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"I want you to be mine."

My mouth opens and I just stare at him.


"Mine. I want you, you are owned by me."

"I-I am?"

"Depends on you, yes or no?"

At this point I couldn't say anything. I was so shocked and my heart was racing so fast I couldn't breathe. Instead, unexpectedly I kissed him.

I removed my hands from his and wrapped them around his neck and started to kiss him roughly. I never thought I was capable of this. My hormones are just running wild right now. I can tell he's shocked by my action too as he didn't accept my tounge at first, but soon he did.

There we were on the park hill, making out in public. Luckily there wasn't much people. Even if there was, I wouldn't care, I fucking live for this moment.

After a while we let go to breathe. We stare at each other and smile. Then he hugs me and I hug him back.

"Your mine."


Jungkook told me and Tae he was skipping today. Then Boyoung told me Jinri was skipping too. Boyoung and I were talking over the phone just now.

"So Jungkook loves her back?" She asks.

"Yeah, I think they're together."

"Oh my gosh, then he's probably going to ask her to be his girlfriend!!!"

"Yeah, maybe not ask, but claim her."

"True, true. Well does Taehyung know?"

"Yeah he does, he says he's fine but I can tell he is a little hurt. Jungkook asked him if he can ask Jinri to be his girlfriend the other night. Tae said yes but I'm worried about him."

"Well, I hope him the best. I hope he gets over her and just lets those two be together."

"Yeah. Speaking of Taehyung he's trying to call me right now, gotta go see you. Love you."

"Love you, bye."

I end my call and see Taehyung calling for my name.

"JIMIN!" He runs towards me taking deep breaths.

"What? Why did you run?"

"I, was looking for you..." He said inbetween breaths.

"So what do you need?"

"Can we skip last block please. I didn't do my math and Ms. Cho is such a bitch, lets go please."

"Alright, let me text one of my classmates to cover for me."


Too be honest, I didn't just skip for my last block. I knew exactly where Jungkook was going to go to ask Jinri. I wanted to secretly just spy on him, just to see what hes doing. I mean you can't blame me, im letting one of my bestfriends ask my first love out.

At the park, Jimin and I just stayed in the car for a little.

"What are we doing here Tae?" He asks.

Bus Stop - Jungkook x Reader/oc ffWhere stories live. Discover now