Your First Fight

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"Why can't you just sit the hell down for five minutes and have a real conversation with me?" You asked a bit annoyed. Hidan had been half ass listening to you talk about something very important to you but he kept interrupting you and jumping up to do other things. "Your stories are boring the shit out of me woman!" You gritted your teeth and replied, "See? My point exactly Hidan. I wasn't telling you a story. I was trying to talk to you about something important to me.. and I bet you don't even know what it was."

He looked away from you then darted his eyes back and simply said, "Nope." You stood up and looked him in his magenta eyes. He looked at you wiyh an annoyed expression which quickly changed to a bored one. "Are you done bitching at me yet?" It took everything you had not to smack him in his stupidly handsome face. He rolled his eyes and moved to walk out of the room. You grabbed his shoulder and said, "No, you stay." You quickly walked past him with tears in your eyes and slammed the bedroom door shut.


You were peacefully napping in bed when you were woke up suddenly by a strange feeling. It felt like there were bugs crawling all over you. You threw back the covers and saw a bunch of Deidara's clay insects on you. You screamed and kicked them off making them splatter to the floor.

Deidara jumped out of the closet yelling, "Why did you destroy my art (y/n), un?!" You were in no mood to be messed with and yelled back, "You had the freaky little fuckers crawling on me while I was napping! It freaked me out!" He narrowed his eyes and replied, "You didn't have to ruin them, hm! I was just trying to prank you, un!" You scoffed at him and yelled, "Well you always have said 'art is fleeting' well guess what?! It was fleeting when I kicked that shit off of me! You know I don't like to get woken up like that!"

He grumbled at you the replied in a harsh tone, "Well if that's how you feel then... I think you should leave me alone for a while, un." Your heart felt like it broke into a million pieces at that moment. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and a few of them spilled before you could hide it. You pushed past him and slammed the door shut behind you.


"(Y/n), be careful." Sasori muttered while he was working on his newest puppet. You were currently dancing around the room to your music. You smiled at him and said, "Careful is my middle name Danna." At the exact moment that you finished your sentence you tripped over you own feet and fell onto an unfinished puppet, the impact broke it.

Sasori's eyes widened with anger. He jumped up from his chair and pushed you off of the puppet and grabbed it, putting it on his work table. You felt small tears falling down your face at his actions. He gritted his teeth and looked at you with rage as he said, "I told you to be careful and you were dancing around like an idiot! You broke my puppet! Now I have to start all over on it! Get out of my room RIGHT NOW! I don't want you back in here until you can calm down and stop acting like Tobi!"

You held your breath to hold in a sob but failed as the gasp from the tears escaped your mouth as you jumped up from the floor and limped from twisting your ankle on the puppet. You walked as fast as you could while wiping your eyes and quietly shut the door behind you, sinking to the floor letting the tears flow as you heard him grumbling and mumbling about how you were too clumsy for your own good.


You were doing some paper work for Pein while he was out on business. You had a few documents left to sign then it would all be done. Three weeks of paperwork done in nine hours. You reached to grab the pen from above the papers but knocked over the bottle of white out. It spilled all over the last stack of papers making them unreadable.

Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें