Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

~Amarni P.O.V ~

In Complete Anger , I Dashed my favourite mug with the hot chocolate that I just made in it and watched it smash against the wall across the room onto my carpet. I Stood up and stepped into Jordan's personal space, giving him an intense stare.

" You Better Not Be Lying." I Warned Him. At the blink of an eye my mind was going crazy. I was creating a lot of scenarios in my head as I stomped into my mum's room, since Jordan did say that Chan was having a conversation with my mum. That means she knows the truth.

" Mum , Mum, Wake up." I shook her till she woke up.

" WHAT?" She exclaimed, alarmed out of the rude awakening.

" Can I ask you something in private?" She sighed before putting her slippers on, getting up and following me downstairs into the living room.

" Is it true mum?" I asked . My eyes began to water at the thought of him touching her.

" Is what true?" She rubbed her eyes.

" Was Chanel Raped mum?"

" Who Told you?" She took a deep breathe.

" Jordan told me. "

" I knew , I should of put them to bed." She mumbled under her breathe.

" Look son."

" No. If you knew the truth, why didn't you just tell me? Why would you allow me to believe the lies that covered up the truth?" I argued.

" It wasn't my place to tell you Amarni. This is between you and Chanel. All I could do was try to help. It was her decision to tell you what she told you." She sobbed.

" Well Thank you for being there for Chanel whilst I wasn't here to protect her." I said.

" Where you going?" She Asked as I got up to put my coat on. I didn't care that I was wearing my basketball shorts , vest and nike slippers. My girl is at home hurting and I didn't even know till now. All along I thought that she was trying to hurt me.

" I'm going to get to the bottom of this. So it depends where that leads me." I replied.

" Thanks For Everything mum, seriously." I thanked her.

" I'm always here when you need me." And with that I left. I don't know how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm hurt, I feel revengeful, I feel sorrowful. I've been so selfish. How could I leave Chanel on her own, knowing that she's pregnant? We're young and I just abandoned her, for what? This is too much you know. The timing is bad, I have my last Business exam in 2 days and I should be revising, but I don't know where this situation is going to take me.

I finally brought myself to my previous home. It felt weird coming back here after the weeks of staying at my mums house, it was beginning to feel like the old days. I had my keys , but I decided to knock the door.

~ Chanel P.O.V ~

I opened the door and saw Amarni standing at the doorstep looking up at me. My heart thudded at his presence. I was scared. We haven't spoken in weeks and hes here right now. What does he want? No words were exchanged, but actions were shown. Without showing any form of emotion, I opened the door wider for him to walk inside. I sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for Amarni to follow. I've finally brought up the courage to tell him the truth. Seeing Layla with Reece and Tyler today made me realise that I can't do this all alone. And its my fault why were not together. I should not have lied in the first place.

" Amarni , I've got something to tell you." I broke the silence.

" Chanel I already know.. I just want to know why you lied to me." He said calmly. I was expecting a different reaction. I didn't care who told him, a part of me was slightly relieved that he was handling it better than I thought he would.

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