Feeling Like MLK Jr.

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"They done man. They are officially done with this." Jose said

"About damn time. I heard what happen, honestly that shit is scary. I mean I knew that she was like that but I didn’t think it would get that damn bad." I said. Kingsley is a great person I swear but pissing her off is like the worst mistake anyone can make.

"I know man, I've been telling her that she can't be involved even just a little bit." Jose is telling the truth we been telling her but she doesn’t listen. Stubborn ass.

"Yep so the new plan is to make people think that her, and Christen and Jaiden are dead so that they can live without having people going after them and shit." I said

"That's the hard part. Once people think they are dead, turf wars and shit is going to come up." He got a point though. People been wanting to have power like they all do

"Your right but we have too. We have the man power and gun power and money for everything. But ya know let's just announce it now and the trustworthy people will know they aren't actually dead." I suggested.

"Bet let's do it." We left the office and called everyone in.

"What's going on boss?" One of the guys said.

"Well its some bad news. KC, Pharaoh, and Jay are dead. The last mission they went on was extremely dangerous and things went south." Jose said.

"But they are the most careful and dangerous people out here that's impossible."

"Well it happened yo. They gone. Before it was them a woman ran this and she died. Shit happens man, all we can do it keep this going and make it stronger than ever." I said trying to sound sad.

It's a good thing that they aren't close to any of the gang members. Most of the people that they know are OG's and that it. They believe it and left to do things. Only 20 stayed there and we all went into a soundproof office.

"Okay what really happened." One of the OG's said.

"They done for real this time. Kingsley lost her shit completely. Jay and Christen can't keep up with it nor can India. Sage almost got sold into some human trafficking and India got raped by the guy kidnapped them. Hell broke loose and the guys that help met Satan at the front door. They are worried about Kingsley mental health so they are done." Jose said.

"Good, that's really good. I was worried for her." Jackie said.

"Same" the all nodded in agreement.

"So we just have to keep them dead, while they better their lives. Then eventually we all can and let the youngins run this shit. Which is going to run straight into the ground but that's best." I said.

We all agreed on making people believe that they are gone. That's what we have to do for now.


"Alright man...cool thanks for everything." I hunged the phone up. We was all in Kingsley's living room waiting. "Its done y'all we are dead." We laughed.

"So we done for real this time y'all? Like it's all over." Jaiden said.

"Yes. Marco and Jose talked to everyone, made up some story and they believed it after awhile. Then had a meeting with the OG's to really explain why and they was all cool with it." I said. I sat down and pulled Bree closer to me, then my kids sat on my lap.

"Thank God." I heard India sigh real loud, but in a good way.

3 Months Later

We was all at my house watching TV when Jose said check the Houston News.

"News spread around say that the Notorious KC, Pharaoh and Jay are dead. For what our sources say is that they were killed in gang activity. Doctor Espinosa confirmed that they are in fact dead but their identity will still be a mystery to all. We still won't know if these 3 were doing good or bad but in ways it was both..." The reporter said.

"Fuck yes. I love Doc now." Kingsley yelled. We heard a knock at the door and Doc was there with drinks and food.

"I fucking love you man." Kingsley went over to him and hugged him.

"I like this side of her more. So you like what I did back there." Doc said.

"Hell yes! How though." I asked.

"I had to make something up. The police was everywhere because of all the thing you guys done but they believed me and those bodies were 'cremated' so that there couldn’t be any more digging into it. At this moment people believe that you guys are dead and gone." He said.

"Yeah I'm with Kingsley, I fucking love you man." Jaiden hugged him.

"So when are you all moving?" He asked.

"In 2 more months man. We will be away from here doing better things elsewhere." I said.

"Good." He smiled, "what about you LadyBug, you feeling better." He talked to Sage.

"I'm good Uncle Eric." She hugged him.

Doc been with us since Mia and been around for a long time. We pay him lots of money because he are some dangerous ass people and we always getting hurt. Either from our women or our damn selves. Mostly for our women. Meaning Bree, India and Aaliyah.

"In Martin Luther King Jr words 'Free at last free at last. Thank god almighty we free at last'" I said

"We's free massa!" Kingsley shouted.

A/n... This ain't the end. Sound like it but it's not, it's more to go y'all.

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