19. Raymond Kenney

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"Pawnee. Soda pop and apple pie. Yeah, this small-town charm is bullshit. Most of it is refugees from the city. Still hiding from something. I used to bring Jacks and Lena here once in a while to fish. We never caught a single one, they never seemed to care. Yeah, some of my best memories are from here... and my worst. Ray's last known signal came from that marina. It's too easy to expect he's here. But that's a start." Aiden said to himself as he hacked into the marina's main computer and traced Kenney's signal.
"Kenney bounced through a ctOS center. Looks like he's still in the game. That would explain why he chose Pawnee- he's sticking to Blume in their own backyard." He headed towards that mentioned ctOS tower where he roamed through underground tunnels and hacked the main server. An intercepted audio log popped up. "Hm. Interesting."
Aiden figured the recording- which was a sample of Raymond Kenney's voice talking to another guy who owned a bar under the name 'Jedediah's Bar'.
He headed towards the place.
"I was hoping you could help me. I'm looking for Ray Kenney." Aiden stopped the owner of the bar and asked.
"Never heard of him." He said as moved on with whatever he was doing.
"Hope is a sad thing." Said a man who was sitting alone at a table in the back. He seemed about 50, dark hair, grey clothing, a cap on... the beard seemed to be the most 'attention-captivating'.
Aiden walked by the table. "What are you drinking?" He asked, looking at the man.
The bar owner Jed came with two glasses and a bottle.
"Pay the man. 100$. Cash." Said the older guy.
"Well I'm not a cash kind of guy." Aiden said and sat at the table.
"This is going on your tab." Said Jed, pointing at the guy.
"What do you know about Raymond Kenney?" Aiden looked at him, avoiding any suspicious dialogue.
"Drink." The guy insisted as both he and Aiden had a couple of glasses which left Aiden in a 'bad shape'. "What did you say that name was again?" He asked.
"Raymond Ken-" Aiden couldn't finish his sentence as he received a punch from the guy. He fell on the floor. The guy picked him up and threw him out of the window, breaking the glass.
"You're going to pay for that, T-Bone!" Jed screamed from the inside.
"You owe the man a hundred dollars." T-Bone pointed towards the broken window.
Aiden tried to get up but he was quickly beaten up again. He pushed him hard and took out his telescopic baton. "Hello, Ray." Aiden said while holding onto him. Ray quickly took out his electric pistol and electrocuted Aiden who fell unconscious.

Aiden woke up in Ray's room, who was carefully heating a blade.
"Now that the introductions are out of the way..." Aiden slowly regained his senses.
"Listen to me pal." Ray moved closer to Aiden with the heating can in his hand. "You being here puts me on the goddamned map."
"I have some information."
"Well ain't you special." Ray was starting to get angry.
"The problem is- I can't decrypt it. So I came to the source." Aiden continued.
"Shit. Then you HAVE put me on the goddamned map." Said Ray, nervously.
"We've been careful."
"We? You better give me a reason. Because that ain't making us the best of friends." He pointed to a TV where the news read 'Aiden Pearce Wanted'.
"Someone ordered a hit on me. It cost my niece her life. But whatever is in those files will lead me to them. I'm going to find them, with or without you. But with you it would be a hell lot easier."
"Let's play make a deal. You think I'm in this dust bowl because of the ambiance? Ever since them bastards from Blume terminated me, I've been trying to find my way back in. All I need is someone to drop some spyware inside their network." Said Ray.
"If it was that easy you would have done it a long time ago."
"Hey, if it was fucking hard I would have done it a long time ago. It's impossible for me to even get at the perimeter without setting their alarm off. The place has my biometric profile. I got fillings in my head that sting yo their security team direct."
"I can help you with that. But afterwards... you're going to come with me to Chicago."
Aiden's phone rang.
"Hey. Gimme that." Ray took the phone out of his hand.
"Aiden, sweetheart, are you alright?" Eva shouted over the phone.
"Uh... um. Aiden's kinda busy." Ray laughed.
"Who the hell is this? Listen you punk, get him on the phone before I come and bust your ass."
"Your voice sounds oddly familiar. Alright. Here's Aiden." Ray handed him the phone.
"Hey sweetie. I found the source." Aiden smiled. Ray looked at him disgusted.
"That's great. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. And by the way, I've got some shit to take care of."
"What shit?"
"Iraq. I'm heading to Rossi-Fremont."
"Wait. Hold on. What?! Eva you'll be dead!" Aiden yelled over the phone but Eva hung up.
"Problems?" Ray looked at him.
"Shit. We gotta work fast and head back to Chicago."

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