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The crew is back at it again. Thanks for 8k guys were almost there to 10k!!  :oo  Anyways its halloween tmr ik some of u guys prob dont even celebrate halloween but whatever, I'm not even dressing up so im just gonna do this instead, heauh. If halloween is ur fav holiday don't b offended by Jinri okay? ok...

k enjoy!!!... hopefully???? :P


I hate halloween. Okay I know its fun to get all that candy n shit, although im more of a fan of savoury foods, the thing is, I hate the fucking evilness of this stupid ass holiday, and yes I do believe in spirits and that shit, which makes it ten times worse.

Every Halloween I don't wan do shit and just close every light in my house so no kids start doorbell-ing on my door. Since I live with Boyoung now, who just fucking LOVES every holiday, she is forcing me to go 'trick or treating' with her. Seriously I love her, but what are we, eight?

"OKAY SINCE HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW JINRI, WE NEED TO PLAN A COSTUME FAST. I'VE ALREADY PLANNED AHEAD AND CHOSE TEN COUPLE COSTUMES WE CAN BE." She goes ahead and tells me all mof them. After arguing with her about not being fucking Dora and Boots, we decided on Lilo and Stich.

"Okay I'll make or costumes okay? I mean I was way better than you in textiles in highschool, and you basically are one of the most clumsiest people I know excluding Namjoon."

"Yeah whatever you do what you want Boyoung just don't make the costume look all slutty please."

"Hmm...maybe." She stuck her tongue out and rushed to her room. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch my drama.


She doesn't know.

Jinri doesn't know I'm going to visit her today.  I know Jinri hates Halloween.. Since we started dating, every Halloween I manage to scare her,  but those were just simple scares you know, me pretending to be sucidal in the bathroom, Jin cutting his hand off, and all that, but this year I just want to make it bigger.

"Jungkook, is the plan still a go for tomorrow?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes. It is." I reply. He nods and walks on his way.

This year I got everyone in on the scare, including Boyoung...

Before we leave Jin's house, I text her.

'Jinri, I miss you :( You are so lucky I'm busy because if I was not, I was going to scare you again 😈😈.'

She replied quickly after.

'Good. Fuck you. Love you :)' I smile.

Oh Jinri, the amount of effort I put in for you.


Today is the day. Its operation crybaby.

I take a look at the clock and its 9pm, perfect.

We are at Jinri's old neighbourhood because she said that the best 'trick or treating' area was her neighbourhood. It was perfect because I didn't have to convince her to come here. We start walking around the neighbourhood and the kids are so loud. As we were walking I felt a vibration in my purse. I glance at my phone.

'It's a go.' Jimin texted me.

Sorry Jinri..


"Hey wanna visit your house?" Boyoung asks.

"Um yeah sure, I haven't been there in a while so."

Bus Stop - Jungkook x Reader/oc ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin