Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

~ The Next Morning ~

~ Chanel P.O.V ~

That was some nice sleep, I woke up to find an empty bed all to myself, I analyzed my surroundings and I realized I was still in my room and it didn't make sense to why I was in bed alone. Where was Amarni? I sat up, rubbed my eyes to make my vision clear and then the door banged open.

" Morning babe, i cooked you breakfast." Amarni excitedly said.

" Awwww Thank you." My voice sounded so croaky and hoarse.

" Why didn't you wake me up Marnz." He knows I like to wake up early.

" You looked so peaceful and cute when you were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you. Besides I made you breakfast, this is my 1st time cooking, so you know if you get sick , it wasn't me okay." He grinned.

" I know thank you again, it smells buff anyways." I gave him a quick peck before digging in.

The breakfast was AMAZiNG , he made me heart shaped pancakes, with strawberries and golden syrup perfectly placed on top of the pancakes. Crispy bacon slices that were neatly placed around it and back beans placed in one section of the plate. I actually never knew that he could cook, he probably didn't know either.

" That was soo nice. I Think you should cook more often." I spoke out

" it's okay, I think I'm done for today." His eyebrows furrowed and I laughed at his facial expressions.

"Babe, My mum just texted me , she has something to tell me. She said its urgent. I'm gonna go over now and see what she wants." Amarni said

" All right, see you soon." He kissed me goodbye and off he went.

~ Jermaine P.O.V ~

I am so excited, Why? Because today is the day that I'm going on my first Heist. I've got money and all but it's actually not enough, I've got an expensive taste , so doing this heist successfully will bring me some good money.

I got in the shower , did my usual hygiene shit and got dressed in all black and I placed my black bandana in my pocket, ready to meet everyone at the trap house.

I have a car now, yes I know I'm underage but when I saw this Blacked out Aldi I had to get it. Don't ask me how I got it , I just did, and now it's mine. It's no biggie cos' I can drive , Kaz taught me the basics.

I got in my Aldi, put on my Rick Ross Album , checked the mirror and then I sped off into the distance.

~ 20 minutes Later ~

" Okay guys, lets go over Plan A, Kaz and Jermz you're gonna threaten 4 Works that are on a delivery shift and make 2 of them give you their uniform and make sure you take their ID and threaten the other 2 to come with you and bribe them to be on your side. Then let them drive you to the bank."

" Alright." We both said in unison

" Stay in character as you carry the gold Bars into the company vans , me and Deckz will be driving those vans and everyone else will stay as back up in case something goes wrong." Scrapz commanded.

" is everyone ready for this?"

" YEAH." We all roared


We all put on our bullet proof vests and loaded ourselfs with guns.

~ Kaz P.O.V ~

We Split up from the gang and Me and Jermz Trapped one of the bank Company vans that had 4 of the workers in it.

" Get Out The Van !" Jermz shouted while pointing his gun at them.

" Drop All Your Weapons Now !" I commanded

" Good Now ,you give me your uniform ! " I pointed at the man that resembled me the most. Surprisingly 2 of them were black, which lead us no choice but to take their uniform

We got dressed into the uniform and went into the van while escorting the other 2 into the van with the gun.

" Listen, we won't hurt you, unless you help us." Jermz said

" help you do what?" One of them asked.

" We're gonna rob the bank and take their Gold Bars."

" That is so wrong, I'll lose my job if I get caught." The other said.

" Aha but we won't get caught, because we won't be seen and you'll be rich if you help us, you probably won't even need to work their anymore ." I said

" Okay we'll help you." We all shook hands and they drove us to the bank.

" Back So Soon?" The bank owner asked as we entered the bank looking like we were apart of them.

" Alright ID's." he insisted as he made us line up. He checked the oringal workers ID's first and then he moved on to ours and then he stopped.


Woiii Jermaine going on a heist , I don't think their plan was smart enough ?

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