21. From oblivion

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     "Hey Eva! Catch me if you can!" He ran around the garden.
"Stop playing around like a kid! Don't you know what we should be doing?" Eva shut down her laptop and set it aside. "JB? Are you listening to me?"
"But it's too early for anything. We're 14, Ev. We're still not skilled enough to hack any governmental estate. Give it time." He sat on the ground with a pouting grimace drawn on his face.
"We should be learning. You'll never know when the time comes."
"You won't learn if you do it like that. You should rest too."  He flashed a shining smile. "Come on." He stood up and took her hand. "Let's go inside, mom made us cookies."

Eva deliberately opened her eyes. She found herself surrounded by the familiar bunker hardware. She slowly arose from her sleeping position and looked around.
"Finally." T-Bone walked over to her side. "What happened, little one?"
"I... I think I just had a flashback dream. It doesn't matter. How did I end up here?" She shook her head.
"Aiden found you passed out in your car by the Bunker."
"I see. How long was I out?" Eva looked at Ray.
"About twenty hours."
"TWENTY HOURS?" She humped up. "Twenty goddamn hours? Oh God. Where is Aiden?" She ran over to the computers.
"We've got a lead. Lucky Quinn was the one who sent Iraq and his men after him."
"Quinn... oh no. Aiden..." Eva bolted to the exit.
"Eva! Eva wait!" Ray called out for her but it was already too late, she was on her way to Aiden.

Eva's phone rang.
"Eva, tell Aiden I'm sorry." Clara said and hung up.
"What the fuck?" Eva looked at her phone screen and then threw it aside.

Aiden stood in front of the bulletproof glass, looking at Lucky Quinn behind it.
"All of this. My niece... my niece died because of you. Because you were afraid to lose one of your puppets."
Eva ran into the room with a gun in her hands. She looked at the two man.
"Fucking Lucky Quinn. You messed up, again." She said as she lowered her gun.
"Oh, the Dedsec Leader. The person this country fears the most... or so you think. Where were you the past few years? The city needed you." Quinn laughed, maniacally.
Eva bit on her lip. "We decrypted the video. It was all about mayor Rushmore, he murdered Rose Washington. You guys didn't want that to slip. That what it was all about."
"Aren't you a smart girl? It's true that we attacked Mr. Pearce by mistake, we thought he wanted the video." Quinn sat on the chair as Aiden hacked into his pacemaker.
Eva punched the glass. "Fuck."
"Is everything alright?" Aiden asked him.
"Your concern is charming. I would like to ask the same question to Miss Dedsec." Quinn smiled.
"What?" Eva looked at him, losing sense in his words.
"Is everything alright, Eva?" Quinn laughed.
Eva started coughing. "What the fuck do you mean?"
Quinn smiled. "We payed you a visit at the hospital. Thought we'd bring you a little gift."
"The only gift I'm bringing you is death." Aiden spoke up. "Haven't you heard? I'm the Vigilante. I clean up mess like you." He quickly shut down Quinn's pacemaker.
Lucky Quinn was now dead.
"Come on baby, let's get you out of here." Aiden carried Eva outside the building to the car.
"Aiden. I can walk on my own, you know?" She looked at him as he sat in the driver's seat.
"What did he mean by gift?"
"I don't kn-" she started coughing again, worse than before.
"Eva? Are you alright?" He held her hand.
"Aiden. Just get me back home. I need Ray." She leaned on the window.

At Eva's apartment
Eva held onto her blanket tightly. She felt her body temperature dropping by the second.
"Eva what's going on?" Ray sat beside her, pressing a warm cloth against her forehead.
"Aiden, go finish what you've started." Eva looked at Aiden who was sitting on the other side of the bed.
"I'm not leaving you." He said.
"I'm fine. When was I ever not? It's just a cold. It'll wear off. You trust me right?" She smiled.
"Eva..." He let go of her hand. "I trust you. I'll be back soon." He said, finally leaving.
As soon as he closed the door, Eva's smile disappeared.
"Ray. I think Quinn's men injected me with some chemicals while I was unconscious at the hospital."
"Why were you at a... oh never mind. What kind of chemicals?"
"The kind that condense and make the blood flow run slower than it should be." She rubbed the back of her head.
"Jesus Christ. We'll find you the best doctors. You'll be alright." Ray spoke with a concerned look on his face.
"I hope... hey Ray..." she looked down.
"What is it?"
"If I die... I want to be buried near my parents."
"Don't say that! You're gonna be fine, trust me."
"I hope..." she closes her eyes. "I just hope this is nothing but an awful nightmare."

A few days later...

Aiden walks through the front door with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. He takes a small vase out of the cupboard in the kitchen in which he gently deposed the flowers.
All of a sudden, he heard a loud bang coming from the bedroom. He dashed there to see what's going on.
"Ow... my head... my fucking head..." Eva rolled on the ground, rubbing both sides of her head.
"Eva? Are you okay?" Aiden kneeled down to give her a hand.
"Ugh. I am. Thanks." She pushed him away and sat on the bed. "What time is it?"
Aiden stood in front of her. "You mean what day is it?"
"No. I said what time is it? Wait, what?"
"You were out for a few days. How are you feeling?"
"A few days? I feel... I feel like I seriously need to go to the bathroom." She rolled over to the other side of the bed and ran to the bathroom.
Aiden smiled and walked over to the bathroom door. "Need any help?"
"You can't just ask a girl if she needs any help with peeing!" Eva yelled out from inside.
"Oh." Aiden blushed after figuring out what he just asked for. "Uh. Yeah. Right."
She got out of the bathroom with a smile on her face, only to see Aiden standing in front of her. "Hm?"
"You look like you did it for the first time." Aiden let a small laugh escape his lips.
"Aiden? The fuck?" Eva looked at him and blushed. "I want to eat."
"Ray made some food for us today. It's in the kitchen." They both went to the kitchen.
"So, has Damien showed up?" She asked while examining the fridge.
"Eva, it's all over now." He sat by the table.
"What do you mean it's over?"
"Damien is dead."
Eva felt a drop of sweat roll down on the side of her face. She closed the fridge and stared down for a few moments. "Was there... no other option?"
"No. There wasn't. And..."
"Clara is dead too." Aiden looked at Eva with a concerned face.
"Oh God." She poured some water in glass and sat in front of Aiden. "God, Aiden..."
"It's okay." He took the glass out of her hands, put it on the table and held her hands in his. "I love you. Forget about everything that happened."
She didn't say anything, she just looked at him. He seemed like a different person.
They say the eyes display one's soul. They narrate one's past, present and future. They illustrate a person's feelings when the mouth is in a loss for words. That's what she saw.
The look in Aiden's eyes could tell everything.
"I love you too" she said.
He smiled and passed the glass of water back to her. "It's been a while since we sat like this. Seems like it was forever ago."
"Yeah that's true. Can't remember the last time I saw you without your stupid hat and trench coat." She giggled.
"You absolutely had to say that, right?" He laughed. "It's more comfy like that."
"Yeah. I like the idea of you wearing a band shirt and cool shorts." She started laughing along.
"What? What's wrong with my Iron Maiden shirt?"
"Nothing. I like Iron Maiden. I prefer Slayer though." She crossed her arms.
"Somebody likes heavy stuff." He stood up.
"Aw hell yeah!" She lifted her horns up.
"Hahahah. We could use a concert after all that happened."
"That's true. I've got a question first."
"Go ahead."
"What happened to Maurice?"
"He's fine. Off with his life."
"You spared him?"
"I'm not like him, Eva. He has his own demons to torture him now, I'm not interfering with that."
"Oh well." She sighed.
Aiden put a bag on the table. "Here."
"What's this?" She opened it up.
"Your medicine. I got a doctor to check you up while you were out. He said you'd have to take those if you want to survive."
"For how long am I supposed to take them?"
"For life, I guess."
"For life? Oh hell to the no no no!" She left the kitchen.
Aiden let out a sigh and followed her. He found her contemplating the tall Chicago buildings from the living room window. "I hate living like this."
"Baby." He walked over to her side. "It's going to be alright." He said as slid his hand on her waist, causing her to turn around.
She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. "I missed you. I missed you so much." Her body shivered as tears began to moisture her eyes.
Aiden gently caressed her hair, it was as soft as ever... smelled of coconuts.
"I missed you as well. Every day, the thought of you kept me going. It gave me confidence." He kissed the top of her head.
"It did?"
"Yeah, more than you'll ever know."
"When you were away, I felt so empty." She sobbed. "So damn empty."
"Eva, my love. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, Aiden. Just... don't leave me like that again."
"I won't."
She looked him right in his eyes, so beautiful yet so charming, the green that reflected the universe.
Aiden didn't hesitate and pressed his lips against hers. For some reason it felt more magical than before. The explanation could be that he finally forgot everything and concentrated on the person contained in his arms at that right beautiful moment.

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