Hell or Heaven

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Man that nigga could punch. Low key I thought she was just you know a regular rich nigga. Like King was about to straight body my ass. I know I shouldn’t of fucked her wife but damn India is just so fucking bad I couldn’t help it. I do feel bad for shooting her but at the same time she almost killed me.

"I told yo stupid ass not to fuck with her wife." Gia told me.

"I couldn’t help it." I shruged my shoulders.

"Well she couldn’t help but whoop yo ass. Now if her friends come and kill you I don’t know you. You are dumb as hell. They have a daughter and one on the way but you want to fuck her wife. You a dead bitch that's all I know." Gia said fixing my face.

"Gia she aint nobody though. King looked like a softie."

"Softie my ass, look at you Dani. She fucked you up good. Hell I would of killed you too. Her and her two other friends look like they was part of a fucking gang, hell probably ran that bitch. Then on top of all that she was going to add you to her body list. You is a dead bitch Danielle. India is pregnant, she gone have a miscarriage because of you. Stop being a thot all yo life. You fucked the wrong one." Gia was done and walked away, "Im going by the hospital don’t show up there."


Man I can't believe India cheated on Kingsley man. They was made for each other but Crys had to come through and fucked that up. From what Bree told me is that Crys shot her 3 times in the back. I know Kingsley a strong bitch but I don’t think she is that strong. We up at the hospital with India and everybody was here. Santos looked so disappointed at India, hell I am too. She know King aint the most stable person out here.

"Any news yet on her?" I asked Bree.

"No, she must still be in surgery. Before she went in they said she might not live."…

That's been my homie since day 1. She can't die on us now.

"Baby she will make it." Bree held me while I started crying. I don’t cry but this is different, I'm losing a sister yo. Jaiden and Kingsley are like my sisters.


Why the fuck is it so damn dark. All of a sudden a bright white and red light appears.

"Who the fuck is y'all" I said confused as hell

"Satan." His voice was deep as hell. I mean I can make my voice deep but that shit would hurt my throat trying to copy that.

"Great I'm going to hell, you might as well send me to heaven because I'm gonna have fun there."

"I like her." He said

"Be quiet, I'm God." Damn God black, I thought this nigga was white

"Well who knew God would be a nigga. What's good pimp." I said

"Yep I definitely like her." Satan just laughing

"Why am I here. Shit I'm fucking dead arent I. Should of killed Dani." I said shaking my head.

"Yes and no. Yes because you have been shot 3 times in the back. No because we both agree that it ain't yo time." God said

"Hold up now in church you is supposed to be fighting the him not agreeing with the bastard."I said

"True but with you Kingsley, it's extremely hard to put yo ass somewhere like honestly I see how you kill people that shit was awesome but you have to much heart. Like the grinch or some shit." Satan said.

"Yeah, you do wrong but good all at the same time. Thing is this your future son is having a hard time surviving, and India stressing ain't making it no better." God said.

"Ayyyye finally, I get to have me a twin. Wait since you Satan, what you been doing to my piece of shit family" I'm like curious though

"Them some nasty fuckers but with are burning for eternity and for my enjoyment also."  he said

"Alright God what about my good peoples." I asked

"Great actually." I looked over and saw them all at the gates.

"Ugh this mushy shit." Satan groaned."bitch you ain't dead so take your soul back to yo body."

"Aye look here you what does the fox say, peanut butter in the ass, dog licking stupid piece of I don’t know what head ass nigga don’t fuck with me. Fucking stretch yo tongue out to ya ass so you know what shit taste like ol butt ball ass nigga." God was just standing there laughing his ass off.


Ive been praying ever since they took her in the ambulance. I can't believe that Dani did this, I honestly thought they was cool. To be honest I thought Kingsley snapped for a moment. I do believe Kingsley wants a divorce now.

"Family of Kingsley Bennett." The doctor said. He came out covered in blood.

"Is she alive?" I said.

"We did lose her for on and off. She lost a lot blood too. But at this moment she is in a coma. There's no telling how long it's going to take for her to wake up." He said.

"Can we go see her?" Christen said

"Yes, two at a time though." He said.

"I go last you guys." I said.

I don't know if I can go in there. I want to but I'm also scared too. A few minutes went by and it was turn to see her. I walked in and she look at how weak she was. Kingsley never looked weak but right now she does. I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. The heart monitor had sped up and nurses came in.

"What happened." The nurse said.

"I don’t know, all I did was grab her hand and it sped up." I explained.

"Aww now that’s love." She left out the room.

"Kingsley I'm so fucking sorry about everything. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I told her to stop the first time it happened but you came before it got to much. And this time it just happened. I feel so wrong that I did you like that. You are more than what I ever wanted. You are honest with me, you spoil me even when I constantly tell you not too. You are such a good dad/mom to Sage and our next child will love you all the same. You're right we have been through so much and I know how you get, I'm truly sorry baby, please wake up soon." I got up and was about to walk out.

"What no kiss." I turned around and saw her wake up.

"Baby!" I kissed her all over her face.

"Chill, chill babe geez. I'm still hurting I just got shot not to long ago."

"YES, MY NIGGA ALIVE." Christen yelled.

"Shut yo loud ass up damn." She groaned.

"So how was death." Jaiden asked.

"Welp I met Satan and God. Crazy right, oh and baby start buying baby boy's clothes because we having a son."

"Delusional ass." Bree said.

"So are them edge Bree.” Kingsley said

“Yep yo wife back.” Christen said

A/n... Hows that y'all???

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