First Encounter

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The smell of wet concrete was the worst in the morning. My legs were already feeling tired even though I was only about 3 blocks from my house.

My hoodie was getting drenched. My dumb self forgot to bring a fucking umbrella.

Finally I reached the bus stop I always go on. Unfortunately the bus stops near my house were either surrounded by bums, smokers, or animal shit, so I didn't even bother. There was another reason why I always went on this bus stop, because of my mom.

Before my mother passed, my father always occupied the car for his work so we always took the bus here, we had many memories waiting for the bus. There were beautiful flower bushes behind the bus stop and there was a park right on the other side of the street.


It was raining and my mom grounded me from using my car, so I had to ride the bus to school. I honestly hated buses, they're disgusting and dirty.

I still can't believe my mom took my car away from me, like, whats wrong with having a social life? It's not my fault people like me and invite me to their parties that are in another city. Just because I come home late and drunk every night doesnt mean I'm bad person. If I were a parent I would be proud if my child had a social life.

I reach the bus stop that is unbelievably far, who walks three blocks to a bus stop, like, the fuck? Don't know why my mom told me to take this bus, but whatever. There is a girl who is soaking wet.

Shes definitely not my type. Her shabby looking pink hoodie was soaking wet making her look like she just jumped in the ocean or something. This bus stop didn't have any cover or anything, just a simple bench.

I had to admit, the scenery looked quite nice, the park and the flowers, it felt relaxing.


I saw a boy walking towards the bus stop. He dressed like a rich boy. Earphones were stuck in both his ears, I took a glance at his face, it looks quite cute actually. But other than that, he had an umbrella.

I checked the bus and texted it to see when it will come.

Twenty minutes

It was still a long way and the rain was starting to get heavier. The only flaw to this bus stop was that there was no cover at all.

It was just me and him at the bus stop. I desperately needed that umbrella because I could feel my hoodie soaking in the rain and it seeping through onto the top of my head.


The rain was getting heavier and that girl look like she just came out of a swimming pool. I was debating whether or not I should share my umbrella with her.



After twenty minutes the bus finally came. Everyone looked at me weird. I was dripping puddles onto the bus floor. The bus was quite crowded and there were no places to sit so I stood, aswell as that guy from earlier who stood behind me.

More people got on the bus which forced the boy to move closer to me. I saw his arm grab onto the pole infront of me. His arm was right above my right shoulder.


Fucking buses. This is why I hate them. Its all crammned and crowded. I was forced to go near that wet girl from earlier.

The road was pretty rough. The bus started to feel bumpy. We stopped abruptly everyone fell back, including the wet girl, who fell on me.

Someone pushed her which caused her to turn around facing me. Her face wasn't bad. Her head was right under my chin. She looked down to my chest.

"Sorry." I heard her mumble.

I let out a light chuckle because she was so small and she looked like a kid, hah. Cute.


Why me. Why choose me to be in this fucking awkward situation. The only thing that was in my view was his chest. My heart was beating. Being so close to this handsome guy, I don't know if I should feel blessed or embarassed that hes touching a girl who is soaking wet.

Finally my stop, and apparently his too.

As soon as I could I sqeezed inbetween everyone and got out of the bus, he followed right after.

"Bye. Hope you liked the view!" He waved and we parted our ways in opposite directions.

That was so awkward.

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