What's Done In The Dark

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2 Hours Later

It legitly took me two hours just to get home doing 190 mph in a 2016 Stingray Corvette. Out running police and all good thing we all use fake plates a lot. I got home changed into some jeans, timbs and a shirt, on some killer type shit.

It’s a secret button in the coat closet that has all my guns in. I pressed the button the blended into the wall and out came out my rack and wall full of weapons. Grabbing the gun that India have gotten customized for me and this 12 inch knife, then went into the garage and grabbed gasoline can that was full and went straight to the location that I tracked.


"Tony it's not that serious why are you doing this." I sobbed. He had pistol whipped Sage and she is on the floor unconscious. Kingsley is gone now. I mean I know she isnt in the right mind at all.

"Before this type of Kingsley that we see, she was different, girly at a point but even now she is hot as fuck. Mia got in the way but she died of cancer so that was a plus. I was trying to make my move but then you came in the picture. I wanted to give her space because I knew that Mia had her heart. It take time to mend a broken heart, to calm yourself down. When the getting was going good you showed up." He ranted to me.

"But Kingsley likes girls, she is gay as fuck my guy. " I chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up." He slapped me while I'm chained up. Kingsley get here quick before he does something unforgettable. "Wake up sweetheart." He shook Sage awake.

My heart was being ripped out of my chest because I can't protect Sage. Tony picked her up and took her out the room.

"What are you doing to my child." I yelled, tears threatening to run down my face.

"Some old guys will have fun with her for the right price." That was the final strike, my heart shattered into millions of pieces. Not Sage.

"You sick bastard." In my head horrible images kept popping up, "just use me instead."

"Oh I will, just not now." He said walking out the room.


"Be rational about what you are doing. You are walking in there with all these niggas around the hell is wrong with you." Santos yelled at me.

I didn’t reply back, I just walked right up to this place that's in the middle of nowhere. Have you ever seen Jason run and for some reason he still kills everybody, well I'm about to slow walk they ass to death. I've gotten closer and my mind was slipping more and more. Like my soul is being swallowed whole and there isn't a speck of light there to help me. The happy side of me is like being caged in and locked up.

"Hey you stop where do you think your going?" The guy guarding the door said.

I gotten closer to him, real close pulled the knife out and just stabbed him repeatedly.

"Welcome to Hell, population 230." I said. That’s the number of bodies I have caught in the years of this shit.

His friend was scared and couldn’t even hold the gun right.

"Are you scared?" I asked.

"Y-y-y-yess." He stuttered.

"You know you really shouldn’t of said that." I gripped his Adams apple and ripped it out. Blood squirted out his throat and landed on my shirt. " shame young boys do die young."

I opened the door being greeted by 4 people holding their guns to me.

"Gentlemen, is that anyway to greet a woman." I said

"Tony we have a problem." Some guy yelled.

This Tony character came in with Sage over his shoulders, I see my baby girl beaten and bruised.

"AHHH Tony! The guy in the background of my lovers pictures." I said.

"Kingsley Taylor Cortes what a pleasant surprise. Take her, lock her up and strip her." He tossed Sage to some guy like she was a towel.

"That's my daughter ya know." I said slowly tilting my head.

'Kill them all. Kill them now, he deserves a slow and painful death.'

"Yes, she is beautiful and pure. I would score big money for her and you sexy as wife is tight too." He touched my wife!? "tastes just like peaches, yum."

"Yes she certainly does, sometimes like peaches and cream." I smiled and laughed a bit

"Um what's funny." He said.

"You my friend. Since you did that then I guess I have to do something else." I laughed.

Some guy got closer to me and I literally ripped his dick off.

"Ha my strap is bigger than this." I said holding this guys once pride and joy in my hand. The other 3 guys was throwing up. " Wanna see something I learned off of 1000 Ways to Die."

I went up to another guy and ripped his heart out, and letting it beat in my hand.

"You just put your four fingers under a rib, dig in, twist and pull." I threw it at Tony and he caught it. The last guy I just slit his throat. " have you ever watched Hellraiser?"

"N-no" he stuttered.

"Oh no don’t get stuttery on me now boy. You raped my wife and beat my daughter, I don’t even want to think of what's happening now." I said walking toward him.

Christen, Jay and Santos came in. "Search the house and get Sage out of here! You my friend will take me to my wife."

"And if I don’t." He tried it.

"Ooooh Marco send is his lovely family." I said. "my wife please."

We walked down to some cellar and I saw India. Santos was with us and I know he was pissed. India is his only daughter and child.

"Baby take this Plan B for me honey. I know you are hurting, none of this is your fault. I should have been there to protect you both. In a lot of ways I failed you and I'm sorry." I said.

"Boo hoo." Tony laughed. He stopped once I shot his mother in between the eyes without even looking.

"Boo hoo." I mocked him. His father was crying and screaming like a bitch.

"Baby stop." India groaned.

"Go home be with Sage, daddy will be home soon, I promise." I tried to kiss her but she refused. It angered me in ways I know I would have to stay away from home for awhile.

"Toooooony." I sang. "Are you religious?"

"We are." His father said.

"No one is talking to you." I put my hand in his mouth, stretched his tongue out and cut it off. "They say that the Devil is always at work right. Just like they say the same for God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, all of his forms. Sometimes the Devil is stronger than you think. Right now there is no one more evil, sinister and demonic than me. So my question for you is this, why are you in my pictures."

"Because I'm in love with you." What type of weed he smoking because it must be some bomb ass shit.

"I don’t even fucking know you." I said as my voice dropped an octave.

"No no no no no baby come back to me. See look I'm fine please let's go home. Relax, calm down." India pleaded.

"I'm not Kingsley. You better leave now India, its not going to be a pretty sight for those godly beautiful eyes to see." I said

I'm standing here with them all while I see something white appear out of nowhere.

"You're losing yourself babe. You are so much better than this. Revenge isn't going to take away India's or Sage's memories." I looked and seen Mia.

"Mia I have too. Nobody fucks with what’s mine." I said out loud. Everyone looked at me confused, "besides Mia if it were you I would do this same shit all over. I don’t care about my well being my family is always my number 1 priority regardless."

"Man this isn't gonna get you closer to heaven. I'm telling Nana on you." She said.

"Ha tell Nana I was hey boo." I laughed.


She completely lost her shit. She is looking into a dark corner and talking to nothing. But maybe in her mind she sees Mia, she always does this when she is like this..

"Even though it’s not I rather spend my days on Earth protecting, caring and providing for what's mine." She said out loud.

With that she killed his family just like that. Tony was crying his ass off at this sight, if he has been watching us he should know not to fuck with us. His sister begged for her life and screamed as she watch her mother, father and brother get killed.

"Scream all you want to, but just remember this your brother caused this sweetheart." Then she killed her.

"You monster!" He yelled.

"Why thank you. I do try my best." Kingsley smiled, "you love me now." She laughed right in his face.

Kingsley started slicing at his body, removing the top layer of skin off. Chopping fingers off, then his ears then nipples then toes. She was bloody like she bathed in blood.

"Don’t sleep on me, wake up. You know that is rude of course." Kingsley said.

"Just kill me." He said almost breathless.

"I will." Cutting lines in his throat. "Welcome to Hell ,population 240, and you won the VIP special of Hell. Dying slowly."

She dropped him to the floor as he is gasping for air.

"Come back to me." I whispered in her ear.

"Soon." This time her voice was normal, "go home my love please."

I looked her in her eyes and saw them go back to normal, "Please be done, officially done with the gang life. We have a family, we are a family. No more please. I can't keep losing you to this senseless act of violence. "

"I'm done baby. I can't but you two in danger like this again. " I know she hates blacking out, I know she hates resorting into this state of mind but sometimes people push her to the brink of no returned.

Im pretty glad that she does have this side though. Sometimes I love the fact that she does have this side. I know for a fact that if she didn’t do the things she does, I would of lost Sage and myself in the process.

"King is something else I can tell you that. Do you know when she knew Latin." My dad told me.

"No she only know how to speak English, French, sarcasm and asshole, but not Latin." I said. But then again at that moment that wasn’t Kingsley in the what so ever.

We got into the car that he drove down here and I sat in the back with Sage. She had on Jaiden's shirt and was crying in the back seat.

"Is daddy okay mommy." She asked me.

"At the moment baby girl she isn't but she will be home soon." I said.

"Are you okay mommy?" she said

"Yes I am." I lied, I'm far from okay but I can't let Sage see that.

"Why does daddy have these bad guys after her? Will she come home?"

"A lot of people are jealous of her sweetheart. Just know daddy does the things she does to keep us safe and protected. Honesty everything that we have was because of her." I said "she will be coming home but not today baby, she is very busy."


I sat there with the dead bodies on my lap. Something is fucking wrong with me, I can't just be blacking out like this. I need my girls but at this moment I can't be around them.

"You know this is hella nasty." Mia appeared again.

"Yeah, yeah love." I said.

"You need to official stop this gang shit. I mean I didn’t know the guy neither and it was creepy as hell on how he was in our picture and India's."

"Yup. Why are people after me though. I mean like why do I have such a big target on me."

"Kingsley, you are special. Not mentally though, you are way too smart to be mentally special. But it's who you are. You don’t show weakness and that what makes people come after you. Stop going to Houston, just stop. Get moms out of there and move her in Florida with you guys. The more you go back and put in order, the more bad shit happens. Nana ain't too happy about what you did in here. I thought I was watching a scary movie at first. Now I do have one question."

"What?" I said.

"How did it feel to rip a guy's dick off, I got to know." I miss her.

"Powerful I tell you that." I laughed, "why do I see you when I black out completely."

"Because like I said before, I'm always here for you even at your worst moments. But when you are like this I have to be here, if I don’t you would of went on a killing spree with your bare hands man. This aint a kung fu movie, you are not Bruce Lee. Don't beat yourself up because this all happened. Worse things could of through."

"What you mean."

"If you would of never met India, you would have been dead right now, buried right next to me. The first thing is that you would of gotten careless on now leaving a trail, you could of went to jail for too many counts of murder, homicides and everything. Been in jail for the rest of your life. Christen and Jaiden wouldn’t have the life they got. Christen would of never married Bree, and Jaiden would of be with Mercedes. I still don't like that bitch. Meeting India, was by far you revelations. You had something to look forward to in life." She said, "not only that you would of have the lovely daughter of yours. I give you thoughs bad feelings because I love you and I love what you have become."

"A demon. I kill people Mia, badly. I just killed this family." I said.

"Your not a demon but you do have them. But these demons here take over when something bad happens to your family. That is exactly why you black out. That's why you smile and laughed through killing them. They balance you out and me of course keeps you sane at least. Crazy ass."

"But you fell in love with my crazy ass." I said.

"And I would all over again if I had another chance to live."

"If only." She said

"Kingsley Taylor Bennett, I outta beat you ass in the name of the lord." Damn I know that voice so well.

"Hey Nana you here to visit me or beat me. Jesus don’t like ugly now." I said. Nana is Jaiden's grandma but she always treated me and Christen like we were her granddaughters.

"For 1 Taylor get those bodies off you. 2 what who you talking to I might be in heaven but I will take over India's body and smack some sense into you. First Jaiden now you, you have a family baby, move out this country. We all know Donald Trump the Devil himself." Whenever I'm in trouble she calls me by my middle name.

"Deadass Nana" I said.

Somehow the hand of Tony slapped me, " watch that language."

"Did you just... Nana what in the fiery pit of hell, I didn’t even do anything. See this is why I have problems, the people from the dead talking to me and slapping me. No wonder people think I'm crazy."

A/N... It's a long ass chapter y'all. You all proud of me. I'm not crazy I swear, I was just dropped a lot by my momma when I was a baby. I blame her.

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