Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

~ A Year and 6 months Later~

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

Summer is herrrreeeeeeee boy ! Okay let me update you on my life so far. I'm 16 now, nearly 17 tho , i had some banging sweet 16. it was in a big Regal hall, the main theme was white as in decorations, i didnt mind what people wore as long as they looked Decent. That was the Day Chan gave me a Love bite on my neck .

Anyways,So me and Chanel broke up... Just kidding, we're actually more in love with each other than when we first got together. On our one year anniversary we had a romantic dinner - cos I'm a fly guy and I bought her a bunch of roses and chocolates and gave her a nice massage in her lonely apartment- dont get any ideas we didn't beat, we've decided to take our relationship slow, we both know that it would benefit us that way.

Also, I've finished my GCSE'S , lemme show you my grades cos I ain't ashamed:

English : C

Maths : B

Science: C

Art : B

P.E : B

Drama : A

Music : D

I.C.T : C

Business Studies : A*

Yes I know, I PASSED. Shoutout to me for being so fly and getting them grades. With that being said, I will be starting college in September, I'm hoping to go to one of the best colleges in London and I'm hoping to study, Business , Drama, Media & Graphics.

"Amarni , Your Aunty Hailey and your cousins are coming over in about half an hour !" My mum shouted from downstairs, interrupting my trail of thoughts.

" Okay mum, I'll get ready now."

Recently, I've gotten mad close to my family especially my cousins with whom I grew up with. Every summer is live with them because we always have a motive, whether we just chill or go out somewhere, we always buss jokes.

Oh yeah, I haven't spoke to Jermz ever since Trevor's Party , I haven't nothing about for the fact that he still does dumb shit that he never used to do, now that he is in a gang. He ah go learn. Haven't you heard the saying ' Who don't hear must feel.' Mmm, maybe he felt it already and is trying to change, I don't know , haven't spoke to him since.

I Did my usual Hygiene Routine , I put on a wife beater vest , Chicago bulls shorts and my red and white vans. The smell of fry up met my nostrils, the sweet maple syrup on Freshly cooked pancakes filled up the atmosphere. I followed the smell to the kitchen to find a happy looking mum, dishing out our breakfast.

"Mmm smells good mum, what made you cook breakfast, you don't normally do this." I laughed as I dug into my food.

" Isn't Today just beautiful, Amarni."

She looked out into space as if she was in her own little fantasy world.

"Erm. Mum snap outta it, this is the real world, okay, I dunno where your head is at in this current moment, but I'm glad you cooked, this is delicious." I licked my lips.

*Ding Dong*

I went to open the door and I was invited by a bunch of "Hey !"'s , Aunty Hailey and my cousins came over. Let me describe them for you, so you can get the picture.

My Aunty Hailey is my mum's sister and Bobby, is Aunty Hailey's Son, he is 9 years old and believe me this kid goes on like he's 19. He is a shade darker than brown- skin and he has a mini Afro to which he combs 24/7. This little boy gives me too much joke.

Next, is My Cousins Alicia and Jordan , they are brother and sister, but their mum passed away 4 years ago and now they live with my aunty Hailey .Alicia is 13 years olds and Jordan is 15 years old, but if you just met them you would think it was the other way round. They are constantly arguing about the smallest things , that don't even need arguing about, but hey if that's what gets them through their day then so be it. They are both brown skinned and have dimples in their cheeks when they laugh or smile. Okay enough about them. Back to my life.

We all greeted each other, and sat down in the living room watching tv.

" I Have Something to share, that I've been keeping hidden." Aunty Hailey spoke out.

" What ?" My mum asked

" I'm 6 months Preggers." She confessed.

" How the hell do you keep that hidden for 6 months?" My mum laughed and we all joined in.

" I was meant to say , but you know, I just forgot init, no biggie." Aunty Hailey laughed.

" Isit a girl or a boy , or do you not know yet." My mum asked.


" awwww, do you have any names?" I asked

" I like the name Heaven."

~ Chanel P.O.V ~

~ The Next Day ~

Ohhhh snap, I've got my own P.O.V now, check me out. My name is Chanel Melody Angel Parker if you didn't know already. It's been a year and abit since Amarni and have been dating and I can say its been a good year. I love him to bits, he has taught me how to love myself and now I've changed for the better. I feel like a new girl now. I am no longer that anti-social , damaged girl. That Chanel has vanished. I like this new one.

I've met Amarni's mother already and I love her, she's so funny and me and her have had a girly nights where we would go shopping without Amarni and have 'girl talk'

Right now I'm face-timing Amarni and his mum before I go to bed.

"Hey Boo ! Hey ma" I said

" Yoo babe, Hey Chan." They said

" I just wanted to check on you guys before I catch some z's, I love you two."

"Love you too child." Felicia replied

" erm Marnz say it back." I pouted

" but who loves you though." He replied smirking

" Yo Momma does."

"LOL girl, I'm playing, I love you too." He made a kissy face and I did it back and that's how my night ended.

I Love My New Family


Sorry for the errors, I'll correct them later.

Thanks For Reading


Family FirstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora