11. Prison Break

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Aiden came back to the motel room and found Jordi sleeping on a seat beside Eva who was also asleep on the bed.
He put his stuff slowly on the table as not to wake any of them up. He undressed and walked towards Jordi.
"Jordi, Jordi hey. Wake up."
"Huh?" Jordi woke up. "Finally, I thought you'd never come."
"Well I did. Thanks for taking care of her."
"It's Eva, of course I'd take care of her."
"You can go now."

Jordi left, leaving them alone.
Aiden wasn't happy at all with what Eva has done. He laid beside her and covered himself.

The next day, he woke up to the warm sun rays touching his face. He looked around and Eva was nowhere to be found. Instead, he got an instant message on his phone from her that said:
"Hey, I know I've hurt you. I woke up earlier because I wouldn't be able to look at you after the mess I have done.
You should be the one to blame since you never take me anywhere but... There's also my fault in the story.
Sorry Aiden, it's over.

"What... No... Jesus." Aiden had no time at hand to think. He had a lot of things to take care of. He thought Eva will come back, like she always does, so he didn't get much sad over it. He knew what he had to do that day, so he dressed up and got in his car, driving towards the Willis Tower. When he got there, he called Clara.
"Okay, I'm at the Willis Tower. What have you got on Helena?"
"Looking through her status updates... She likes selfies. She loves her cats too. Why are you targeting this clueless girl?" She asked.
"I'm not. I need to find her uncle fast, and Helena's gonna point the way."
"Okay here's something. She posted a pic this morning. Her outfit for today: dark hair and glasses. She's showing off a green backpack."
"Thank you social media. That's a start."
"I'll keep digging." ended Clara.

Aiden spotted Helena and called her, pretending to be her uncle's Doctor.
"Hello?" She answered the call.
"Ms. Tucci, I'm Dr. Hyatt from the Chicago General hospital. We've received your uncle Angelo's blood work but you're the only number he gave us. Do you know where we can find him? It's urgent."
"No, I haven't heard from my uncle in years." She said.
"Okay, thank you ma'am." Aiden hung up. "Wait for it..." He said to himself as Helena called her uncle.
"Hey uncle, listen, I got a weird call. I think the cops are looking for you."
"What? Dammit, you calling me just gave them a trace. Hang up now." Angelo said nervously and ended the call.
Aiden managed to trace back his end of the call. Now that he had Angelo's location, he got back in his car and raced there.
"Angelo Tucci. This guy is leading the prison transfer for my witness. Somebody's paying Tucci for the Vigilante's identity. Somebody wants my name. Good luck with that." He said to himself.
Suddenly, Jordi called.
"Getting a little nervous there, Pearce. Did you find him?"
"I'm tracking his GPS. I'll cut him off before he reaches the prison."
"Nice." said Jordi.

Aiden arrived as he saw Tucci's convoy. He took it out in no time. The cars exploded and Tucci and his men were now dead.
Jordi called again.
"Uh, Pearce. Got a sec?"
"It's done. No more prison transfer. Now I need to find a way inside that prison. A little face to face with my witness. Do you still have contacts in the prison?"
"I already asked if they could make us slip in the shower. They're dirty but they're not that dirty." Said Jordi.
"I'm going to get arrested."
"Of course you are. Why the hell are you doing that?"
"This witness we're after, he's a nobody. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wasn't looking for me. I don't want to kill him. I just want to make him understand that I can reach him anywhere, anytime."
"That is a terrible plan. I love it. I'll find a map of the joint. Anything you need?" Jordi was pleased.
"My phone."
"Jesus, you got a problem. You need to unplug."
"Jordi, I need my phone. They'll confiscate it the second I'm in."
"Yeah, I know. I'm just kidding. I got just the guy. He's been begging to settle his debt. You'll get your phone."
Aiden looked out of his car window. "Palin Correctional Center. They recently upgraded the place with Blume security: networked locks, automated surveillance. If they were holding this guy in an older prison, I'd have a problem. But Blume's right about this one; they do make life easier through technology."
Aiden entered the main hall which was full of cops. He flipped his gun in the air to get their attention. All of them jumped on him and immobilized him.
The cops brought him to another room, where he needed to change into his prison clothes. The guy that gave him the clothes was also an inmate. He hid his phone and his telescopic baton in them. "Tell Jordi we're even now."
After that, the cops went on to take Aiden's picture. They were transferring his data onto their system, but Aiden hacked in and changed his name into 'John Smith', so his identity was safe.
Aiden was now in his prison cell. He called Jordi.
"I found the schedule. Where's the exercise yard?"
"Up top."

He hacked the door and sneaked past the guards. Aiden hacked the surveillance cameras of the exercise yard and found the guy he was after.
"Now, how to get you off the roof..."
Suddenly, two guards approached the guy.
"Who says I have to be moved? Who are you guys? What about my lawyer? Where are we going??" Asked the inmate, frightened.
The guards took him with force.
Aiden called Jordi. "We have a problem. Some guards just took the guy, I need to reach him fast before they kill him!"
"Damn, basement! They're in the basement!!"

He took the elevator to the basement. He had a hard time fighting off the corrupt guards that filled the place and were trying to make the guy talk about whatever happened at the Stadium. Eventually, he succeeded and got to talk to the guy who was crawling on the floor after being beaten by the guards.
"How did you get inside man?" He asked.
"You know, it was pretty simple. These high tech security prisons... They make it quite easy, really. Have we met?" Aiden kneeled down and look at the guy.
"No, no. I never seen you man."
"Mmm yeah, I don't think so." Aiden took his phone out. "So you're here so 60 days. Good behavior and you're out in 30." Aiden changed the data to 60 years and showed the phone to him.
"What does that say?"
"60 years?! What are you doing man?"
"Just showing you an alternate future. In case you get your urge to share your stories or make a deal with the cops. We're clear, right?"
"Yeah..." He said.
Aiden left the scene and called Jordi.
"It's done."
"Fantastic. I'm guessing you're eager to get out of there. There's a care package on its way for you. Don't worry, you'll see it."
Aiden saw the package and emptied its contents. He got dressed up in his usual clothes and put his arms on and then got out.
"That plan actually worked. My identity's safe... Lena's attackers. I want the one responsible. Damien bragged about a second hacker, someone else inside the Merlaut. I need to find out what Damien knows." Aiden sat in his car and called Damien.
"Aiden, we had a very unpleasant meeting." He answered.
"Well, I didn't kill you."
"We used to get along. I taught you so much. Look at you, a big time hacker now. Is that you in the news? The Vigilante?"
"You mentioned a second hacker at the Merlaut job. But we already know there was a second hacker. You found something new."
"Ahh. Intriguing, isn't it? Come, let's meet and I'll explain."
"Tell me. Then I'll consider meeting."
"Oh no. My information, my rules. Besides, we need to make up for last time. I'm very excited. Aiden, come soon." Ended Damien.

"Who were you talking to?" Eva got out of the other room.
"Oh, some old friend." Damien said.
"I see. Doesn't matter to me much anyway." Eva sat on the couch.
"You didn't tell me, where did you get all of these bruises?"
"Some messed up job."
"Oh well. I don't need to know about it if you don't want to tell." Damien got his phone from over the table. "Well, I better get going."
"Yeah sure, thanks for stopping by, Damien."
"All my pleasure." Damien closed the door behind him.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Eva said to herself as she stood up and looked out of her window.

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