Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

~ The Next Day ~

So  my bestfriend Biola took me to the hospital yesterday after the altercation that happened yesterday night. I rate Biola though, because she always has my back no matter what, she could of easily ran away and left me when she saw the gun, but she helped me, without her and Louis there my life would have been over. The doctors at the hospital said that my nose is nothing major, and I will need to put ice on it. There will be a bruise but that will go down. THAT’S RIGHT AINT NOBODY INJURING ME. Now that I know that I am fine, I actually need to think of ways to get my g out from distress. He didn’t deserve all of this. This is all my fault man. The beef was between me and Jermz, he should have taken me instead, then I could beat the fuck out of him and it will all be done. But noooo he likes torturing my loved ones. He probably knows that I would do anything for my family. Maybe it’s a trap, maybe he knows that I will go and try and get Louis and when I get there he would probably kill me without me even knowing. I don’t know what to do, because I can’t risk that. I need to think deeply about this.

I decided to go over to my mum’s house with Biola and Chanel to see what’s up with the family and that. Haven’t seen her since, she now has an additional four children to look after. I feel bad , but I’ve been trying to get my life back on track, can’t blame me.

“ Heeey mum.” I said as she opened the front door and embraced us with a hug.

“ you alright son?” she replied.

“ AMARNI PUNANI.” Ohhh how I miss Evangeline and her stupidness.

“ you look different .” I said as I analysed her appearance. She had light brown contacts in , her nose pierced and her hair was dip dyed light brown.

“ you like it?” she twirled around like she was a princess. Princess my backfoot.

“ Nope. Not even.” I teased.

“ suck out… HI CHANEL HI BIOLA ! “ she hugged them. Shes such a beg !

We all sat down waiting for dinner like one big family :  Me , Chanel , Biola, Jordan, Alicia, Bobby, Evangeline , My mum and Heaven who was in my dad’s hands.

“ you alright dad?” his face lit up with joy when I spoke to him.

“ yeah , whats up son? Why is your nose all mash up ?” he replied, I couldn’t really work out his emotion. It was inbetween concern and anger.

“ I’m cool , just had a fight that’s all.” I shrugged.

“ did you win?” this childish behaviour

“ well I’m still here, so yeah.”

“ you didn’t kill anyone did you?” Whats up with all the questions.

“ NO WAY.” My attention was distracted by baby Heaven who was staying at me and smiling, expressing her one dimple. I cooed at her for a long period of time, but then dinner was ready.

*** 30 mins later ***

“ So how did your nose break Amarni? “ Alicia asked as she bit into her chicken, making those loud ‘ yapping’ sounds that made me cringe.

“ its nothing.” I lied. I don’t need everyone worrying about me. I can fend for myself.

“ We all know when Amarni lies.. he always looks to the left and he scrunches his nose.” Evangeline spoke out. I felt like reaching across the table and dashing her big mouth out of the window.

“ But I’m not lying though, it was nothing.” I looked to the right and made sure I relaxed my nose.

“ DON’T FORCE IT ! “ Bobby belted, which made us all laugh hysterically. I could feel Chanel’s eyes piercing through my soul but I ignored it and turned my attention to the food that was on my plate.

Family FirstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora