Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

Nah man, at this point I hope my eyes are deceiving me. My main don Jermz was jammin with a group of mandem on the block. I've seen their faces before and I know for sure that they're in a gang. I hope that Jermz isn't getting caught up in the wrong things, but from what I saw he was casually chillin with them.

" Oi Jermz ain't that your darg." One of them said

" yeah yeah, Oi Marnz come here quick !" Jermz holla'd at me . I walked towards him and I slightly pulled him aside away from the group.

" What's Going On Jermz?" I asked

" ahh nothing , I'm just chilling with Scrapz and these guys." He replied

" Since when did you lot jam."

" Ever since they showed me the good life."

" what does that mean?" I said in confusion

" Don't watch that, just know that I'm all good and set for life."

" ite Jermz, just don't do some dumb shit." I chucked up the deuces and went into my house.

~ Jermaine P.O.V ~

I feel so good chilling with Scrapz and them man cos they showed me a new meaning of life. Yeah I'm now in a gang, but who the hell cares, I've been doing this for a week and I've kept this from Marnz cos I knew he would freak out like a bitch. I've been making a hella lot of money and it feels good. I don't have to ask my mum for shit cos I can provide for myself now. I feel secure in this gang and they all have my back. My ride or die niggas. They told me not to take shit from no one, that's why I went off like that when my business teacher tried to talk smack to me. I weren't having it.

" Jermz I dare you to go rob that white yute walking over there." Kaz said

" Nah man I ain't doing that shit." I replied

" you're moist bruv."

"Init, you're wet." Dekz called out

" ite. Fine then I'll show you."

I pulled up my black bandana over my face just under my eyes and bopped over to the boy that had on a blue hoodie and his hood up. When I got closer I noticed that the boy was in fact my friend Louis. I was hesitant to rob him cos he was my g , but when I looked at the gang they were all cheering me on and it seemed like they cared that much for me.

" What Ends You From?" I interrogated him making my voice lower than it was and full of aggression.

" I Live around here." He replied in his posh British accent.

" What you got fam?"

" I have my Oyster card , but I need that to get to school." He shivered

" Don't Lie Cuz, I know you got P's.". I flipped out my knife that Scrapz gave me and when he saw me pull it out I sensed his fear

" Here's My Phone, Here's My Wallet please don't hurt me." I snatched the items from him

" gimme the oyster." I commanded and he handed me his Oyster card

" good shit, roll safe." I said as I put the knife back in my trousers and walked back to the gang.

They all cheered and smiled and I felt good knowing that I proved to them that I was fit for this.

" Maybe you ain't moist after all" Kaz exclaimed.

" what did you get ?" Scrapz asked

" His iPhone 5, Wallet and Oyster Card."

" ite Pass the iPhone and the wallet and you keep the Oyster card ."

" But I got that myself."

" Listen we're family, we share things, u'll get your cut don't worry. Well done." Scrapz informed me

We're Family.

~ The Next Day~

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

I woke up and I felt bad for leaving Jermz out there with that Gang, but he chose to be there. I hope he's safe man.

I Did My usual hygiene routine and put on my usual uniform attire, ate breakfast, plugged in my earphones and went out the door.

~ 4 hours Later ~

" Marnz don't hold me back, its gonna Make my anger worse. " I held him down but Jermz broke out and charged for Mr Greggs one of the deputy heads. Next thing I knew Jermz punched him in the face , kicked him in the stomach and got him in a head lock. I ran towards the altercation and broke it up and held Jermz against the wall.

" Calm down g , all this fighting isn't worth it." I said

" No ! He disrespected me is he dizzy? I don't wanna hurt you so move out my way." He said in rage

" no stay calm man. Relax Jermz , you know u'll get Permanent if you fight a teacher." It's like what I said went through one ear and out the other because he charged for Mr Greggs who was on the floor trying to get up and he strangled him. The Principal and other teachers came running down the hallways and they all held Jermz back, trying to call down.

" Jermaine step into my office. I'm gonna phone your mother to have a meeting immediately, this is serious." The Principal commanded.

Honestly I don't like what this gang is doing to my g, their brainwashing him and fucking up his future.

~ An Hour Later ~

~ Jermaine P.O.V ~

" Hello Ms Jones, take a seat." The Principal said while pulling out a chair for my mum.

" Hello Sir, what did Jermaine Do?"

" He Physically abused one of the staff at Kings Arc Academy and that is not acceptable." He sternly said

" Jermaine why did you feel the need to do that." She asked me.

" He Disrespected Me Mum, I weren't having it."

" That is the sort of behavior we do no accept in this school, I'm sorry Ms.Jones but I have to Permanently Exclude your son."

" No, Please you can't , Give him one more chance." Mum pleaded.

" I'm sorry but Jermaine crossed the line there is nothing I can do." He replied.

With that being said I was excluded just like that. It wasn't intentional but I guess no school would be fun.


So Jermaine joined a gang and changed his ways and got kicked out of school, who knows what could happen.

Thanks For Reading (:

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