Tunnel Vision

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"I really don’t get any breaks do I?" I laughed.

"Baby relax I don’t want you to lose yourself again." India said rubbing my shoulders trying to calm me down.

"No there's no relaxing in this. I stopped for a reason. But all these fucking problems is fucking everything up. I'm so tired of going into that place of darkness." I've been stressed out for the past few days and I haven't gotten not one break. The Rachel thing, the Cortes thing, the random ass people out here. I'm really just want to take everyone out of America and go to the UK or Hawaii. Just somewhere away from here.

"Please relax. Just get Jackie, Krystal and Jose on it baby. You don’t have to handle everything yourself baby." She tried to convince me to just sit this one out.

"India no I can't. What if someone tried to do that to you and Sage. I'm not sitting shit out."  I didn’t want to yell because Sage is close by.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple. All this stress and everything isn't good for me. India continued to rub my shoulders. I pulled my phone out and told Jackie and Krystal to come by.

30 minutes later they both was here. I went to a room in the house to discuss the situation.

"I need you two to do something for me in Houston. Someone, or some people trying to kill Mama D and Tess yo."

"Not ya momma and Tess. Bet we'll be up there, you don’t look to well man. Get you some rest we will handle this. Stay home." Krystal said.

"I'm trying to but shit is popping up and y'all know me, I handle things my way personally." I said.

"Yeah, and not trying to be negative but that shit is going to kill you one day man. This isn't Call of Duty, Assassins Creed or anything type of game, this is real life there isn't a restart at checkpoint or anything. You deadass lucky you made it out alive when you went to get Jason." Jackie said and she is right sadly.

"You have a family, and somewhat of a normal life man. Them people in Houston don’t need you. India and Sage need you man. Fuck them down there we are going to handle this." Krystal said. She has a good point though.

"Look the more you go down there, the more you can get caught with some shit. For one we all don’t need to see you going crazy. I'm pretty sure India seen you in a demonic ass state that should never be revealed. Hell you wanted to watch the guy back then get burned. You don't need to lose yourself. Everytime you go back, you risk losing it all." See this is why it's good to have friends that knows you better than yourself and will talk you out of shit.

I didn’t say anything because what they are both saying is true I can keep risking all of this. So far having an idea about the Cortes case is must of went old or the detective closed it. The whole Rachel thing is quite funny though. They will never find her because she is dead of course but oh well.

"Alright just go and deal with it." I got up and was walking out.

"How did India find out." Krystal asked.

"Marco must of came up here and told most likely. You all know whenever there is a problem we don’t say it over the phone or text it. That’s a whole paper trail there." I said. 

"Well we gone, try and relax them bags under your eyes is bad yo." Jackie said and they left.

They left and I just sat in the living room and chilled with my family. Someone is trying to get my attention though, and I don’t like it.

Unknown POV

"Are you fucking retarded! You know damn his mom is an ex gang member. There is no telling if he still have connections or not." I yelled.

"Look someone is going to tell KC. He is going to come out here and try to handle it. When he does we can kill him or frame him putting him in jail for the rest of his life." I had sent this guy out to alert KC so that I can kill him and takeover.

"Yeah then once he is out of the picture we kill his family." One of my member said.

My gang has to be the next takeover. This KC character is fucking everything up because he is still active and low key as ever.


"His wife fine as fuck though, she got some cake." Some guys said.

It's funny they think Kingsley is a guy and I'm not gonna lie India do got some cake back there. But I love my life so I keep it to myself. These guys are dumb trying to have a meeting at our spot.

"Well let's hope he comes out of hiding." The guy said.

I found the cars and bugged them and self destruct when found by other people. It's like real tiny but it works like a charm. That’s how I be catching these bitches trying to steal from me. I left and went straight to the trap house to let Jackie and Krystal know what's going on. Me, Jackie, Jose and Krystal went into the meeting room to discuss this.

"What's the word Marco." Jackie said

"They dumb as fuck for one. They met at our little spot, and planning to take her out. They believe she lives here though and they think she is a guy. Then after they take her out they killing everyone." I sat down.

"Fuck this is big, how many people were there." Jose said

"Looks like a the entire gang was there, about 180 people. Like its only 50 of us. You know she keeps her circle small enough to handle." Its  big but nothing we ain't never handled before.

"We should be done with this in a week or two. Kingsley would have had a whole shoot out by now." Jackie is right though.

"Damn right she crazy as fuck with that." Jose laughed.

What I realize years back is that this gang knows how to cover tracks so well. A lot of us haven't been in jail because of it. Normal whenever someone goes to jail it's never gang related just petty shit. Plus we be on some high tech shit too. What people think is that we are some average street gang or something but in reality we all on some Scarface, Al Capone, mafia type shit. I swear nobody wanna see us winin.

Unknown POV

Can't wait to take him down. They have been raking in straight dough for too long. I have a feeling they have loyal clientele. Probably making bank like mothafucka.

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