Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

~ Biola P.O.V ~

While Louis was having a shower , I cooked him some Jellof rice and chicken. It was late at night so why not cook him some dinner that would fill him up and besides I wanna see if he can handle the spice and seasonings. He needs some good food to bring him back on his feet. I had just finished dishing out the food for , me , Louis and Amarni and I left some for Chanel covered up on the side, when Louis came walking down the stairs looking almost better than ever. He had on Amarni’s clothes because those clothes he had on were stinking. Trust me, the smell was not pleasant. He wore  a grey Obey jumper , black jeans that were cuffed at the bottom and he had on his grey and white vans. He looked so buff, despite the bruises on his face. But they weren’t that bad, because my baby is a strong man. He walked straight into the kitchen and hugged me from behind.

“ I missed you and your curves.” He said , his lips close to my neck and he traced his hands down my figure. His breathe prickled my skin and it kind of tiggled.

“ I missed you too, I made you some food . “ I laughed , turning to face him.

“ what’s that ? “ he asked as he analysed, the orange rice that was placed before him. Awww he’s clueless, bless his cotton socks.

“ Jellof rice, taste it babe, but I want you to be comfortable before you eat it, so imma put on a movie and all three of us can eat it together.”

“ alright.” He gave me a look of concern and then gave me a quick peck, then sat on the couch in the living room. I just laughed to myself, that expression was priceless.

Amarni put on ‘ Set it Off ‘ and as it started I brought their food to them and watched their every move before I dug into mines. I don’t think Amarni’s tasted this either. Hmm , well its good to try new things.

“ AHHHHHH THIS IS SOOO SPICEY , YET SO BUFF ! “ Amarni shrieked, his eyes full of water, but he kept going. I’m glad he likes it.

“ ok. Didn’t get why you needed to shout. Thanks.” I said , holding in my laugh at his eagerness to finish his plate of food.

“ can I have seconds please?” I turned to Louis who had already finished his food. WOW I thought it would have been to hot for him, I did not imagine him even liking it yet alone want seconds. THIS IS GREAT STUFF MAN.

“ Yeah sure ! “ my eyes lit up at my boyfriend who evidently enjoyed my cooking.

“ Here you go, you like it that much?” I asked as I gave him his seconds.

“ yeaaaaaaaaah , I love it babe !” he said happily.

“ so it’s not too hot for you?”

“ what so you meaaaaan? Just because I’m white doesn’t mean I can’t take spice.” He chuckled and Amarni and joined in.

“ and besides I’ve already got  a hotspice.” Omg the cheese is so real.

“ isit ? whos that?” I asked sarcastically.

“ You Biola.” He said in a ‘ duhh’ tone.

“ ohh rahh I didn’t know that.” I continued with my sarcasm.

Chanel walked through the door, with an ultimate surprised expression and she ran , I mean sprinted to Louis and gave him a hug as if he returned from the dead. I didn’t feel jealous of anything, so don’t get any ideas, Me and Chanel are tight, we would never disrespect one another. After greeting Louis, she came over to me and I stood up and gave her a hug. I’ve genuinely missed her.

“ your house is so nice, for someone so small.” I teased.

“ walleverrrrr.” She stuck her tongue at me.

I watched her as she pounced on Amarni and they began to make out , “ saved the best for last” escaped from her lips and they carried on kissing for abit , but then stopped when they noticed me and Louis were still here. Amarni began playing with her wild curly hair as she sat inbetween his legs. I watched their every move, but it was only making my feelings worse. Really and truly I was jealous of their relationship. Not in a bad way. I admired how affectionate they are together, I only wished mines was like there’s. Maybe that’s my fault, maybe I’m not affectionate to Louis , I don’t know. But watching Amarni and Chanel together was making me have deep thoughts.

“ I left food for you on the side Chanel.”

“ Thanks Biola.” She got up and went straight to the kitchen.

“ What time is it?” I looked out the window and it looked darrrkk outside.

“ its 1:43am.” Louis replied to my question.

“ OMG, I NEED TO GO HOME, I’M GONNA GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE ! “ time went so quick. I didn’t even realise the time,I don’t think these people realise that my parents are strict.

“ I’ll follow you home.” Louis said. I put on my coat and said my goodbye’s to Louis and Chanel.

~ 13 minutes later ~

“ Bye Biola, thanks for everything. I love you.”

“ I Love you too Louis.” We hugged and I watched Louis leave. I wish he could have stayed. I turned the keys to the front door and it opened. I walked him and the house was dark and sound-less. To avoid anything happening, I went straight to the stairs and crept up each step slowly, trying not to make any noise.

“ Where have you been?” I head my dad’s voice question as I got to the top. Sigh, not again.

“ I fell asleep in the library.” I lied off the top of my head.

“ hmmmm okay atleast you were studying.” He said , I knew he did not believe me, that was the worst part about it.

“ I’m tired… I’m going to bed now.” I forced the yawn and stretched my arms upwards, then turned to walk towards my bedroom.

“ Make sure Louis is not in there with you ! “ he shouted from the bottom of the stairs. What the hell?

-          Short Chapter

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