2. A fateful meeting

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She woke up in the afternoon the other day.
She felt that it was the worst day of her life, but even though, she had met a nice person. And that was enough to make her feel better.

"The news fake it all..." She thought. "He's a nice person, as far as I think."
And maybe the Vigilante is one of those nice people that hide their heart under a cloak of darkness.
She didn't want to think much about it, because she doesn't like to stuff her brain with unnecessary information and thoughts.
She took her shirt off slowly so that she wouldn't feel too much pain, and she looked at the black mask wrapped around her shoulder.
"He forgot this as well..." She took it off and cleaned her wound. After that, she bandaged it and everything was alright. She washed the mask thoroughly with cleansing soap and water and put it on the heater to dry faster.
"I need to get a job tomorrow..." She thought as she sat on the ground and opened her laptop.
She read some of her messages but replied to none. Later, she thought. She was still tired after what happened.
"Alright, I guess the mask is dry now. I need to get the guy his stuff back."
She put on her black jacket and went out, with the stuff in her backpack.

"But first..." She looked around the corner.
"I need to eat something." She entered a coffee shop and order a strong latte with a club sandwich on the side. While she was eating, some sort of Asian man walked into the shop. He got himself a coffee and sat on the other table beside her. She tried not to look at him because that would be very weird.

But eventually, she couldn't help herself but look, he was playing a racing game on his phone, and she was surprised that a man of his age would still be interested in those.

"Agh the devil!!" He was furious. Apparently he lost the lap.
"Uh... Excuse me?" She called out for the Asian man.
"Hm? Yes, beautiful Lady?" He turned off the phone and turned to her.
"I'm sorry, I wondered if I could help you out with that round." She sipped on her latte.
"Oh why yes, of course you could." He handed over his phone as she started playing.
She was good at games, since they've been her passion ever since she was a little girl.
She won the race and handed back the phone.

"Oh wonderful. How wonderful! I advanced onto the next stage." He took back his phone.
"Hey, miss." He gave out his hand.
"Mm?" She looked at him confused, but then realized he wanted to shake her hand.
He took her hand and kissed it. She blushed and looked away.
"You're very talented at games, I would say. How can I call you, beautiful Lady?" He smiled at her.
"Just Eva."
"Eva, what a beautiful name. It's my pleasure to meet you. My name is Jordi, Jordi Chin."
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Jordi." She looked at his flat face and his creepy grin and wondered if she should stay away from him or continue talking.
"I beg your pardon, miss. But I need to make a call." He kissed her hand again and left to the bathroom.

He dials in a number.

Tuut Tuut... Tuut Tuut...
Uh... Hello?
"Hey Aid-, wait what?" He recognized the voice over the phone and shut the line. But he just needed to make sure if what he heard was true. He went back to the table.

"Oh I didn't know phone conversations could be so short." Eva asked him, sarcastically.
He didn't respond and dialed in the same number again.
Something rang in Eva's backpack. She took out the phone and answered again. "Hello?"
"Well... How come do you have this phone?" Jordi spoke over the phone.
"Wait..." She looked at Jordi, confused.
"You know to whom this phone belongs to?" She put it on the table.
"Well, since I called, I do. How did you managed to get it?" He took the phone and started examining it, surprised.
"The person you're talking about saved my life and uh... Forgot it at my place. He's probably looking for it now." She took the phone from Jordi's hand in seconds.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I want you to take me to the guy."
"I could him him the phone myself."
"But I don't trust you."
"Alright alright, I'll take you to him." Jordi let out a long sigh and got up. Eva got up as well and they went outside. They reached Jordi's car. It was an expensive red sports car.
"Nice car you got here, identical to the one in your game."
"Yes, I know." He turned on the engine and they drove to what seemed like a motel.

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