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Today my father came home. We not on very good terms right now I guess. My mom told him about how I haven't stopped smoking, and about going out late at night clubbing and what not. So hes quite dissapointed. But since he wants to trust me and is allowing to prove myself that I'm not all that bad, I have to introduce him to my 'girlfriend' now.

My parents are already at the resturant while I'm infront of Jinri's house waiting for her. Finally after what seemed like hours, Jinri came out in her dress. Jin was there behind her looking so happy and taking pictures of her from the back. She waved goodbye to him and made her way to my car. Damn she was beautiful. Perfect, my dad will like her.

She opens the door and gets inside.

"Hey. You ready?" I say.  She smiles and nods.

During the car ride I could tell she was feeling conscious about the dress, as she was covering herself up. She never faced forward, she was only looking outside of the window.

"Hey, you look beautiful." She turns towards me, looking shocked after I complimented her.

"N-not really.." she replies.

"You're right, more like stunning and gorgeous." She smiles at that. I don't know why I have such mixed feeling with her. Somedays I want to annoy and tease her to death because its just so funny, but other times I just want to protect her and make her feel safe and happy.


We arrive at the resturant. Jungkook and I both enter the resturant arm in arm. I feel so weird right now, everyone in the resturant looked so fancy and rich, and I was not.

"You look fine Jinri, you fit right in don't worry." Jungkook whispers to me. It's like he just read my mind. I felt somewhat better at his comment. The waiter leads us to a table where Jungkooks parents are.

His mom had very nice skin and looked very young, but you could tell she was a mom. While his dad looked kind of intimidating and like a rich business man, which is was.

"Mom, dad, this is Jinri." Jungkook gestures towards me and his mom hugs me while his dad smiles and bows.

"Oh wow, our boy has a very pretty girlfriend." His mom says. I smile a little awkward and we all sit down.

"Jungkook has told me a lot about you." His dad says. I smile and get kind of nervous because what if he asks a question and I answer it wrong? I will just screw everything up. I was a having a panic attack inside. Jungkook puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, I just love her so much." He looks at me. I stare into his eyes and smile.

"Aww, you two are so cute. I'm happy Jungkook finally has real girlfriend. Not those slutty girls in the clubs." His mon points out.

"Mom." Jungkook gives her the look to stop.

"Well, Jinri, Jungkook says that your father owns a hotel in America?" His father says. I look at Jungkook, his lie was just unbelievable.

"Yeah. I don't get so see him often." 

"Jungkook told me you live with your mom, but he hasn't mentioned what her occupation was."

"Oh, my mom.." I thought I had overcome my mom being gone, but it seems that I haven't. I could feel tears start but I hold back.

"Yeah my mom, she uh, she-"

"She works in the makeup industry." Jungkook interrupts me. I nod.

"Oh thats good." We chat through the night, while eating dinner.


Were in the car, driving to Jinris house.

"Hey, so I'm curious, what do your parents actually do?" I ask her.

"Well my dad works as an engineer, and his abroad right now because his boss is working on a new project."

"Oh wow, thats cool. What about your mom."

"She was a chef, Jin looked up to her I did too."

"Then where is she? I didn't see her at your house."

"Shes....gone. She passed away a few years ago." I looked at her. Tears started to form in her eyes. I see a park nearby and decide to park there for a while.

"Jinri, I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry that I mentioned your mom earlier, I had no idea." I say.

"Its fine, no big deal. It was a long time ago. I'm fine." She said all that but more and more tears started to flow out of her eyes.

"Its okay Jinri, let it out." I say.

"If only she didn't have to be raped. If only that guy died instead of going to jail. He should of got murdered since she got murdered!" Shes now bawling out tears.

My eyes widen. Her mom got murdered and raped? Dude.

"Why couldn't I just have got murdered when I was groped? Why did it have to be my mom. She deserved better, she was beautiful. I deserve it more than her." I then get out of the car and open her door and tell her to come with me. She shakes her head. So I offer her a piggyback ride.

I carry her to the park bench that is facing the lake.

My shoulder was all wet from her crying, but it was okay.

I sat her down on the bench and I sat beside her. I look at her and shes still crying, but she got calmer.

I hug her. I can feel her stiff at first but she embraces me back. She really needed it. For a while we stay like that, just so then she can calm down, then we let go.

"Jinri, I'm so sorry. I-"

"Don't worry Jungkook, you don't have to be sorry for anything, you didn't do anything wrong. I just wish I can see my mom again, spend time with her again." She looks out onto the lake then up at the moon and the stars. I just look at her face. It look even more beautiful with the moons lighting. Even though her eyes and nose were red from crying. She still looked stunning in my eyes.

She looks towards me. We just stare at each other sincerely.

"Jinri, just so you know, I'm here. When you need a shoulder, or just to get away, I'll be here. I won't go, I can't leave you, after what you've been through, I won't leave you."

She smiles at that. Then she leans in closer to my face. She gives me a peck on the lips.

"Thanks Jungkook, even though we only met this year, you've been so amazing to me. Making me feel better." She says. She kissed me again. I could feel her almost pulling away but I grab her face and bring her back in. We kiss passionately. It was like a scene in the movies. We pulled away slowly from each other.

"Thank you for everything Jungkook."

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