Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

~ Chanel P.O.V ~

My bed felt so lonely without him there with me. I barely took up any space in this bed, its so big. I wish he could hug me to sleep like he usually does. I kept imagining his warm muscular arms holding me tight, protecting me for all the troubles of the world .I cried myself to sleep last night , but this morning I kept reminding myself that’s its only six months. Six . long . months. Without. Amarni. Let me go and have a nice long bath and clear my damaged thoughts. I can’t even go to work today, don’t feel in the mood, physically and mentally. I’m drained. I sat in the bath, and let the warm droplets , flow against my skin, the feeling was refreshing and relaxing. This bath just reminded me of the events of last night. It was just right and perfect – I felt like a virgin again. Cringe. It was romantic and intimate like it should have been, everything went to plan. I closed my eyes and let the steamy atmosphere , release the tranquillity elements that I needed.

I closed my eyes for a moment and two faces formed , one was facing me and one was turned around. I smiled when I saw Amarni’s face , baring his straight and perfectly crafted teeth at me. His curly hair bounced from side to side as he tilted his head. But then. The other head turned around. The red eyes pierced my soul, he grinned evilly and I cringed. I tried to turn my attention to Amarni, but Jermaine kept taking over, the beaming blood red eyes projected and caught my attention. Soon Amarni disappeared and it was just me and him. His mouth opened WIDE and his pointy sharp teeth bit into my skin, it resembled a shark’s it had three layers and were triangle shaped. I jumped with my eyes open, panting for air. The bath water was cold and I shivered as I grabbed my towel and dried my skin. Why does he always pop up in my dreams? I want to forget about him. He doesn’t even have red eyes , maybe it’s a sign. Hmm. I creamed my skin with Cocoa butter lotion and put on my dove deodorant. I went into the bedroom, took out my clothes and ironed them neatly. I wore Amarni’s grey YMCMB jumper, grey sweatpants that were cuffed at the bottom and I slipped on my spongebob slippers. I was planning on having a chill day with possibly Layla and Biola.

I Jogged downstairs. I cooked myself beef burgers and put them in a bun , placed the slice of cheese on top and ate them as I watched The Real Housewives Of Atlanta. As the episodes passed, I looked at the clock and it was 4:53pm , Layla’s shift is bound to be over and Biola has definitely finished college.

**Phone Convo **

Me: Are you finished yet boo?

Layla: yeah girl, Me and Biola are coming, kay?

Me: Yaaaaay.

~ Louis P.O.V ~

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, bouncing a ball towards the ceiling and my hand. I kept thinking to myself : What am I doing wrong? I can feel this tension between Biola and I . I liked how we used to be, together all the time, having fun alone, watching movies and talking. Now all we do is see each other from time to time and barely speak. When we do speak, something always goes wrong, like I’d do some dumb shit like fall over. I’ve always been clumsy, from day one I’ve always messed up. Its always me. But Biola’s never once said that she’s had a problem with how I was. I always perceived her as the outgoing confident one, now it seems like that person is fading away and I wanna know why. I wanna know what I can do to make this relationship better. I don’t want it to end. Ever. I know I’m a different kind of guy, like I don’t have the characteristics of a stereotypical man, but I genuinely love Biola from the bottom of my heart. And to add on to the problems, I don’t even think her parents like me. She finally told them who I was and they didn’t even embrace me , to be honest, I did not expect them to, but one day it will happen , cos’ she’s the girl I’m going to marry. I’m sure of it .I just wanna live a happy life in peace, is that so hard? I think I should get to the bottom of this. Maybe I should go to see Biola’s parents myself. Nah, I can’t do that. I actually don’t know what to do. I think I’m gonna sit here and contemplate for the rest of the day.

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