Chapter (9+10) 21: we all fall sometimes.

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K e l l i n ' s P . O . V . -
The song Vic and Delilah wrote is pretty sure about me. Most of her songs are about replationships, aren't they? If she's going to sing that new song on stage, might as well use one of my songs also. Two can play at that game.
I walk towards Attila's bus.
"Yo Kellin!" Fronz said. and we gave pats on each others backs.
"Hey man! How's it going?" I ask him.
"It's going great! And you?" He asked me.
"It's going fine, I guess. Hey, would you like to sing 'The Best There Ever Was' on our next set on the other date?"
D e l i l a h ' s P . O . V . -
We were heading to our next tour date; Ventura, CA. I couldn't wait to sing the song Vic and I wrote. It's such an amazing song and I can't wait for everyone to listen to it. It's a new chapter for me to start. It's time for me to start writing more calming songs to sing. I could callaborate with many artist and just have fun. I hope the guys like the song.. Escpecially our fans.
Justin decided to travel to our next tour date with us. Well, just for Sam.
"So, do you guys want to listen to the song Vic and I wrote or not?" I sighed. Jack and River were playing games and Justin was giving kisses to Sam.
"Guys! C'mon! I really want you to hear the song! It's freaking amazing! I'll guarantee you guys will love it. C'mon give it a listen. Its really special to me. Please!" I jump up from the couch and go get my guitar. I sat on the couch again and adjusted my guitar,
"Ugh, fine. Hurry up please." Sam groaned.
"Shut the fuck up, Samantha." I rolled my eyes, clearly annoyed.
"Hurry up! I want to kick Jack's ass!" River yelled. "It's not like the song is so important anyway."
"Excuse me?" I got up. "This song came from my heart. And this time, I used my brain!" I yelled.
"What is that suppose to mean?" Sam got up.
"That means that I used my brain, my lyrics. Most of our songs are written by you guys and I didn't really like some of them." I said.
"Then why didn't you say anything?!" Sam yelled.
"Because I didn't want to offend you guys. I wanted you guys to be happy with what you guys written. I only written one song, which was 'Misery Business'! But that was all. When I showed you guys the song, you didn't give a fuck did you? You just went along with it without even giving it a listen. Now, I finally write another one, but you still don't care. I'm human, too, you know? Why can't you guys think about other people, but yourselfs for once. The world isn't evolved around you, does it? Start giving more care to others for a chance, will you?" I stormed in the room and looked at the knob. Oli broke it so I can't lock it. Great. I stayed there until we arrived in Ventura, CA.
// They Arrive omg wtf yas //
I woke up from the nap I apparently took. The bus isn't moving, so I'm guessing we're in Ventura. I lay there, thinking. Not wanting to move, not wanting to breathe, not wanting to be living in this cruel world. But I have to fight. I have to. For the people who love me. I always think that I'm alone, but I'm really not. As you think about it,people have it far worse than me. They struggle more than I do. People would kill to have what I have and I just want to end it, throwing what I have away. I can't let anyone down. I promised them not to end it and a promise is a promise. Many people love me and I just ignore them. I ignore the love and help they're giving me, but I just throw that away and say I'm all alone. I say no one can feel my pain, but they do. I just don't believe them. But it's true. Everyone feels like this and I shouldn't say I'm the ONLY one in the world who feels this. We all fall sometimes.
I'm not alone..

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