Was She Worth It

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Things have been actually bad for me. Gia was my best friend. After that whole situation with King and India she stopped talking to me. I know I fucked up and potentially ruined a marriage but I just wanted India. King doesn't deserve her. I mean from what I heard is that Kingsley made her leave the house. Does she even know that India is pregnant. Who makes their pregnant wife leave all because of a mistake though. Plus she has a daughter already, Kingsley doesn't really deserve her.

I was in the park when I saw Gia, Christen, Jaiden and their kids at the park. I jogged over by them and tried to talk to them.

“What do you want Dani.” Gia said sounding annoyed.

“Look I know I fucked up but I just want to talk. I'm sorry for what I did. I should've just left her alone and avoided all of this “ I said.

Christen turned around and was pissed, “Dani, Crys whatever, you lucky I changed my life around or you would of been dead by now. We all was cool until you do something this stupid. I thought an Asian pregnant woman was bad nah a Latina pregnant woman is way worse.”

“I understand man but it's just I couldn't help it.” I said

“Next time I won't help it when I kill yo ass. Stay away from my family.” Jaiden said

Wow I don't never really here Jaiden be so violent. She is more calm and collected than Christen and Kingsley. Them two are more out of control that she is. Gia didn't speak to me but just went and played with the kids.

I drove over to Kingsley house and knocked on the door. I stood there for 2 minutes waiting until India had open the door.

“Hey..  What do you want Dani. I don't want to make this go bad between me and Kingsley again.” She said.

“Look just please listen I want to explain please.” I begged. She looked at me and invited me in.

“You got 5 minutes to explain.” She filed her arms.

“Look India I really don't know where my heart is and I just want you. Like I really don't I just want you. I never been this indecisive on someone for a long time. I did it because I wanted to see if it would intensify and it did. Kingsley doesn't deserve you. Like honestly who makes their pregnant wife leave them. I can treat you so much better than she can. “ I said holding her hands. She moved them out of my hand.

“You don't know what me and Kingsley been through to say she doesn't deserve me. I've been with her for so many years and seen some stuff that a person shouldn't see. Kingsley will give her life up to protect me, Sage and of course our unborn child. If anything I don't deserve her. I don't blame her for making me leave because I know how she gets. Dani you are nothing more but a friend, at this point not a friend. My marriage was almost over because of something YOU want. I don't want YOU. I just want Kingsley.” She told me.

“India she doesn't have to know. I'll be you number two, let me show you I can do better than what she can.” I came closer to her.

“No Dani that's final. I have a family that I love so much. If you was in my shoes you would see why I love her so much.” she said, “ sorry Dani but no matter what you say or do will ever make me think differently of her.”

I heard someone cleared their throat. I turned around and saw Kingsley.

“Sage go upstair sweetheart please.” Kingsley told their daughter.

“Okay bye mommy.” She is sweet.

“Dani you might want to leave our house while you can walk. What I find so funny is that you confess your want for my wife but don't know our whole story. My wife is a rida, a shoota, and the mother of my kids . Been with me through some fucked up shit. She heard some fucked up shit. But I'm lucky to have her. You are right I don't deserve and she feels like she doesn't deserve me but we make each other complete. Dani I would hate to kill you but if I have to I will. “ Kingsley said.

“You haven't killed anyone.” I yelled.

“She has. Family, friends, anyone. Surprised you lived this long. I know my baby is changing for the better, for us. Stop wanting me because you would never get a chance.”  India said.

“You guys are sick.” I said.

“Ha when you see dead people and actually speak to God and Satan you do become crazy. Sick well that was my dad side of the family was.” Kingsley laughed. What the actual fuck is wrong with them. “Was it worth it Danielle?”

How the fuck she knew my full first name?!

“Surprise again. I'm not fucking stupid. Graduated top of my class. You might want to leave while you can or keep hold or your sanity. Come near my family or anyone I know, I'll show you what I'm capable of. Ha people thought El Chapo is dangerous, I'm way worse than him. I can make you wish for death.” I made a dash for the door and stumbling out of it. “Have a nice day Danielle.”


I wrapped my arms around Kingsley neck, “Why do you attract stupid people I mean really.” She kissed me.

“Now how did I get you miss top of my class.” She picked me up dn carried me upstairs.

“Well played, but I have my slow moments.” Loving this feeling...

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