Chapter O4; Taking Blame

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Enjoy xx


Just think about it.

Loving someone, who you really loved with all your heart,

The only true love you had,

The one who you thought was the one.

And after all you've been through, together, just do that to you.

He told me he understood that I had to go for 3 months, for my father.

But..I did break my promise.

If I haven't broken it, nothing like this never had happend..

I broke it.

But, he had to understand,

He had to understand that I had to see my father.

My father I haven't seen in 2 years.

My only chance I had, my only opportunity, to see him. I missed him if course!

I just..remembered something..

He also broke his promise didn't he?

It's not all my fault then, right?

He was the one who promised me, to always remember me.


The one who treated me like a princess, a princess who deserved on Earth. The Earh that's filled with complete messes.


The only one who said, " I Love You. Always And Forever."

The one who cheated on me,

The one,

Who broke,

His promise..


A/N; AGH! Shitty chapter. I wouldn't even call this a chapter. I just had nothing to do at school so..This is what I have done. I like to do it when no one is looking :3 One of my friends know I do this so..

Thanks xx Bye! ~Jess

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