember the stiff from the stadium? He's not so... Stiff anymore. The cops have got him in Chicago lock-up and oh! He's about to walk into an interrogation and point a finger right at you."
"How did that happen?"
"Kick me when I'm down. Look at the view." Jordi pointed at the other side of the road. "See there? Call went out this morning. Somebody's paying beaucoup bucks to grab his clown and make him talk. And one of those guys is running the assignment."
"Well it seems like me and him need to have a little chat."
"Yeah, but this time, don't do that empty gun thing. Poor Maurice pissed himself after your last show." Jordi said, taking his sniper out.
"Don't worry about my methods." Aiden walked away.
"And don't kill he boss this time. You kind of need him. I'll get you covered."

Aiden managed to slip past the guards and successfully got to the boss. He wasn't armed so he put him at the ground easily with his telescopic baton.
"Hold on... Hold on... Stop!" The boss screamed, laying on the ground.
"Who assigned the prison job?" Aiden asked.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about."
Aiden took his phone out and started reading out loud. "Lance Brenner. How's the family?"
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm asking how your family is. Looks like you have two lives going at once. Family man... Hey, the kids will be in college soon."
"Fuck you!" Lance screamed.
"And there's also the second life. Ghost accounts with a LOT of money in them... Hey, do you know your name is tied to a bunch of cold cases? I bet the cops would love a chat."
"Ok hold on. You want a piece of the cash? I can cut you in."
"You're wasting my time."
"Alright alright! He prison job, it's Angelo Tucci. He's running a convoy. It's too late, you'll never find him."
"Who says I want him? I bet he's got a family in town."
"Why do you want his family? What the hell is wrong with you?"
"I wouldn't know where to begin." Aiden said as he left.
While walking through the dusty corridors, he heard a scream coming out of one room, one that seemed of a woman. He pressed his ear against the door.
"So... Care to tell us where he resides?"
"Over my fucking dead body."
Aiden recognized the voice. It was Eva's. The door wasn't locked. Before Aiden could come in, the guys that were in that same room beat her really badly. He opened the door slowly and shot them down.
"Eva? Eva stay with me." He untied her ropes and carried her on his back.
He walked out from the other side of the building because the police were surrounding the other.
Aiden drove her back to his place and put her on his bed. He dialed Jordi's number.
"Hey, Jordi."
"I need you to come to my place."
"Woah, a boys night?" Jordi laughed.
"No. Come over."
"Oh you killed all the fun." Jordi hung up.

He arrived at Aiden's place. Aiden opened the door as he walked in. "What?" Jordi walked over to Eva's side.
"Can you take care of her? I still have work." Aiden looked at Jordi.
"Of course. You go, I got this."

Later that night

Clara called. "Hey, you never called me back. Did you find the guy we traced?"
"Yeah, some bad history there. Listen, I need to find somebody else. This time I have a name. Helena Tucci. She's related to a guy I'm after." Aiden said.
"Does she live in Chicago?"
"Yeah, I need a location right now."
"Wow. She's got a serious digital footprint. Ok this morning she posted about a meeting today outside the Willis Tower."
"Alright. I'll call you when I'm there. I may need more help."

Eva opened her eyes. Her vision was still blurry.
"Do you feel alright?" Jordi asked.
"Hm...?" She didn't understand what was going on yet.
"Eva. It's me Jordi. Do you feel alright?" Jordi asked the same question again.
"I think so... Where am I?" She held his hand to help herself sit upright.
"At Aiden's." Jordi sat by her side.
"Aiden... Where is he..."
"He had work to do. He'll be back soon."
"I see..."
"What were you doing in there?"
"In the building."
"I followed Aiden... Because I wanted to help. He never takes me out anywhere to work with him."
"But you know he doesn't take you there because he wants your safety."
"I know but..."
"Eva. Enough of this."
Eva sighed and leaned her head on Jordi's shoulder. "Thank you."
He patted her back. "It's nothing Eva. It's nothing."

The Vigilante's Code (A Watch Dogs Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz