Chapter O5; Sleeping With Sirens

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So, instead of hanging out with the rest of the guys, I sat in our bus, on top of the bunk of our side.

Sam's below me. And on the other side of us is Jack and River. River on the bottom and Jack on the top.

On my side, the wall beside me, it's filled with fan art of our fans.

Seeing them always make me smile. They always make me feel special and feel excited to do more spontaneous things for them. More music, new videos, more concerts, more give aways, etc.

On our windowsill, there we voodoo dolls of us. I found that kind of creepy, but cute at the same time. There's plushies of our favorite animals, they made pillows saying

' OTCL FOREVER ' , they've even made Tees! I wear them time to time.

Also, on our windows, they are FILLED with fan written messages.

Some of them said ' Omfg. Found your guys' tour bus! <3 ' or ' I Love You Guys So Much! ' or even ' I'm your #1 Fan!'

Like I said, they always make me smile every time. Make me feel special.

Though, I still feel like I shouldn't be here. Like, I shouldn't be loved. If so I deserve this.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

" Hey there. You alright? " the voice said, a man. "Hm?" I quickly turned my head to face the man. My eyes widen and my heart started to go turbo speed.

" W-who are y-you?" I backed away, my back hitting the wall.

"No, no. Don't be scared, darling. I'm Superman." He laughed, but I kept a serious face on. I didn't find this funny at all. He stopped laughing at my remark.

" Uhm, I guess, I'm not that funny for you?" I'm still confused.

" I'm confused. What's actually your real name and please state your business here." He sighed and giggled afterwards.

" Okay. I'm Justin Hills, from Sleeping With Sirens. And I was sent here by your band mates." I sighed,relieved.

He laughed at my remark once again.

" Oh thank god. Thought you were some crazy fan or a kidnapper. I mean could of you knocked?"

" Um, dear, I did."

I got confused.

" Okay, I knocked. No answer. Knocked twice, still no answer. I came in, called you out, still no answer. So, I tapped you once. Yet, still no answer. And tapped you once more, and you turned. You were really thinking hard weren't you?" I nod. " Yeah."

" What about? Like to share?" He got up to the top and sat crossed legged in front of me.

" I.. don't know. I really don't know who you are but your name and the band you are in." I bit my lip.

" I'm Superman. Like, I've said."

Still didn't find it funny.

" Um. Still no." I giggle.

" Dang. But would you like to share? You know, sometimes it helps when you speak it out." He held my hand.

" Well, lets just say..Ive had it rough during my teenage years and it came back to haunt me." I held his hand back, tight. He yelped in pain. I loosened my grip " Sorry.." I mumble out.

" it's Alright. And what do you mean, ' came back to haunt you'?" He actually sounded like he cared.

I sigh. " Well, My ex boyfriend during those years, well cheated on me while I was gone to visit my father." I wanted to cry. I guess it sounded like I was because he moved next to me and hugged me tight. I had to cry there.

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