Chapter 1O; Water Fight

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Delilah's P.O.V-

I continued to cry and cry, non-stop. I yelled as loud as I can in my pillow. It wasn't enough though. I actually wanted to yell, like if the world can hear me. But Sam heard me.

"Lilly? Are you okay?" she ran over to my bunk and climed up to comfort me. I couldn't stop. I moved my positon from my pillow and hugged Sam to continue to cry.

"Delilah, you have to tell me what's wrong." She rubbed my back.

"Sam! I just go home!" I stuttered.

"What? Why? What happend?" she asked. Why am I crying? I haven't thought it through.

"Nothing, it's stupid," I said.

"It's about Kellin, isn't it?" I nod.

"Look Lilly, he obviously still loves you and you do, too! Give him another chance. He'll prove it to you. I know he will." she smiled at me.

"But what if he-" she interupted me.

"He's not going to break your heart, Lilly. Trust me! I can feel it," she smiled a little.

"I'll think about it," I sighed.

"Alright," she said.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked Sam.

"Um," she looked at her phone. "Almost 5 in the morning. Why?" she questioned.

"Oh, nothing. I just want sleep. Can you wake me up at around 9 or 10? Please?" I ask.

"Sure," she smiled. I smiled at her back.

"There's the Summer smile I've been waiting for," she laughed.

I chuckled. "Whatever," I smiled.

* * * * * * * * *

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Lilly, wake up!" someone moved me around. I groaned. "What?" I pulled my blanket over my head, knowing it was Sam.

"Time to wake up. You told me to, remember?" She said.

"Okay, thanks." I said.

"No, no. I know this trick. You fooled me once, you fooled me thousands of times, But not today!" she launched. "C'mon! up you go!" she dragged me out of my bunk and carried me.

"Sam, let go. I'm up!" I said.

"Nope, not until your awake. And I know just the thing to wake you!" she laughed. I was confused. Until I realized what she meant.

"Sam, put me down right now." she ignored me and carried me over somewhere out the bus.

"Have fun Lilly!" she said.

"Samantha, Don't you-" I said.

Too late.

She dropped me on the grass and the guys from ATL, PTV, and the members from OTCL started to shoot me with their water guns.

"Stop!" I laughed. All of a sudden, a felt a huge amount of water on me. I gasped. Everyone started to laugh. I turned around to see who the fucking cunt was.

"Alexander!" I yelled. "Come here!" I started to chase him. I finally succeeded and jumped on his back.

"Ahh! Get off me!" he laughed.

"You son of a bitch! Your going to pay for this!" I yelled. He dropped me where I was before, and ran away with the whole crew. I grabbed a water gun and ran towards them. I reached them and started to splash everyone. We all fell to the ground and started to laugh.

"Well, that was fun. Wasn't it Lilly?" Jaime said.

"Even though I'm mad at you guys for doing this, yes if course it was fun!" I laughed and so did everyone.

"Well, I better go change," I said and got up. "See you guys later!" I waved at them and headed to my bus.

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