Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

~ Kaz P.O.V ~

Jermz is so dumb, he picked up bare Lucozades and tried to stuff them in his clothes like say it could fit, he could barely walk with all those drinks, this nigga is seriously stupid. I feel like I can easily get him to do anything I want him to do. Me and the guys were talking about this, if we push the right buttons, we can persuade him to do stuff we don’t have to do, he chose to be about this life, he has to toughen up and imma show him.

I walked in front of him with only 2 drinks, both in my socks, cos’ I knew it would be bait if he just walked infront looking like some bulging black dinosaur, he would of got caught knowing him, then I’d be in trouble and I couldn’t risk that. I’ve been to prison before and it aint a nice place g. As we got closer to the exit, Jermz’s drink decided that it wanted to take a walk and it collapsed to the ground making some loud noise. That noise, snapped some sorta sense into me and I ran, I just ran to the trap leaving Jermz behind. He shudda ran aswell, silly mo’fo , I bet he just stood there like a prick.

~ Jermaine P.O.V ~

I came to a halt when that drink dropped; it was all going too fast, what was I supposed to do? If I ran with Kaz , all the drinks would have dropped anyways, so it would have been pointless of me stealing it. Speaking on that it was pointless that I stole for Kaz when he stole drinks HIMSELF. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ME DOING THAT? He just got me in some major trouble for no damn reason and just left me there. He just left a nigga hanging. He couldn’t even back me up knowing that I am now in trouble, couldn’t even stop to help me and we consider each other family. Is that what families do? I actually feel betrayed like I propa don’t understand why he left me there. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared into space daydreaming about what had just happened and how I would escape when the shop keeper, vigorously grabbed my shoulder.

“ Oi ! what do you think your doing?” he shouted at me.

“erm.. errm.. i-i-I.” I stuttered , I thought I was tall but this tall man was looking down at me with piercing eyes.

“ speak up, I haven’t got all day.”

I couldn’t bring myself to speak, I was in fear that what ever I would say would get me into more trouble than I already was in. I was still shocked at the fact that I was caught by this bulldozer looking shopkeeper. I could of easily got away with a small timid fella.

“ You know what, I’ll let you off, you know why?” he snapped.

“ erm.. No.” I said confused.

“ I sat back and watched everything on the camera, I knew you were going to steal the drinks, I saw and heard the whole thing. You were teased into to stealing, you didn’t do it willingly. But what was stupid is that you didn’t have a backbone and stood up for yourself, if you didn’t want to steal, you didn’t have to.” He Spoke out to me, I was still confused – did he just say he was on my side?

“ Thank you , I’m glad that you saw that it wasn’t all my fault.” My eyes glistened , I honestly thought that I was  a goner , I thought it was judgment day or something, the way he approached me had me convinced that my life was officially over, if I can get away with this, who knows what else I can get away with. I truly am a G for real.

“  you can get out my shop now. Go on, get going ! “ The shopkeeper commanded. Has this nigga got Bi-Polar?

I started walking , but then the shopkeeper called out.

“ Oh yeah young man, I think you need to chose your friends wisely, they aint good influences from what I just saw.” I just nodded at his remark and carried on walking with some of the drinks still in my clothes.

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