Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~ Jermaine P.O.V ~

The bank owner stopped at me first. My heart skipped a beat and then sunk. He analyzed the ID then looked at me, looked at the ID then looked at me , i felt like i couldn't breathe, the wait was killing me . "yep" he said breaking the silence then moved on to Kaz. He did the same thing that he did to me to Kaz and said " Yep" whew , we both looked at each other with a sign of relief and then we followed him into the Lift.

The Lift was mad awkward because he was just chatting about the bank and the economy and we had to pretend that we knew what he was talking about. Luckily the originals covered for us at times.

We now got to floor 3 and we followed him to the safe. To check if we knew the code, he asked me to open the safe. I'm dead. I looked around nervously.

" Boss , this girl I'm seeing always says i124Q, but she gives me mixed signals." One of the originals spoke out.

" What do I do when she blatantly says i124Q." He looked at me and gave me a 'that's the code' face and in my mind I was like ohhhh then I typed in the code and Pronto the safe was open.

We put all of the gold on trays and pushed them all the way back in the lift and Into the garage to find the vans that Scrapz and Deckz were driving. We Put all of the gold in each van.

" thanks for saving me like that g." I gave him a gold bar and the way his eyes lit up was priceless.

We all got in the van accept for the other worker and drove off. Easy.

~ 5 minutes Later ~

" The Feds are on our tail." Scrapz informed us

" Ayy their coming from different directions ! " Kaz shouted

" Quick Jerms hack into the traffic light system and make sure it's red where the Feds are and green where we are.

I got all off the Feds but it only led us to a dead end.

~ Kaz P.O.V ~

We got to a dead end and that's when all the Feds showed up. We got out the vans , took cover and started shooting at them.

" To Your Left Kaz ! " Deckz shouted I aimed my gun to the left of me and shot the sneaking motherfucker.

" There's too many of them !" Jermz shouted.

" We can do it, Jermz and Deckz take right, Kaz you lot take left and the rest of us will clear the Feds from here." Scrapz commanded.

It was getting out of control. Feds were coming out from everywhere and were getting shot down. The amount of Feds there were made me think that this was in for me. It look impossible.

~ 2 hours Later ~

" See I knew we could do it, well done boys. Lets go to the trap house, count our money and celebrate." Scrapz said happily

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

So I arrived home, curious about what my mum had to tell me , but when I opened the door all that curiosity went away. The man I hated was sitting in my living room. The man I hated had the nerve to stay in my eyes. The Man that is the cause of most of my pain. The man that left me when I was 3, unsure of the real world, innocent to all the problems out there, not knowing that being a father-less child would effect the way I think about life. The man that allowed my mother the struggle, work her socks off and come home feeling tired and exhausted , knowing deep down that she didn't want to do this, but she had to. Working 9-5 just to stay alive was her only option. The Man who was evil enough to let that happen to us was sitting right there in front of me.

" Hey Amarni, I'm your father." He spoke in a nervous tone.

" Yes I Know." I said through clenched teeth and I balled up my hands in fists.


Sorry For Any Errors.

Thanks For Reading :)



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