Too Much

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"Can we ask you some questions about a case?" The officer said.

"And what that might be." I asked

"Can we come in?" He asked

"No, you may not if you have anything to say you can say it out here." I said.

"Well alright, do you know anything about Rachel Sanders?" he asked

"The only thing I know about her is that she used to work for my wife. But she was fired for sexual harassment against her." I said

"Well she has turned up missing for quite some time and we are just wondering if you have any information." He said.

Fuck I'm glad that Kingsley is always a step ahead of the police. The police officers looked at me suspiciously but being with Kingsley she taught me how to act and reply to police whenever they try to do anything.

"Is your wife here?" The officer asked

"No she is out for business. That's all you will know until I have my lawyer here with me. You may leave." I went back in the house. I would call Kingsley but that like one of the no-no's.

Kingsley better come back soon so I can tell her what's happening.


"Man kill them!"All you heard was gunfire and saw bullets going everywhere.

These new guys that Jose has can't shoot straight for shit. Everyone that was here from the start hitting all of their targets like they at a shooting range. After a while I saw Rashad running away like a bitch.

"You 6 come with me." I pointed to them. I already know that they are able to catch up with him on each side. The big guy that I have caught up to him and tackled Rashad down.

"Damn Big Willie moving fast for a big man. It’s a shame that things have to end this way. I mean if you didn’t know that Mia is dead, she's been dead for a decade and come years." I said.

"You killed her!?" He tried to lunge at me but Big Willie had a grip on him
"No, I would never harm her. She died from 2 different cancers. But this whole revenge shit that you have going on is stupid but oh well you're still gonna die though." I signaled the other 5 guys to dispose of him while I go back to the trap and change clothes before I go back to my hotel.
Its only 10:30 at night got done with all of this in 30 minutes. Would have been faster if Jose actually made sure that the new guys could shoot correctly. After changing clothes I went back to my hotel and FaceTime India.

"Hey babe what's been going on, ain't nobody burned down nothing right." I laughed a bit.

"Nothing but we do have to talk soon as you get back though. And nothing is burned down. How's everything." India was putting her hair in a bun like she doesn’t always before she sleeps.

Hmm by the way she was looking it wasn’t good. "Eh could have been better. I'll be home tomorrow babe. Where's Sage." She moved her phone over to Sage sleeping in my spot in the bed with her.

"Aww she misses me. Well get some sleep baby okay." I said getting into the bed drinking on some apple juice. I hope this doesn’t give me nightmares and heartburn like grape juice does.

I got home around 5 in the afternoon. Normally when I'm doing like this I don’t want to take an airplane to get there. They can basically track down where I've been and when I come back. I opened the door to my house and Sage just runs over and jumps on me.

"Well I miss you to bug" I kissed her cheek."have you been good while I was gone."

"Yes. Mommy hasn't." She said, man I did miss my family.

"What? She hasn’t, well she is in trouble now." India walked over to me and kissed me "What did you do to my bug."

"Well little miss Sage here was being bad and was throwing fits." India said.

"Hmm throwing fits eh." I looked at Sage, she hid in my neck because now she knows she got caught, "Sage, babe, you need to be good for mommy when I'm gone. Now go play so I can talk to mommy."

Sage got down and went back to whatever she was doing.

"So what's going on." We went into the kitchen to talk.

"The police are now questioning Rachel's whereabouts. So most likely they know that she is dead." India said

"Well babe we know how to trick and convince them baby. We got this. We have this down packed there isn't going to be any issues." Not really caring. We been through to much to not know how to work our way around the police.

"But what if..." I cut her off.

"No what if babe. You don’t have and involvement into it. Remember she was my employee. They will come to me first before you. I've been through this too many times, it's going to be a matter of time until they will stop accusing me of this crap." I laughed a bit.

"True, I just don’t want you to be in jail while I'm here taking care of Sage."

"Baby, tell me how many times I've been to court. And tell me how many times I've walked away free." I pulled her closer to me.

"Too many damn times." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm to smooth and smart for this system. I know how to operate things honey so stop stressing. I got this. Plus our little problem back in Houston is done." She kissed me. "Hopefully, I have some doubts but I'm pretty sure Marco will handle it."


I never liked this Chris guy, even before Kingsley assigned me to watch him I already was. Chris is shady.

"So what up with KC, tell me about em" he asked me.

I looked at him like I was going to tell him but I put a bullet between his eyes. Always go with your gut, he knew too much.

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