16. Lucky you're alive

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  Aiden came back to the hospital the next day just to be told that Eva didn't wake up yet. He looked at her through the glass and tried to find an answer for why she did all that.
He dialed in Jordi's number.
"Hey Jordi."
"Hey, Pearce. Wassup?"
"I need you to do something for me."
"You always need me for that. Anyway, what's the deal?"
"Eva' in the hospital and-"
"Princess is what? I'm on my way." Jordi ended the call without letting Aiden finish his sentence.
He sat there in one of the hospital corridors and thought to himself what to do next. He needed Bedbug to find what Damien is looking for and get his sister out, but he was also worried about Eva. While he was looking through his phone, Jordi came and sat beside him.
"Care to tell me where is she and what happened?" Jordi looked up at ceiling.
"Yeah well... she got involved in some shit and got shot. She's still off but I'm hoping she'll wake up soon. I need you to look after her for me while I finish what I started." Aiden looked at him.
"How did you let that happen?" Jordi stood up.
"Well I-"
"Pearce, you know, you can't just leave your family like that and wait for them to get shot. Even I wouldn't do that."
"But I-"
"No buts. You're a horrible person, Pearce. Sorry to hurt your feelings."
"Whatever. Just do what you've been told."
"I'm not doing it for you, but for her."
"Call me if she wakes up." Aiden said that and left.

He came near Bedbug's house and thought to himself "I'm taking a gamble with Bedbug but I've got a hunch he's the perfect target. Doesn't have much, has a lot to lose. Easily intimidated. And ambitious, but lazy. Alright, start with his home, tap his cell phone. Just record everything he says."
He hacked into his computer's webcam and found out his real name was Hayes Tyrone and that he was Iraq's cousin.
His grandmother was also in the house and asked Bedbug where he was going.
"I got work." He said.
"You got a job? Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.
"It's not like that, uh..."
"Oh I see. It's not a job for Tyrone, it's a job for Bedbug."
"Aw come on, grandma."
"Bedbug doesn't even mean anything."
"Yes it means... a bedbug can get into any lady'a bed."
"That's disgusting! I raised you better than that."
Suddenly, someone called him.
"Yeah, I'm on my way." He said and left the house in a hurry.

Aiden was familiar with human psychology and he knew a weak person when he saw one. "Let's see what dirt I can dig up on you. If all goes well, you'll never see it coming." He said to himself as he followed Bedbug, remaining unseen. Having hacked into his phone, someone asked him about Iraq's job and Bedbug agreed to give to information needed. That's the blackmail Aiden was looking for. "Iraq hears this little gem and Bedbug will be dead."
Jordi called.
"Hey. I got out of the hospital. The doctor said there was no use staying there because she needs her rest. He'll call me whenever she wakes up."
"But Jordi I told you-"
"Listen. Your sweetheart Maurice was just moaning at me. Says you got it all wrong, he's a patsy, was set up, whine whine waah waah. Mind if a drill a couple rounds in his kneecaps?" Jordi asked.
"Yes, I mind." Aiden answered, firmly.
"You're so predictable. See if I do you a favor again."
"-you need a favor." completed Jordi, bored.
"I'm setting up an ambush. I need you to bring me some explosives. Can you do that?"
"I can do anything. The question is... do I want to do it? Oh wait, you know what? This is great. Let me round up the boys and I'll meet you there." Jordi ended the call.

The next early morning, Aiden drove up to the industrial part of the city and let up with Jordi for the explosives.
He brought a full crate. "This is what I have for you. It's a sticky bomb... it sticks." Jordi said as he demonstrated the sticking process on an old van.
"Who's van is this?"
"Oh I found it. It's full of dead bodies, though. Had to take care of the people that were here anyways."
"What?" Aiden looked at Jordi, shocked.
"You might have to clean that up for me. Here, you can practice."
"I don't need practice."
"Awe come on."
Aiden got a few bombs and sticked them onto the van.
"See? You got the hang of it. Now, I'd back up if I were you." Jordi said moving behind the corner of a building as Aiden followed. He tapped on his phone and the van exploded in a matter of seconds.
"That's nice. Thanks." Aiden said to Jordi, preparing to leave.
"Yeah, yeah. Anytime."

The Vigilante's Code (A Watch Dogs Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora