No Breaks

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Detective Dan

"Yes Detective Dan, there's not much about her I must say. It was a lot of assumptions about her either being connected or being this killer down here that goes by KC. No one down here had any evidence or connections of her being that said person." Ann said to me.

"But it just something that she told me could make her practically insane or just mentally unstable but Kingsley does seem fine. Well thank you anyway Ann." I said.

"No problem Dan." We said our goodbyes and hung up,

Just the way Kingsley said those things made my blood churn, skin crawl and fearful for my 4 year old and 12 year old daughter. I couldn’t imagine the people that was related, that I grew up with do something like that. I mean I understand the whole no emotion to the situation. After looking through all of her past records which was just information on her. Kingsley doesn’t have a criminal record she seems like she couldn’t do it.

Her life now seem pretty steady from what somethings tells me. Looking back as of when she was 19, it was a money increase spike in her bank account but there was a will written for her to have all of this money. So that there didn’t raise any red flags for me. I mean she does have a cousin that does have a criminal record but I honestly believe each family has that one person that goes to jail for something stupid.

Kingsley seems like an overall clean person. Nothing about her screams or mentions that I did this. Well the fact that she really did just leave me speechless for a moment. I mean a mentally ill person could just say things that makes you want to shower for a good 2 hours and question you entire family.

I went home to my family and still had what Kingsley said on my mind.

"Hey honey. What's wrong?" My wife came to me and lead me into the kitchen. I look out of the window in the kitchen and see my daughters playing carefree.

"Work. This case that I'm working on is insane. The Cortes family in Houston is something big and crazy. I just went and interviewed one of the said family and the things she told me just doesn't sit right with me." I said, while my wife handed me a beer.

"Like what? I know you said the family has a history of rape and other things but what is the problem." She said.

"The fact that she was 7 years old, being raped repeatedly by her family. She didn’t mention her mother's side just the Cortes. No one helped her is what I got from it. She sounded so emotionally drained to were she didn’t care what happens to them. But overall she has a daughter, and hearing how she doesn’t want her daughter to experience that makes me what to have a tighter hold on ours daughters. I've never been so uncomfortable like that in 12 years being in this type of business." I pretty much down my beer.

"Oh my, that's so sad. I would be too honestly. Just emotionally detached from a family who didn’t try to stop everything. But I bet she is a stronger more stable person that she is now. She has a family to protect just like you do." My wife said to me. I hope Kingsley does get any help she can. Right this case is pretty much cold at the moment.


"How did the interviews or interrogation go  babe." India came over and kissed me.

"Detective Metro was ugh annoying..." She cut me off.

"If Detective Metro don’t trust you, he gone shoot you." I laughed at her for saying that.

"Stop hanging out with Jay, I think she rubbed off on you and not in a sexual way." I shook my head. " but then I scared Detective Dan."

"Detective Dan. Ain't he the retarded guy from the 90's show all that." India laughed.

"I was thinking the same shit. See great minds think alike baby. But I got everything under control." I sat in the couch while Sage is coloring.

Sage turned around and smiled at me. It warms my cold heart. I will always say that I am lucky to have India and Sage in my life. I don’t know where I would be if I never met India. Most likely in jail, or dead. Smartest decision I ever made to move down here away from that gang life.

India came over and sat on my lap, playing with my dreads as usual. Christen came over with her family and everything. Jaiden and her family on vacation in London. Truly I love these people in my family. I really I don’t know what I will do without them.

I kissed India and Sage and walked outside to the back. I sat on the chair out there and thought about life without all of this violence and killing and shit. Without all of the Cortes drama and everything, just a normal life. I shook my head at that, this life that was dealt to me gave me purpose. Even with all this evil going on I met some really good people in my life.

India came out with this look on her face that seemed troubled. "baby, someone tried to kill your mom and Tess."

My eye started to twitch, I popped my neck and just sat there silent. Back to Houston I go.

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