9. Old Ghosts Never Die

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Aiden woke up the next day on the right side of the bed, still feeling the energy of the night before. He gazed at Eva's naked back and ran his fingers on her skin.
"How lovely."
A familiar voice echoed through Aiden's ears. He rotated his head a few degrees to the left to see Jordi sitting in front of his desk.
"Why do you always follow me? This is my private place and you're not allowed to come inside without my permission." Aiden tried to keep hi voice as low as possible, as not to wake his girlfriend up.
"I'm allowed to go everywhere. Besides, where's the cash you promised?" Jordi was rotating a pocket knife on his finger.
"I'll give it to you, later."
"What if I need it now?" Jordi stopped the rotation and slipped the knife in his pocket.
"Jordi you have plenty of money. Why would you need any now?"
"Just for fun. I like fun. Don't you like fun?"
"Yeah, yeah. I see you and princess are pretty smooth on butter."

Eva woke up to the sound of the two men speaking.
"Aiden, honey..." She was still sleepy and did not notice anyone else in the room.
"Yes, love?" Aiden covered her with the blanket as he turned her bod around.
"Like I said, how lovely." Jordi stood up and only then she noticed him.
"Jordi? What are you-" she sat up and covered her chest.
"Oh don't be so shy-"
"Jordi. Enough." Aiden cut him off mid-sentence.
"Fine fine. Just give me the cash and I'll leave."
"I said I'll give it to you later. I don't like to repeat myself."
"Alright then. But if you don't..." Jordi looked at Eva. "I'll consider something else as payment." he said as he left the flat.

"What's wrong with him?" Eva asked.
"Fixers are like that. A paycheck is a paycheck." Aiden said as he moved to kiss her. She kissed him back with her soft pinky-red lips.
"I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"Considering facts... No you're actually not."
"Oh you love to prove me wrong, don't you? Well at least there's one thing I'm sure of- You."
"Sweet." She moves the sheets off herself, grabs her clothes and goes to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
At the same time, Aiden got dressed as well. He scrolled through his phone to check whether Clara has sent him the location of the crank caller's IP address, and she did. He called her to ask whether the address is correct.
"Good morning. Why up so early?"
"It doesn't matter. Is the IP address correct?"
"Of course it is. I wouldn't send you anything that is 'not correct'."
"Alright then." Aiden hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" Eva said as she got out of the bathroom.
"Just a colleague."
"You have colleagues?" She laughed.
"Well... Sort of."
"I need to go with you some time. You never take me with you to work."
"Eva, you know I can't."
"Why can't you? I mean I can handle myself."
"No, you can't. I can't risk your life."
"But Aiden you know I-"
"I said you can't!" Aiden yelled at her.
"Well, alright. I don't need to anyway." She packed her things and left.

Aiden thought about what he said for a moment a regretted it. It was too late to follow her now, she was already far from the motel. He put on his cap and left as well.
While following the IP address Clara sent him earlier, he tried to call Eva to apologize for what he said, but her line was busy all the time.

Aiden arrived at the apartment in the loop that Clara sent him to.
"So this guy threatens my family and wants to meet. He knew exactly how to get my attention. Fine, I'll take the bait." He said to himself as he hacked into a camera that pointed towards the apartment.
The was writing on the wall that said Bellwether. The room was messy and full of boxes.
"What the hell is this Bellwether?"
Aiden hacked the laptop in the room. There was a TV screen turned on with a text written on it in bold "I suffered too."
Suddenly, someone calls him.
"I knew you'd find me. You always were one for a mystery. How are you, Aiden?" A familiar voice spoke over the phone.
"Damien Brenks. What the hell is he doing?" Aiden asked himself without saying anything on line.
"I hope you don't mind the games. Wanted to see if you'd lost your edge. We need to talk. And you'll want to be quick. Breaking in like you did tripped an alarm. This isn't what I had planned for us, but we're about to be interrupted. Come find me, I'll pick someplace nice." Damien hung up.
"Why would he harass my sister? We haven't spoken since... The Merlaut." Aiden thought as he found himself surrounded by a dozen of armed guys. While dodging the shots and shooting back, he hacked into some infrastructural machinery that helped him with his escape.
Later that night, Aiden met with Damien in the center of the city square.
Damien came up to him from around a sculpture, holding a bottle of wine.
"Aren't you a clever boy! Drinks are on me." He said as he walked up to Damien.
"Damien." Aiden looked at him fadedly, his hands in his coat pockets.
"Tell me you miss me." He handed the wine bottle to Aiden.
"You had that punk call my sister." Aiden said as Damien dropped the bottle on the ground, spilling all the wine.

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