Recovery pt 3

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It was getting late. We bused back home.

"It was fun tonight." She said, I smiled. Suddenly she embraced me.

"Thank you Jungkook, you made me feel better today." She let go and soon headed off to her house.

"Wait Jinri." I caught up beside her, deciding that I should walk her home since it was pretty dark outside. She approved and we walked together.

"Hey this is a really weird question to ask but, we've only met each other a few days ago, are we friends now?" She looked at me.

What the heck, does this girl even know what friends are?? I guess she doesn't because she needs to ask.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me okay, I just wanted to make sure." She said. We chatted and was almost at her house. It was getting colder and I notice Jinri shivering. I only had a hoodie on so I couldn't offer her anything.


I felt and arm wrap around me. I look to my left and Jungkook is just smirking.

"Why did you get all silent? Am I making you flustered?" He turned to me.

My cheeks got hot real fast. My heart was beating rapidly. It's not everyday you get a handsome looking guy so close to you.

For some reason when I hug him it just feels like a friendly hug, but this gesture it made me feel like it was more. No Jinri, you can't like this guy you literally just met him a few days ago. I told my self.

"No, psh, yeah right, but thanks I was getting pretty cold." He chuckled and we continued to walk.

We reached my house.

"Thanks Jungkook, you okay going home by yourself?"

"Yeah no worries see you tomorrow Jinri."


Jinri gets home late. She greets me then heads straight to her room. I stop her.

"Hey, so how was school? Where did you go?"

"School was boring and I went out with my friend." Then she continued to rush to her room.

I was quite confused but teenagers are weird sometimes, so I left her. Suddenly my phone rings.

"Hello?" I pickup.

"Jin hyung, wanna go out tonight? Hobi wants to drink."

"Sorry Namjoon I gotta babysit my cousin."

"Isn't your cousin like 17?"

"Yeah. Shes still a baby."

"Umm... well I think she can take care of herself, come on Jinnn."

"Fine, but I wont be there for long." He cheered and hung up. I got up from the couch and went over to Jinri's room.

She was blushing. "Jinri? Umm, I'm going to go out with my friends I'll be back later if you get hungry, foods in the fridge." She nodded and rushed to her bathroom. Weird teens.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I was blushing so hard. What the hell???? Why did Jin have to walk in on me suddenly.

I was just thinking about Jungkook and having hormonal thoughts which lead intimate thoughts and made me feel....

I rushed outside of my bathroom and plopped on my bed, face buried in my pillow. Jungkook, who are you to break me down like this????


Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and I were at a pub. Hobi was drunk as well as Jimin and Taehyung.

"Jiminiee." Tae started to caress Jimin's face. Yoongi then slapped Taehyung's hand away. "No touchy touchy." Then continued to stare at nothing and drink.

Soon Jin arrivied. "Yo Jin." Namjoon cooed out.

"Okay guys I'm going back home in an hour, I don't think I can leave my cousin alone for a long time."

"Your cousin seems so important to you, is she more important than us?" Drunk Hobi asks.

"Of course." Jin replies. Hobi then starts to get all emotional and fake cry. Jimin and Taehyung hug him and start to wail too.

"Oh my gosh guys, shut up." Yoongi told them. I just shook my head at my hyungs. Am I seriously about to debut with these guys?

"Anyways hows school Jungkook." Jin asks. "Good. I guess. No girls to play around with though."

"Well thats a first." Jin sips his wine. "You know Jungkook I think you'll like my cousin, shes just a year younger than you."

"Jin stop trying to hook me up with your cousin, if shes related to you, I'm not interested."

"Tch, your missing out, shes amazing." We continue to drink. Jin hyung gets drunk and the only guys who are sober are me, Yoongi, and Namjoon. 

"Jungkook take Jin's car and drive him home. Yoongi take Jimin and Taehyung, I'll take Hobi."

"Wait doesnt Jin hyung live near you hyung?" I asked Namjoon.

"No remember he's staying with his cousin? Here, I'll give you the address."

"Oh right."

I bring Jin to his car and get in.


"Jin hyung calm down." I start up the car and drive off.

When I reach the house it seemed familiar. Jinri's house?

Jin and I got down and I walked him to the front of his door. I unlock the door with his keys. I walk inside his living room.

"Jungkookiee, I have to tell her I'm home now." He plops on to the couch and lies down. I sigh. I hear the sound of a door opening and I turn towards it.


I took a shower and realized I forgot my fresh laundry in the laundry room. I exited my room and walked down the hallway with the towel wrapped around my body.

When I reach the end of the hallway I nearly let go of my towel. My eyes widen including the boy's who is standing about two meters away.

He just smirked and I froze he went closer to me slowly.

"Ah so you're his cousin."

Bus Stop - Jungkook x Reader/oc ffWhere stories live. Discover now