Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

~ Chanel P.O.V ~

~ The Next Day ~

I laid there on the bed staring at the ceiling as deep thoughts interrupted my mind. I could feel my boo tossing and turning next to me, the concern and worry and frowns on his face while he slept mirrored my feelings. I was concerned , I was worried, and I did have a frown on my face. I wanted to know what was going on. I might sound crazy , but I’m only protective due to my experiences. Everyone, whom I’ve ever loved, leaves in some sort of way. My mum… My dad… gone, my siblings that I barely knew are a mystery and now Amarni is all I have. I can’t let anything happen to him, I don’t want him getting himself into trouble or possibly killed. The pain in my heart will deepen.

I managed to get myself up from the bed and take a hot shower, whilst playing music on my phone on shuffle, singing quietly as the hot , relaxing sprinkles of water pierced against my skin, allowing me to feel tranquillity for a moment. Normaly, in showers I overthink, but this was my time to relax and let all my thoughts go to rest. After showering, I got my towel and dried my body and creamed my skin with cocoa button, rubbing in every bit of the cream into my skin. I put on deodorant and left the bathroom with my towel on. Amarni was still asleep when I walked into the room, so I quietly slipped on my clothes. I wore my spongebob crop top, black leggings and my spongebob slippers. I tied my wild curly hair, up into a quick messy bun and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

“ Thanks Babe.” Amarni said in his sexy morning voice and kissed me on the cheek before receiving the tray of a full – English breakfast. I think the smell of the food woke him up because he looked exited. And you know what they say the way you get to a man’s heart is through their stomach. Perfect opportunity!

“ How you feeling boo?” I asked

“ Well – I feel – good – now.” He said between his chewing.

“ why, what was up before?”

“ Just overthinking some shit” I wanted to say ‘ me too’ but this wasn’t about me.

“ Overthinking what?” I scooted closer to him and rubbed his shoulder gently.

“ Ohhh yeah , I forgot to tell you, at Tyler’s party , me , Biola and Louis had some big up fight with Jermz and his mandem and some chick called Quianna … long story short, they kidnapped Louis and now I need to get him back.” He confessed , I honestly feel concerned for Louis like hes so innocent and sweet, why would they do such a thing to him with no sympathy in their hearts.

“ ahh, I’m sorry that happened.” I embraced him with a hug. I actually didn’t know how to feel, part of me was thinking, don’t make Amarni go , something bad will happen and part of me was thinking to let him go and rescue his bro,but I was soon interrupted by Amarni’s soft lips, he gently pushed his juicy plumped  lips against mine and I felt the connection as the tingle went down my spine, we intertwined our lips with each other’s moving in a slow passionate motion, he bit onto my bottom lip which made my mouth slightly open as I let out a soft moan, he slid his tongue into my mouth whilst placing his hand up my top. The movement of his fingers felt soo good across my skin , that my thighs began to tremble as he took off my clothes and his.

~ An hour Later ~

I laid back on the bed catching back my breaths as I realised that I needed to take another shower. Damnn it. Amarni gave me the biggest grin as he strolled off.

“ I needed that.” He smiled.   

“ Wallleverrrrrr” I replied like a baby.

“ See you later ma, got a late start at college today.” He kissed me and I said bye against his lips and he got up to do his daily hygiene routine

~ Biola P.O.V ~

This Art lesson was taking its timmeeee, I kept peering at the clock but it did not seem to be moving , I barely noticed the seconds even ticking. I was meant to drawing a fashion design for my coursework, but I could not focus. I’m obsessed with fashion, I chose this art course that involves the construction on fashion designing. Anyways, unaware of what I was doing I drew a picture of Louis all smiling and happy as he held me in his arms. I stared at my creation and smiled to myself. Looking at his happy face genuinely made me happy , but then I realised that he is now and I scrunched up the paper in furry and grunted as I threw it into the bin. I could feel stares from the class but I ignored it. As my mind drifted off again, I drew another picture , but this time Louis was crying on the floor in the middle of people who stood around him, as he sheltered himself away from them with his legs tucked into his chest. I stood back, shocked my drawing and it immediately made me angry. I scrunched up the paper even harder , I even bit it, that’s how mad I was. I dashed it into the bin and the bell rang break time.

“ I think I know whats up, come here” Amarni hugged me from out of nowhere, I think he waited for me to finish.

“ Girl, I am fineeeee, get off me.” I lied forcing an American accent.

“ Yuck ! “ he squinted.

“ Come lets go to everyone in the common room, their bound to be there.” I said. We walked towards the common room and I could instantly recognise our batch, loud and full of swag. There was Tyler, who was a tall mixed race boy with bushy hair that was now in cainerows,he had a strong American accent and he was known around , not for bad reasons, but mainly because of his looks, he never acted like he was too nice or anything, but girls just drool all over him. There was Zeinab, she had ass for dayyyyssss, her bum was just soo big and round. She was African just like me, but Ghanaian, whereas, I’m Nigerian. There was Jaydon, who was brownskinned and he always wore a snapback, that was like his signature identity or somethings. There was, Chris and Cory, who were twins, I honestly love them too together, they give me life ! There was Layla who was going out with Tyler in our group. Then there was extras that join us from time- to – time because they noticed how cool we were.

They all greeted us, more like shouted greetings in our faces and I hugged everyone and said my hello’s.

“ Your party was live ! “ Jaydon said to Tyler, me and Amarni looked at each other and folded our lips.

“ Trusssss.” Everyone chorused.

“ oh yeah what happened to you and Amarni at my party, I heard something went dowwnnn.” Tyler chuckled as he asked.

“ a long , long story.” I replied with wide eyes as I tilted my head back.

“ I didn’t even know anything was going on, I was still whining up my skin.” Zeinab inputed making us laugh, I can actually imagine her doing that, that’s the funniest part.

“ come Biola, I need to talk to you I’ve got something on my mind.” Amarni whispered in my ear. We stepped aside into the quiet hall way and I was curious of what he had to say.

“ I think I know, how to get Louis out of trouble and were gonna do it today ! “ He finally spoke and for some reason everything lit up with happiness inside of me.

Thanks For Reading (:

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