Chapter 27; no one can hear me

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D e l i l a h ' s P . O . V . -

"Hey Lilly." I looked up from the book I was reading, 'Silence' by Natasha Preston (It's a really good book I recommend it). My heart started to beat fast.

"Uh, hey, Alan," I smiled at him, blushing. "What're you doing here?" I looked around. I'm in a really peaceful place nobody would come to, but I guess Alan found out about it. Which sure, I'm in the plain area with really nice flowers and a pretty nice view of a lake.

"I always come here to get some peace and quiet. You, too, I assume?" he sat next to me on the blanket I laid on the ground.

"Yeah. I thought I was the only one who wanted peace and quiet. Hey, don't you feel pain or anything?" I asked, feeling worried.

"Nope. I feel better now." he says proudly. I look at him and like his side, gently.

"Ow- oh wow! That book is amazing!" He tried to recover. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Alan, I'm really so-" he put his finger up to my lips.

"Shshsh! I told you it's okay. Yeah, I still feel a little pain, but I'm okay. Really I am." he chuckled and looked at me. I look back at him and see something in his eyes that I can't seem to understand. I look away.

"Um, I really should get going. I've been here after my set which was like 3 hours ago." I close my book and stand, so does Alan. I rush and pick up my things, fold my blanket, and straighten my clothes.

"It was nice talking to you, Alan. I'll-" as soon as I turn around, Alan grabs hold of my face and pushes his lips against mine. I felt a shock go right through me and my heart is beating faster than usual. I didn't know what to do. Should I push him away? Do I kiss him back? Right now, I'm standing here like an idiot while Alan Ashby is kissing me. What does this mean?


"Alan," I try to push him off of me, but he got aggressive and held me really close against his body. "Alan, please." I mumbled.

"Kiss me back!" He said.

"No, Alan!" By now, all of my stuff were on the ground. Suddenly, now I am.

"Alan!" His hands were roaming under my clothes and I felt a shiver go down my spine. One of his hands were tightly against my cheek and the other is undoing his belt.

"Oh my god, Alan. Please dont!" My eyes began to water.

"Shh, baby. Everything's going to be fine. No one will know." his lips were roaming my neck. I had no choice, but to bite his cheek as hard as I could.

"Owe! Fucking bitch!" I ran. I ran as fast as I could, away from Alan.

"Come back here! You will pay for this, you skank!" By now, I was crying.

What's happening?!

"Got you now!" Kellin jumped out of no where and grabbed me.

"You'll pay for what you have done to me." he said and pulled out a knife.

"Kellin, please! It's not my fault!" I cried and cried. "I'm sorry!"

"It's too late to apologize now." he put the knife up to my neck and began to slide it across. I cried and screamed, but no one could hear me.

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