22. See you soon

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   "Keep an eye on her." An old man spoke over the line.

"Yes, sir." The woman's voice was as soft as ever as she ended the call. She parked her Mercedes and walked through the entrance of a tall building. The sound of her high-heels clattering echoed throughout the hallways. At last, she arrived to the destined apartment and rang the bell. A tall, strong-built man opened the door.

"Uh... can I help you miss?" Ray rubbed the back of his head, analyzing the appealing physical features that the lady in front of him displayed in a rather vigorous manner.

"Hello. I'm looking for Eva Kenney." She said as she positioned her glasses with her index finger.

"Uh, yeah. Eva!" He yelled out. "You've got a guest. Please miss, come in." Ray led her to the living room where he offered her a cup of coffee. "Excuse my lack of... clothing, miss." He implied his sleeping pajamas.

"It's highly noticeable." The woman sipped on her coffee, displaying no emotion at all.

"Uh... yeah." His eyes flickered from one object to another, unable to find any supposed subject of conversation.

Eva walked in. "Excuse me, I was a little... busy." She stood in the middle of the room, trying to figure out who the person in front of her was. "I'm sorry, who are you? I don't remember calling anybody in for a chat." Eva commented on the stranger's presence in her apartment.

The woman stood up and searched her purse for her ID. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lucy, your assistant. The Council hired me to look after you, mistress."

"Woah, woah. The Council doesn't decide anything, I do. I didn't request an assistant, so please, be on your way." Eva opened the door for her.

"I understand you're confused, but you need someone to look after you. Your health is not the best right now, ma'am."

"My decision is final." Eva's voice tone was getting more serious each second.

While both of them were arguing, Aiden walks in through the opened apartment door. "What's going on?" He spoke up as the room fell silent.

"Aiden." Eva walks up to him. "This woman claims to be sent by the Council to assist me."

"Aiden Pearce, sir. It's an honor to meet you. Allow me to explain-" Lucy was starting to get nervous.

"I don't need to hear any explanation. If Eva doesn't want you to be here, then you shouldn't be here. Please leave, you're not welcome here." Aiden looked  right in her black eyes. He could tell that she was afraid.

Ray looked at the three of them and it made him think of a chicken fight, he flashed a smile but it soon disappeared when Eva's eyes caught up to him.

"Alright then." She grabbed her purse and walked out of the apartment, tears falling from her eyes, ruining her makeup. "They're going to kill me." She thought to herself. Having made her way through the building, she bumps into someone. Her vision was too blurry to fully see the person in front of her.

"Awe. Who made you cry, beautiful?" The man spoke, handing her a tissue to wipe her tears. As soon as she did that, she noticed he familiar figure.

"It's you!" Lucy wanted to scream but the sight of the gun pointed at her.

"Now. Walk back to the apartment without a single sound. One move and you're dead, understood?" He moved along with her back to Eva's apartment.

"Princess?" Jordi walked in, holding the woman tightly by her arm.

"J-Jordi?" Eva flashed a smile and pushed the woman away. She gave Jordi a big warm hug.

"I missed you, Princess. I haven't seen you in a while." He looked at her, emphasizing that Lucy is still in the room.

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