*Bonus Chapter*

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Man it's been 44 years. Now I'm all old and gray and shit. Me and India still kicking at 81 plus the sex life ain't went down neither. Might be old but I ain't throwing out a hip yet. Plus black don't crack so we still fit and sexy booooy. Still out here looking 42 and India still got that fat ass that don't sag. Blessed to live to this age and see my children grow old as well. Being able to hold my grand kids and my great grand kids was a major blessing.

Sage is 59 and Jayceon is 54. I was able to live my life to the fullest and married the woman who gave me my happiness back and made me better. Been married for 61 years, FAITHFULLY.

My baby girl Sage married a thug and boy did that bring back some memories. Sometimes i look and say 'like mother like daughter '. But I'm glad that she didn't follow all of our footsteps. The girl she met back then stopped that shit and didn't go as deep and I was. Her name is Tatum but she went by Tats.

At first I was pissed off but then I had to realized that trapper blood runs in the family. Moms, me and India, Santos and Georgina (I don't remember India's mom name to many chapters to go through to find it) and shit. Almost had to kill her ex because that nigga was pissing me clean off.

My baby boy Jayceon was a fucking hand full. He was like a boy version of me. That shit wasn't a good combo. Lil boy almost gave me several heart attacks for the dumb shit he did. All the kids know who they dad is.

Y'all know two girls can't make a fucking baby. We killed that bitch nigga as a family. Dude thought he could fuck us over and shit. Sage and Jayceon bodied that nigga. I was so fucking proud. Then India smacked me for saying that when it happened.

Bout time he was 17, he got his teacher pregnant. Her name is Sonya and booooy she was bad as fuck. I mean like I would cheat on India for her. But I didn't, India would of killed me.  India did shot Jay in the foot for it though. We had to say he was messing around with some thing he shouldn't of.

Life right now is simple yet amazing. We slowed down our life and enjoyed every second.

I started seeing things like Mia and Jaiden's grandma. My time is coming for sure. Got to the point even India saw. We getting old and it's happening. If I had a chance to redo everything, I would still do it the same way. Put your trust in God and things will get better.


Old and sexy in the house!! Me and King had a great life, even with all the bad stuff. You know I started going a bit crazy like Kingsley said but in a good way. I started to feel like her. With the whole series dead people shit. My mom and dad died months after seeing their great great grand kids. My kids children.

They was blessed to live a very long ass life. I didn't cry at their funeral. We all actually partied. That's how they wanted it and that's how me and Kingsley want it. We lived long enough, been through so much shit, we are blessed to not die so young.

Right now me and Kingsley are looking at caskets. When ever we die we are getting buried together.

"So baby if you die first, I'm having people dig you up so they can put me in the same casket as you." Kingsley said.

"Why I gotta be first though what the fuck." I laughed.

"I'm just saying girl damn." I kissed her. For 61 years I never got tired of doing that. "I love you India. You are my forever and always. K.I forever baby."

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