Chapter 40

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~ Chapter 40 ~

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

I had to walk away from the situation. If I hadn’t, I would have done something that I would have regretted. I can’t believe Chanel cheated on me. I never thought she would do that. I convinced myself that she was the loyal type. I know six months is a long time, but that should not mean that you become unfaithful. Its like history is repeating itself with my previous relationship. I never thought that I could trust a girl ever again, but I put all of my trust in Chanel because I thought that she was the one. Evidently not.

Despite what she did, it’s weird how I still love her. But she doesn’t care, really. She hurt my feelings. She sold me dreams, telling me that she’s pregnant, allowing me to get gassed when deep down she knew she was cheating. Fuck that.

“ Mum can I stay here for abit?” I asked in a monotone.

“ Yeah sure, you know you’re always welcome to stay.” She replied bubbly. I think she had a little alcohol in her system.

“ Thanks.” I hugged her then dragged my feet up the steps.

I opened the door to my old room and it was exactly how I left it. The spacious  room with  a Red feature wall and magnolia walls. A 32’ inch Tv on the wall. My King sized bed with white duvet covers and plumped pillows.A red carpet that was spread across the room and just random things on shelves. Its exactly the same as how I left it, just more emptier.

I decided to go straight to bed so that I could not think about anything, but the vivid thoughts kept on seeming through my mind, keeping me awake. At one point I thought I was sleeping, but I was merely in deep thought with my eyes closed.

“ You Alright?” I jumped at the sound of Jordan’s voice. He was standing by the door, sipping on hot chocolate.

“ Yeah, I’m good.” I lied.

“ cool, if you want to talk , I’m here for you just like you are for me.”  He said shutting the door slowly.

My mind drifted off and my heavy eye lids were finally closed in sleep.


~ Chanel P.O.V ~

~ The Next Day ~

I’m back to the days where I cry myself to sleep. Why me? Why did I have to be put in this situation? I want Amarni to come home. I’ve made him believe that I was cheating on him, when I’d never do that in a million years. I love him and nothing can change that. What am I going to do? I keep contemplating and thinking, but every outcome is bad no matter what. Why am I ruining my relationship for that dickhead ? He deserves ever bad thing that happens to him. The only thing I fear is that Amarni would end up hurt. That’s why I chose to hurt him emotionally, than watch him get hurt physically.

I laid down on my bed in the covers , facing the ceiling sniffling and wiping my puffed eyes with tissue. I need to mend this. I picked up my phone and dialled Amarni.. he busied it three times and then let it ring. He doesn’t want to talk to me. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either. Now I don’t know what I’m going to do. He won’t even speak to me. I’ve hurt him real bad.

I began to feel the pit of vomit inside me and immediately ran to the toilet to let it all out. If only he were here to help me through this pregnancy. I don’t know how I’d cope , being a single mother . I can barely look after myself. Hence why I look like shit right now. I sat down on the bed and tried to focus my mind on something else by watching tv.

I was in a dark place , darker than a room with no lights on, I was just standing there taking in the isolated air. I don’t know where I am, nothing looks familiar. But I wasn’t alone. There was more. More heavy breathing, heavier than mines.i couldn’t see them but I couldn’t  hear them. They were placed both near and far as I let my ears travel the sounds of their breaths. I froze. I didn’t want to move, I was too scared that I would touch whoevers there. With a loud BANG red eyes appearing directly infront of me , but further away. All I saw was these red eyes peering at me In the darkness. Where could I run? Where could I hide? With another BANG a group of white eyes appeared, surrounding the red eyes that was peering at me. The heavy breathing  continued and the red eyes began to walk closer, closer, and closer until the figure touched my shoulder and pushed me into another room where it was light. Every piece of furniture was black. The bed black, the duvet black , the pillows black, the window frame black , the tv obviously black, the only thing that wasn’t

Family FirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora