Chapter 21

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This Chapter is dedicated to my Aunty Angela.

Chapter 21

~ Felicia P.O.V ~

I Had to wake up quite early this morning to support my sister at the hospital, shes going to have her baby today. My Niece, awww bless can’t wait, I’ve got some big smile on my face right now , I love kids. I went into the shower and made the hot sprinkling water bounce off my skin and warm my insides. I took that time to reflect on my life and I couldn’t be happier with how my life is right now. Despite the drama, everyone now gets along in this family and it’s such a wonderful and peaceful feeling, to have all of your loved ones get along. I thank the Lord for blessing my family, guiding and protecting us – I feel great! After coming out the shower, I creamed my skin with Cocoa button – can’t be going out with dry skin, even though its only to the hospital. I put on a plain white long sleeve top, blue jeans and white converses. Time to go and see my sister.

~ Half n Hour Later ~

I pulled up to the hospital, did the whole signing in thing at the reception and went to Hailey’s birth room. Number ‘ 23 ‘ it read on the brown wooden door. I went in to see my sister laying on the hospital bed smiling her biggest smile at me, the smile that said ‘ everything will be okay ‘ and it reassured me. I smiled and waved back, while walking towards her bed side.

“ You alright?” I asked.

“ Yeah, I’m good, just pray that this baby will be alright.” She replied.

I’m glad that shes okay, but her mentioning the baby like that made me abit scared. It only hit me now that this baby is premature and my sister will be having a ‘ C – Section ‘ to get her out. I sat on the chair next to her bed and stroked my sisters hand. I looked into her eyes and I saw peace and harmony at its best, I envy how strong she is. The doctors came in and looked at both of us and smiled.

“ I’m gonna need you to wait outside in the waiting room, as we put Hailey to sleep.” One of the doctors said to me.

“ Okay.” I gave Hailey one last kiss on the forehead before leaving the birth room.

They shut the door behind me and put up a sign on the door that read ‘ operation in process’, I went into the elevator, to go downstairs to the waiting room, but while I was in there I prayed and prayed that my soon to be born niece will be alright and healthy. I stared into the mirrors in the elevator and I didn’t feel like myself, everything felt weird. The happy motion that I was feeling this morning, was now going down the drain, all my thoughts were making me cautious. I sat down on one of the chairs and just day dreamed.

“ Fel- ee – cia?” a voice spoke out, I looked up to see a doctor standing in front of me.

“ yeah that’s me.”

“ We have a problem.” My heart skipped a beat when those words came from his lips.

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

I was in charge of everyone today, I had all the kids at my house: Jordan, Bobby, Alicia , Evangeline and Chanel was here aswell. I was looking after Jordan , Bobby and Alicia because Aunty Hailey was in labour and there was no one else there to watch them. My dad works so he wouldn’t of been able to do it , so I stepped up and decided to look after everyone and Evangeline comes on a regular basis, so it wasn’t even a problem.

“ Should I order pizza guys?” Chanel asked everyone.

“ Yeaahhhhhh ! “ Bobby shouted out, his eyes lightened up when he heard pizza, I couldn’t breathe, I was just laughing too much at his face.

“ Really Chan? Really? ,Pizza in the morning?” I challenged her.

“ Oh yeah, okay smarty pants, go and make fry up.” She hissed.

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