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It was getting close to 4pm. Out of nowhere I got a message.

"Who is this?"
"How did u get my number?"
"I asked jimin to ask boyoung for me. Anyways meet at 5:45 at the bus stop."
"Uhm why?"
"Were going to the party together remember??. Ok bye see you 😜"

I found it quite flattering that he wanted my number. Does he like me? Nah he just met me. I started to get ready because it usually takes me an hour.


It was raining yet once again. I was waiting at the bus stop. 5:40pm. I looked to my right and in the distance I could see a girl with a black bomber on and no umbrella....Jinri..

She ran right under my umbrella.

"Why don't you bring an umbrella??"
"I forgot and I thought I was going to be late." She was panting real hard, probably due to running here.


He let out a chuckle and continued to look forward. I look at him and the side of his face is an actual art piece. His jaw was so fine it could cut through so many onions...

He looked my way and I quickly looked forward.

After riding the bus we made it to the house. Music was booming inside which could be heard from outside.

"Ugh." I groaned.
"Don't like parties?"
"Oh its a blast." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside.

Hot girls, hot guys, everywhere. Looked like a lot of sluts, and fuck boys everywhere.

Jimin and Boyoung started to approach us. "Heyy! Jinri! Finally you're at a party for once!" Boyoung said, she looked pretty drunk. She grabbed my wrist, "Jinriiiii! Lets go party!" Pulling my wrist, she dragged me onto the area where a bunch of people were dancing.

It reeked of acohol. I felt a pair of hands near my hips behind me. I looked and saw a man with his lower body parts near my ass. I couldn't think, for a while. I left him there rubbing against me. Then he turned me around and grabbed my hand.

We reached this room, where he closed the door and he pinned me to the wall. During this time I started to use my strength to get out but he was too strong.

"Damn you're hot. How come I've never seen you around?"

I kept on fighting back to get out of his grip but he just pinned me back.

"Not so fast, lets have a little fun here.." His lips moved near my neck. Soon his lips made way to mine, his tounge trying to get in but I refused. He groped my ass and chest which made me flinch. He put me on the bed and started to strip me down, starting with my shirt. "GET OFF ME!"

"No, no, no, don't worry I wont hurt you, you will feel only pleasure."

I tried to scream and the top of my lungs multiple times, hoping someone would hear me over all the music that was playing.


Jimin, some other dudes, and I, were hanging out near the stairs.

Bus Stop - Jungkook x Reader/oc ffWhere stories live. Discover now