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Kellin's POV:

"Kellin are you almost ready? Everyone's waiting for you, hurry up!" Our church director, Justin, called for me. I almost forgot to take my phone and headphones out of my suitcase, making everyone stay behind. But I didn't want to drive as long as we did without music. That would be the worst. I quickly grabbed them and jumped into the church van, taking my seat. Justin climbed in the driver's seat and started the engine. All of us are pretty tired from it being so early in the morning, or we would all be talking and laughing like always.

"Glad you finally decided to join us, Kellin." Justin teased. I smiled and unraveled my headphones. Something I hate. I put them in and played some My Chemical Romance, but not too loudly because I don't want to have any complaints from anyone. We all had a long drive ahead of us, and it would make it worse if people started fighting.

Why were we having to drive so far? Because a few of us teens got to be interns at a Christian summer camp for younger teenagers for 3 whole months. We had to stay in dorms with the other interns, work there, and help out with everything. We were only allowed our cellphones on weekends, and we had to be there a week before the first camp starts.

There is a different group of kids every week between thirteen and eighteen, and our jobs are to be friendly with the kids and work there for the older adults. Technically all of us are adults, but we have much more fun jobs than they do. We all have different jobs actually, according to what we want. But all the interns have to run concessions. That's the rule.

My job is praise and worship leader. It's not something I would've chosen because it's a pretty important position, but Justin practically forced me to sign up. I don't have a problem with it, but there are about a thousand kids and adults at this camp every week. It's a little nerve racking. I've sang praise and worship for our youth group a few times, but this is a lot more people than our youth group. Plus, there are going to be a lot of other interns, and I don't want them to tease me about it the whole time.

I can't wait to meet all the other interns. We have dorms with 8 bunk beds in each of the four rooms in one dorm, just like the kids, but we get bunked with random people instead of with our church. And we are allowed to switch if we want to, so that's a good thing. Poor kids. It would suck to be forced to room with people you don't like. But from what I've heard, all the interns pretty much get along.

I like having something to do for the summer. Especially something like this, where I can meet people and make some new friends. I'd really like to meet someone special, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I highly doubt there will be another gay guy at a church camp.

That's pretty much the only issue I'm facing with going into this, is that I'm gay and I don't think the coordinators of this thing would be too pleased about that. I've been keeping it under the radar for about two years now, because even though I'm lucky to have a great church and circle of friends, I'm not sure how they'd react. I've never really had a taste for girls, and I realized why two years ago when I started having feelings for a boy in my youth group named Oliver Sykes. There aren't many attractive people in my small town, and when he started attending my church, I realized I found him very attractive. But eventually my feelings for Oliver went down over the years. He's more of a friend than a crush and I'm fine with that. He's actually going with us. He and Josh Francheschi were both going to be what they call "water boys" which are the guys that ride around in golf carts and have coolers of water to keep everyone hydrated and water guns to spray people with.

I hope this summer is good, because I don't want it to be wasted. I'm nineteen and I'll be going off the college soon, so I want to have a great summer while I can, which I'm almost sure will happen.

I'm very excited, and I hope that something amazing comes from all of this.

Interns {Kellic} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now