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I heard from Marco that he was talking to Chris. Most likely in our little code words he killed him. I new Chris seemed like a problem. He was shaking and didn’t know what was going on. Normally someone with power and shit tells you to do something you do it. No if ands or buts about it.

Right now I’m in the police station in a room talking to a detective. One for the Rachel thing and another about my sperm donor aka my father’s side of the family.

The Rachel detective spoke to me first, “So why did you fire Ms. Sanders?”

“Well I do believe that sexual harassing someone who employed you should be fired. I don’t mix pleasure in a work place. To many problems. Plus I have a wife and kids. Look at my wife would I even think to cheat on her with some random chick.” I should him a picture of my wife.

“I’m not gonna lie to you, I wouldn’t cheat neither.” let me find out he gonna try some shit. He gonna be right next to Rachel.

“Right so honestly what do I need to do with Rachel. She was cool and what not. No problems except that.” I said.

“I understand that but Ms. Sanders is dead though.” he said

“Detective Metro, whatever she did outside my work place is not none of my business. Whenever my staff have issues home or here they come to me. I’m understandable I can relate to some of the situations they go through. But with Rachel, she didn’t come and speak to me about any problems.” Which is true though. I’m like Dr. Phil to some people.

“Well I think we have enough here. Detective Dan will be in here.” When he left I started laughing. Detective Dan, isn’t that the nigga name from 90's show All That in the short skit name was detective Dan. I hope he ain’t mental retarded like the on All That was.

(A/n... I know some of y'all remember that show. All 90's cartoons and shit was lit AF)

“Hello I’m detective Dan.” I laughed a bit “ I’m here to speak with you on the fact that members of your family has been dead in a house fire. But we discovered some bullets and recognizable body parts. Also a skull hanging from a hook of the ceiling.”

“Damn who did such things.” Oh yeah me!

“I know it’s horrible. We believe the skull is from you grandfather Jason Cortes.” he said.

“Oh really.” my handy work of course.

“You don’t seem hurt, surprise, or any emotion.” he looked at me confused.

“Would I really care detective. My thoughts on that so called family is dead to me. I have no sympathy towards them. Whatever happens they deserved.” I said

“Why is that?” he said very interested but he will regret it.

“Could you imagine your little girl if you have one or planning to have one, get their iinnocence’s taken away from someone you called your family. At what 7 years old and have it constantly, repeatedly done for years. Kicking and screaming for them to stop but you get so used to it you just let it happen. There’s no point of fighting back. Your life feels useless, worthless. Just want to die in every second of the day.” I looked at him dead in his soul. I could tell he was getting extremely uncomfortable. “Uncomfortable eh? Well it happened, can’t change history. Like I said I don’t care what happens to them. I don’t need them, I have my own family. Thing is I would never allow shit like that to happen to my daughter. She will not have my life.”

He fixed his tie and tried to talk, “Mrs. Bennett I’m so terrible sorry that happened to you. I could imagine the pain and suffering you did.”

“Ya see Dan, that’s the thing you can’t. People like to play it in movies to have a connection but in reality it could happen right in your own home. Someone you trust turns against you. You probably think oh shit this chick is crazy. Yeah I am, no doubt about it. I have flashback every once in a while. I leave home just to I can claim down. My wife knows my past and present. But I’m living, breathing. Able to give my daughter what ever she wants. Teach her things that I couldn’t. 7 years old Dan. I have hatred towards that family will forever be embedded in me. So whatever happened oh well, they were dead to me anyway. I do believe we are done right.” I got up.

“Yeah, yeah, sure have a great day.” He said.

Fucked his head up I see. But regardless no one will snitch. There’s no evidence of course. I made sure we had gloves and masks on. Freeing though girls didn’t see who I was so that’s good. Plus I cleaned all finger prints, yes my blood is there but I know my ways of making it useless if someone would find out.

Detective Dan…

Fuck her story is just fucked up. I already had lots of files just with that family in general. The members going to jail for a lot of things. A long rap sheet for the entire family that’s been in and out of jail.

But it seems like Kingsley had the worst end of the stick. The hatred part is very questionable. But she doesn’t seem like she would do something that horrible.

I called the Houston police station on some things about Kingsley Bennett.

“Hey Ann it’s Detective Dan I have some questions on Kingsley Bennett or her former last name Cortes…”

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